PSA: The USA Is Up For Grabs


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
In case the bulk of you partisan hacks haven’t noticed... we have long since passed the PNR. The nation that both establishment sides claim to be the bannermen for, died long before any of us were born.
What we have before us is, the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. It’s past has been forsaken, in favor of “progress”. Forgotten, for the most part are the founders original intentions.
What we are left with is an ideological struggle for who would wield the “Excalibur” of empires.
We live in exciting times. And the future belongs to those who are willing to let go of the past, and instead; create the future.
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I wish my credit card would let go of the past..The end is not near and we shouldn't fear for the future..
In case the bulk of you partisan hacks haven’t noticed... we have long since passed the PNR. The nation that both establishment sides claim to be the bannermen for, died long befor any of us were born.
What we have before us is, the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. It’s past has been forsaken, in favor of “progress”. Forgotten, for the most part are the founders original intentions.
What we are left with is an ideological struggle for who would wield the “Excalibur” of empires.
We live in exciting times. And the future belongs to those who are willing to let go of the past, and instead; create the future.

Note to the weak minded, when we lose the bedrock principles of the founding, we will lose everything that makes this country special.

Note to the weak minded, when we lose the bedrock principles of the founding, we will lose everything that makes this country special.

Very true, and we seem to be dangerously close to it occuring.

Yep, that's why we can't stop educating people why we are who we are. Our founders had a very unique vision of what a country could be. We've allowed the courts and politicians bastardize that vision, recalling the words the founders used to convey that vision, is the best antidote.

Yep, that's why we can't stop educating people why we are who we are. Our founders had a very unique vision of what a country could be. We've allowed the courts and politicians bastardize that vision, recalling the words the founders used to convey that vision, is the best antidote.

True. We've also allowed our citizens to forget or disregard the idea of personal security and self-defense. We now expect the Government to protect us instead.
Yep, that's why we can't stop educating people why we are who we are. Our founders had a very unique vision of what a country could be. We've allowed the courts and politicians bastardize that vision, recalling the words the founders used to convey that vision, is the best antidote.

True. We've also allowed our citizens to forget or disregard the idea of personal security and self-defense. We now expect the Government to protect us instead.

I agree to a point, but it all boils down to we aren't teaching personal responsibility anymore, financially, socially or spiritually. Excuses have been made up for virtually everything.

This nation is losing its identity fast. It’s not too late to force change...but people really need to get angry, stay angry, make demands and stop rolling over for who/what is essentially the enemy.
America’s identity is as strong and dynamic as it has always been. Change is part of the nature of American identity.
America’s identity is as strong and dynamic as it has always been. Change is part of the nature of American identity.

NEGATIVE...sounds noble as fuck...but wrong as fuck.
The change here is far from “natural”....The “change” here is the result of federal laws being ignored and the will of the people not being carried out by elected politicians.
America has always been a land of many peoples, identities, beliefs, languages, and ideas bound together by our founding principles and shared destiny.

And it always will be.

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