Psaki Bomb!!!

No, I'm consistent. I didn't trust the Russians during the Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden years.


Pulled out of your ass. What did she lie about?

This didn't actually address the discussion. I do like a guy who parroted Democrats misquoting Trump for four years suddenly caring about truth, but I do. So go ahead
Pulled out of your ass. What did she lie about?

This didn't actually address the discussion. I do like a guy who parroted Democrats misquoting Trump for four years suddenly caring about truth, but I do. So go ahead
With all due respect, Playtime...we could have had Hillary meeting with the Russian ambassador...or have you forgotten the "Reset Button" fiasco? Thank god we avoided four years of her in the White House!

hillary hillary hillary....

hillary never coughed up israeli intel to them thar rooooskies.

nice try.... doesn't fly.

deflection denied.jpg

The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting

Sonam Sheth
Sep 10, 2019, 11:52 AM

The US decided to extract a top-secret source from Russia after President Donald Trump revealed classified information to two Russian officials in 2017, CNN reported on Monday.

A person directly involved with the discussions told the outlet the US was concerned that Trump and his administration routinely mishandled classified intelligence and that their actions could expose the covert source as a spy within the Russian government.

The New York Times reported that the asset was a mid-level Russian official the CIA had cultivated decades ago who had rapidly moved up through the ranks of the Russian government. Eventually, the report said, the source became invaluable after landing "an influential position" that included access to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting

No leftist link bull shit. Give a few examples yourself of what Kayleigh ever lied about. Links are to BACK UP your claims with quotes. Not argue it for you. You can't do it, can you? You have to say here's a leftist bull shit link to fight through

Another, here's my manhood as a link BS reply.

Make your OWN argument BACK IT UP with links

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