CDZ Psychology Speaking

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
Pretty interesting stuff, particularly the part about how the internet may not be a driving force. I assumed that the internet would have been at the top of the list. Perhaps the internet, rather than driving conspiracy theories, keeps them organized for people and makes them more vivid and (somehow) more believable.

Clearly, people who fall into conspiracy theories are filling some kind of psychological and/or emotional need. She talks about how both narcissism and a feeling of powerlessness (a pretty interesting combination) both play a role. Maybe those two qualities combine to create this profound paranoia that's also a part of it.

A pronounced lack of critical thinking has to be a part of this, as well. These people clearly don't intellectually challenge these ideas; they just buy into them, and off they go. That would make sense, since so many have been conditioned to believe what they're told, particularly that which makes them more paranoid.

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
Isn't thinking that many things that opposes your view or needs or you've been kept from hearing, or misread, must be a conspiracy, is conspiracy thinking in unto itself?
Once a person abandons (or has never developed) a sense of personal responsibility, it is natural for him to identify frustrations in obtaining desires as being the result of the force of others. Essentially, there is a lack of internal resources at play.
Of course, there are examples of real "conspiracies" that lend credence to the category.

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
One thing is certain, government is a very big conspiracy theory.
One thing is certain, government is a very big conspiracy theory.

Did you read about the reasons why so many people think that? This is an enlightening opportunity for those Americans who are able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
Isn't thinking that many things that opposes your view or needs or you've been kept from hearing, or misread, must be a conspiracy, is conspiracy thinking in unto itself?
Your message doesn't make any sense. If you can ask a proper question I'll try to answer. Better still you just read the link thoroughly and understand it.

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
One thing is certain, government is a very big conspiracy theory.
no theory about it,, its a conspiracy fact that they are working against freedom,,

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
Conspiracy theories are far easier to believe than the alarmingly regular gaslighting that emanates from the gubmint and its media-industrial lapdog toadies.

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
Pretty interesting stuff, particularly the part about how the internet may not be a driving force. I assumed that the internet would have been at the top of the list. Perhaps the internet, rather than driving conspiracy theories, keeps them organized for people and makes them more vivid and (somehow) more believable.

Clearly, people who fall into conspiracy theories are filling some kind of psychological and/or emotional need. She talks about how both narcissism and a feeling of powerlessness (a pretty interesting combination) both play a role. Maybe those two qualities combine to create this profound paranoia that's also a part of it.

A pronounced lack of critical thinking has to be a part of this, as well. These people clearly don't intellectually challenge these ideas; they just buy into them, and off they go. That would make sense, since so many have been conditioned to believe what they're told, particularly that which makes them more paranoid.
Thank you for your intelligent reply. You've obviously read or listened to her and understood.

Where do you think this will take the board's members now that they understand somewhat? Will some now attempt to turn their conspiracy theories into a reality for themselves or will some stop and consider. I'm afraid it will be more the former.

No doubt the internet is doing what you suggest on making conspiracy theories more believable.
Theorists put some very far out ideas and claim lofty credentials to go with their theories. This should make people aware that credentials should be suspect before they're accepted. Some chemical or mechanical engineers are still bringing building 7 down with explosives!

Everybody does it at some point in time. Here are some good answers as to why, and also some answers on why people feel the need to promote and believe in conspiracy theories.

And much more!

Nobody wants to appear guilty of promoting conspiracy theories and so they invariably believe their personal conspiracy theories are the true account.

Can a few answers, as are contained in this piece serve to dissaude some from promoting the own conspiracy theories?

note to moderator: I was just about to post the personal content. Sorry for the delay,
Isn't thinking that many things that opposes your view or needs or you've been kept from hearing, or misread, must be a conspiracy, is conspiracy thinking in unto itself?
Your message doesn't make any sense. If you can ask a proper question I'll try to answer. Better still you just read the link thoroughly and understand it.
You answered my question, when you said you didn't understand it (aka misreading it).
It must be a conspiracy to confuse you. ;-)
You answered my question, when you said you didn't understand it (aka misreading it).
It must be a conspiracy to confuse you. ;-)

We'll try to keep the conversation directed toward learning something about the topic, with our without your contributions.

hint: It's o.k. to say what you're thinking in more than just one sentence.
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I've made no accusations of it being the Trump supporters who are the conspiracy theorists and I haven't seen anyone else do so yet.

But it can at least be said that some of the Trump supporters are being angered by this conversation and are already attempting to spam the topic.

This is the CDZ! Let's all play by the rules.
You answered my question, when you said you didn't understand it (aka misreading it).
It must be a conspiracy to confuse you. ;-)

We'll try to keep the conversation directed toward learning something about the topic, with our without your contributions.

hint: It's o.k. to say what you're thinking in more than just one sentence.
Here's something on topic...

What else do you expect people to do and think, when they're being so blatantly and obviously lied to and gaslighted?
One thing is certain, government is a very big conspiracy theory.
If you have something to contribute about the government, be it fact or conspiracy theory, don't hesitate to speak up.

Your comments so far are just more spamming than being helpful.
How about your version of what happened on 911? Did the government get it about right?
Here's something on topic...

What else do you expect people to do and think, when they're being so blatantly and obviously lied to and gaslighted?

How about some substance on the 'gaslighting and lying'?

Just vague innuendoes are worthless for moving the discussion on to some conclusions.

Do you dispute the official 911 story?
Do you have a 'theory' on anything?
One thing is certain, government is a very big conspiracy theory.
If you have something to contribute about the government, be it fact or conspiracy theory, don't hesitate to speak up.

Your comments so far are just more spamming than being helpful.
How about your version of what happened on 911? Did the government get it about right?
Did the government get it about right?

No....Their "bipartisan commission" was a brazen and obvious cover-up.

i'll ask the question again: what do you expect that people will think and do when you're blatantly lying to them?
Here's something on topic...

What else do you expect people to do and think, when they're being so blatantly and obviously lied to and gaslighted?

How about some substance on the 'gaslighting and lying'?

Just vague innuendoes are worthless for moving the discussion on to some conclusions.

Do you dispute the official 911 story?
Do you have a 'theory' on anything?
It's not vague at all...The 9/11commission was a total whitewash and affront to honest fact finding.

Nobody needs to engage in arguments over melted steel beams, a pilot who couldn't even control an airliner in a simulator pulling off advanced areobatic maneuvers, or a building not struck and only minimally involved in a structure fire collapsing in its own footprint, to recognize the fact.

Hell, large parts of the Warren commission report are still under seal, over fifty years later.

So, again, what do you expect people are going to do when you're blatantly lying to them, hiding uncomfortable facts, and covering things up?

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