Debate Now Prove your case! Is Homosexuality genetic or a choice?

The key point is....What difference does it make

I may be wired to be homosexual or I may fall in love with someone of the same sex

Why should anyone be interfering with who I am allowed to love?
The key point is....What difference does it make

I may be wired to be homosexual or I may fall in love with someone of the same sex

Why should anyone be interfering with who I am allowed to love?

I don't think anyone can interfere with who you love or who you are allowed to love ... Because no one else controls any of that.
Might be a great subject for a thread addressing that issue ... Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Get one started and see how it goes.

The key point is....What difference does it make

I may be wired to be homosexual or I may fall in love with someone of the same sex

Why should anyone be interfering with who I am allowed to love?

I don't think anyone can interfere with who you love or who you are allowed to love ... Because no one else controls any of that.
Might be a great subject for a thread addressing that issue ... Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Get one started and see how it goes.

You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships
That's it. No fancy thesis, no viewpoint of my own (yet). All that lies here is a challenge to you the reader to prove the origins of homosexuality. Who here can make the more compelling case for their side?

The rules are as follows:

1. No ad hominem (personal attacks)
2. No mention of any political party (Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, et cetera).
3. No anti-Gay or anti-Christian commentary.
4. All arguments must be substantiated by citing credible and scientific sources.
5. No arguments based on emotional viewpoints.
6. No discussion regarding religious or non religious views of Homosexuality. Let the science (or your interpretation therein) do the talking.
7. Attempts to derail this thread will be actively reported to forum staff.
8. This thread will be governed under "Zone 1" regulations.

The origins are found in nature. Let me explain.

Humans are a form of hominid. Hominids are "erect bipedal primate mammals that includes recent humans together with extinct ancestral and related forms and in some recent classifications the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan hominids are in the genus ape." (Websters.)

In nature "there is documented evidence of homosexual behavior of one or more of the following kinds: sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, or parenting." (Bruce Bagemihl's 1999 book Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. )

Humans are unique in nature in so far as they have the ability to read, write and communicate ideas on paper. One of those ideas has been the idea of writing down lists of activities that should be selected as taboo for all human communities. This presumably to set us out as higher forms of life.

One of these written rules, in the past, was the rule to make homosexual behavior taboo. This rule has recently come under fire.

Thus, to your question the origin of homosexuality is clearly based on human / animal desires for "sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, or parenting." Yeah that last one sounds odd, note: it was not my list.

IOW you can say it's taboo, but that does not make the desire less real.
The key point is....What difference does it make

I may be wired to be homosexual or I may fall in love with someone of the same sex

Why should anyone be interfering with who I am allowed to love?
And why should some seek to make it into a political issue or the subject of public debate.
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.

You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
The difference applies to how one can enforce laws against the so called taboo behavior. This based on the prior majority desire to make said behavior taboo within our communities.
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
The difference applies to how one can enforce laws against the so called taboo behavior. This based on the prior majority desire to make said behavior taboo within our communities.

Why should government pass laws on consensual relationships that do nothing to harm society?

How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?

Hey ... I am just responding because I don't want you to think I am ignoring you.
You have ideas worth discussing on the matter ... And I am willing to discuss them.

I am not a forum cop ... And don't want to take over the OP's job in directing the discussion.
Perhaps you need to revisit the opening post and review the specifics.
Perhaps you need to review the description of how Structured Debates work provided by CK ... They are in beta testing and up for changes as necessary.

I have to say that it is difficult at times because of the structure provided ... But it does force the participant to investigate ideas from a certain point of view.
A point of view they may not hold or agree with ... And it opens opportunities to better understand the specifics of a particular argument.

I like it because it makes you get out of your comfort zone and into the meat of an specific discussion.
Otherwise ... I will keep any further discussion in this thread within the boundaries of the set parameters.

The key point is....What difference does it make

I may be wired to be homosexual or I may fall in love with someone of the same sex

Why should anyone be interfering with who I am allowed to love?

I don't think anyone can interfere with who you love or who you are allowed to love ... Because no one else controls any of that.
Might be a great subject for a thread addressing that issue ... Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Get one started and see how it goes.

You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Which has nothing to do with this STRUCTURED DEBATE.

Your point is worth discussing, but it deflects from the point.
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
The difference applies to how one can enforce laws against the so called taboo behavior. This based on the prior majority desire to make said behavior taboo within our communities.

Why should government pass laws on consensual relationships that do nothing to harm society?

Start a structured debate on that point. Let this one play out on the OP's terms.
Regardless at to whether or not being a homo is genetic or not, it does, in fact, take a conscious CHOICE on behalf of the person afflicted with abnormal sexual impulses to ACT on them.

They do have another choice, and that is to seek psychiatric help. I've met individuals that had previously been married and lived a normal life, only to later engage in homosexual sex. This is a male I refer to. He had NO feminine characteristics about him what so ever, and didn't after he decided to experiment with queers. This was something he was talked into and influenced to do. It had nothing to do with genetics or being born that way. He simply was in a vulnerable point in his life and was easy to influence by a perverted segment of society. A classic example of participating in homosexual behavior simply because you were talked into it.

How many cases are like that? Probably far more than anyone is willing to admit, because the homosexuals have infiltrated the public school systems and their perverted agenda is being taught to very young, very impressionable children. Obviously, the vast majority of kids aren't born homo, but decide to experiment with it and act out homosexual sex just because they've been told it's ok, it's just an alternate life style.

And that is the best tool the homos have, since they can't reproduce more homos, they TEACH more kids to BE homo.
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
The difference applies to how one can enforce laws against the so called taboo behavior. This based on the prior majority desire to make said behavior taboo within our communities.

Why should government pass laws on consensual relationships that do nothing to harm society?

Start a structured debate on that point. Let this one play out on the OP's terms.
Fair enough

I believe most gays are born that way
I believe bisexuals can drift any way they choose

If you want proof, just ask those who are gay. They are the ones best suited to discuss their sexuality. They will tell you they knew about their sexual preference at an early time in their life. They rarely talk about a choice other than the choice to tell others about their sexual preference
Fair enough

I believe most gays are born that way
I believe bisexuals can drift any way they choose

If you want proof, just ask those who are gay. They are the ones best suited to discuss their sexuality. They will tell you they knew about their sexual preference at an early time in their life. They rarely talk about a choice other than the choice to tell others about their sexual preference

As far as "asking those who are gay" ... Perhaps you need to review the links provided by Coyote earlier in the thread and compliant with the Structured Debate specifications.
You can click on the arrow and it will take you to the post.

There is a lot of space between genetic and a "choice" - those aren't the only two options in otherwords.

The OP's question is impossible to prove but what does it matter?

Its no one's business what consenting adults do together and government should have no say in it.
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
The difference applies to how one can enforce laws against the so called taboo behavior. This based on the prior majority desire to make said behavior taboo within our communities.
Again, the difference is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant; whether homosexuality manifests by birth or choice, no law seeking to disadvantage gay Americans predicated on their sexual orientation can pass Constitutional muster.
The OP's question is impossible to prove but what does it matter?

Its no one's business what consenting adults do together and government should have no say in it.

Regardless of the amount of evidence provided, the OP will declare it to be inadequate proof and thereby declare it as proof that homosexuality is a choice
You miss the point

Regardless of the root cause of homosexuality, the government has no Buisiness regulating your relationships

Nah ... I didn't miss the point.

You either cannot understand how the Structured Debate Section works (which I seriously doubt is the case) ... Or just haven't realized how the thread is contained within.
I don't have a problem with what you are trying to suggest ... Wouldn't mind expounding on it more.
It just doesn't fit the parameters of the thread as defined by the OP ... And I gave you a link to where you can start a thread, set your parameters and discuss all you want.

Let me know if you need any more help ... Glad to assist.



How about this?

A little of both. Some may be wired homosexual and some may choose it

But what difference does the cause make?
The difference applies to how one can enforce laws against the so called taboo behavior. This based on the prior majority desire to make said behavior taboo within our communities.

Why should government pass laws on consensual relationships that do nothing to harm society?
RW see my post #45. Note how I wrote it stating in summary what my post would be about, then providing structured fact based commentary. Followed by a conclusion that is supportable from the facts.

Your question is a valid question. But it is not a statement of facts, more so than it is a plea for reasonable laws.

The government passes laws on consensual relationships because the majority of people vote for authoritarian political party leaders. If needed I can provide evidence of authoritarian actions of the political parties with regard to the OP.

However, I suggest you try to mirror what I did in post #45 to make your point based on facts. For example, if you could show that government makes laws that decide whether or not homosexuality is genetic or a choice, you could then make your point in a structured fact based way.

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