Psaki Bomb!!!


she nails it every time.
show data that conservatives are getting vaccinated at a lower rate than dems .
And during all of it, working for Putin.

View attachment 514659


trump humper says what?

Russia’s Oval Office Victory Dance

The cozy meeting between President Trump and Russia’s foreign minister came at Vladimir Putin’s insistence.
May 10, 2017

When President Donald Trump hosted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office on Wednesday just hours after firing the FBI director who was overseeing an investigation into whether Trump’s team colluded with the Russians, he was breaking with recent precedent at the specific request of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The chummy White House visit—photos of the president yukking it up with Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak were released by the Russian Foreign Ministry since no U.S. press was allowed to cover the visit—had been one of Putin’s asks in his recent phone call with Trump, and indeed the White House acknowledged this to me later Wednesday. “He chose to receive him because Putin asked him to,” a White House spokesman said of Trump’s Lavrov meeting. “Putin did specifically ask on the call when they last talked.”

Israeli Intelligence Furious Over Trump’s Loose Lips

As the U.S. president heads to Israel for a show of unity, the country’s spies are alarmed at his disclosures to the Russians.

MAY 19, 2017, 3:32 PM
Just days before President Donald Trump’s arrival in Tel Aviv, Israeli intelligence officials were shouting at their American counterparts in meetings, furious over news that the U.S. commander in chief may have compromised a vital source of information on the Islamic State and possibly Iran, according to a U.S. defense official in military planning.
Israeli Intelligence Furious Over Trump’s Loose Lips
her first day she said that she 'would never lie' to the press; then proceeded to lie to the press.
A Kayleigh Press Conference consisted of her “Book of Lies”
Whatever the question, she would open up her book of lies and read a prepared lie on the subject.
She was also a master of the walk off where she would read a scolding condemnation of the press and then walk off
With all due respect, Playtime...we could have had Hillary meeting with the Russian ambassador...or have you forgotten the "Reset Button" fiasco? Thank god we avoided four years of her in the White House!
What was the Reset Fiasco?
Hillary sad Russia had a chance to reset our relations and they blew it

Not nearly the fiasco of Trump calling Putin more honest than our intelligence agencies
the says conservatives arent getting vaccinated but the majority of white elderly [most of whom tend to vote republican ] are vaccinated ! more bullshit division from the left ..

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