provocative title from right-leaning news outlet Town Hall: "To Save The Republic, Destroy The Media"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Provocative but right on the money!

"It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life."
Can't see the link... Won't load for me for some reason.

But we don't need to destroy it... Just break it from businesses that have outside reasons to lie within it. When the parent company is beholden to countries/governments then they will obviously have sway over our politics via our media.
When they LIE, when their inflammatory rhetoric causes harm, they need to be severely punished. If, as is likely, they cause real violence in America they should NOT be allowed to escape unharmed. They have become a focus of evil, TRUE EVIL.

Provocative but right on the money!

"It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life."
The first step of all fascist dictatorships.
Destroy the free media!
Because their lies and propaganda cannot survive the truth.

Provocative but right on the money!

"It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life."
The first step of all fascist dictatorships.
Destroy the free media!
Because their lies and propaganda cannot survive the truth.
I agree. However, there is more than one way to destroy the media and the Fascist dictators of the Democrat party have used infiltration as their preferred method.

A free media is one that does not favor any ideology, full stop.

We don't have free media at this time.

Provocative but right on the money!

"It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life."
Town hall shows no self-awareness at all.

Provocative but right on the money!

"It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life."
The first step of all fascist dictatorships.
Destroy the free media!
Because their lies and propaganda cannot survive the truth.
You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in the nuts.
The first step of all fascist dictatorships.
Destroy the free media!

This was talking about the Reich media, not the free media.

Because their lies and propaganda cannot survive the truth.

Isn't that why Twitter, Fascistbook, and the rest censor pro-American views?

The lies of the Reich propaganda corps cannot survive the American public telling the truth.
"To Save The Republic, Destroy The Media"

Typical of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the First Amendment and freedom of the press.

“The profession, or at least what it used to be and is supposed to be, is important to the country. People need to know what is happening in their world. But what we have now is not journalism, it’s something else, something beyond propaganda. It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life.” ibid

This is a lie, as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Provocative but right on the money!

"It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life."
This could be the only thing that all Americans agree on.
Myself, I haven't watched news on a television in years. And that is sad. I would like to, but have no interest hearing only one side of all the stories.
And in my opinion - THIS IS BY DESIGN.

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