Who Is Going To Tell The GOP They’ve Been on the Wrong Side of History?

Who will break the news to the GOP that they have been on the wrong side of history for too long?

  • Liz Cheney

  • Susan Collins

  • Larry Hogan

  • Roger Marshall

  • Joni Ernst

  • Other

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Something else your blob failed at doing. He really sucked as President.
Actually, he did real good considering the insurrection and couo attempts being thrown at him constantly.
Not sure what that has to do with anything.

What is true is that when George Floyd was murdered, you guys tried to find every possible reason to justify it.

This is just one of a couple of dozen things I could point to where you guys go out of your way to defend the indefensible and then wonder why you get bad press.
George Floyd died from a Fentanyl overdose.
They just didn't get him to a hospital in time.
Let this marinate....

He claims he talks to Klan members....and he also claims he’s married to an African American.
Anyone who grew up in the South can tell you the same story.

Most Democrats I know just can't bring themselves to vote for the turd burglars that the Democrats keep throwing at them, so they just don't bother to vote. And you can't talk politics with them. Mention the election and they either scream "NO POLITICS" or they run out of the room pissed off.
The GOP is dead ......died the day Reagan/Bush took office and brought Supply Side Wreckanomics, Home Loan Scam, Iran Contra, Off shoring USA jobs, MORE WAR, lies lies and more lies and in general brought Fascism/Communism to the USA government.

The GOP is dead .......realize it.

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Apr 19, 2003 — Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential ...
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If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
Who will tell DEmocrats they are poopyheads?
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
It Trump wins, you guys get to enjoy a great economy again, fearful war mongers keeping their heads low, and little illegal immigration.
See what I mean guys?

And you wonder why you get bad press.
His autopsy clearly stated cause of death as drug overdose. If it hadn't been a cop holding him down they would have said he died from COVID.

But they saw the opportunity and they milked that mother fucker for all it was worth.

It's like this silly Hamas BS, based off of nothing but lies.
No one but inbred retards support the KKK moron. They will never again have the political power they had when the Democratic party was it's patron. To this day you loons venerate shit stains like Robert Byrd and LBJ.
The KKK is practically dead.
Now most of what's left are a few gun enthusiasts or militia members.
See what I mean guys?

And you wonder why you get bad press.
Wow, the press is the modern day version of SIGNAL.

I am happy I don't get good press from the likes of them!
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
Oh no, not the wrong side of history. How will I live with that.
Hamas and hezbollah just fired missiles into Israel today because your President broadcast he wasn't going to send aid to Israel. Biden is helping the terrorists. He should be dragged out of the White House by his heels.
This is a lie and a red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is about the fact that the GOP is consistently on the wrong side of history.

Republicans are on the wrong side of history concerning the rights of gay and transgender Americans, immigration, reproductive rights, the decriminalization of marijuana, and reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

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