Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown

So, still no Trumpflakes willing to address the reality of public opinion and how it affects elections. Just endless deflection instead.

Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

Yeah OK velvet cheese....LOL

Eight months into Bush II's Presidency we suffered an attack on the World Trade Center. GWB Declared a war on terrorism (a noun) [less than a month into Clinton's first term in office, we suffered an attack on the World Trade Center - Clinton saw it as a crime and the perp. is still in prison]. Food for thought.
The President said he was going to run America like his businesses. Apparently we have reached the part where he would usually just declare bankruptcy and run away.

Bankruptcy? That would be Democrats morals and patriotism. Running away? Again Democrats are afraid to vote for the country.
Useless because you don’t like the results.
When the R’s run the entire government and only an idiot would say it’s not the republican’s fault.

Schumer didn't like the results, so he quit. Funny part is he thought he had the big ace in the hole with threatening a shutdown. Those soldiers out there understand they are better off with Trump than Obama. This flu will continue to kill and the Democrats get to own that.
Your piece of shit party has the presidency and both chambers of Congress. Trying to blame this on the democrats is just plain bullshit.
So, still no Trumpflakes willing to address the reality of public opinion and how it affects elections. Just endless deflection instead.

It’s the economy stupid… That’s the be-all end all
Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown

Ah, yeah, right, all of the major democratically controlled
and favored news sources that always see everything in
favor of the democrats have miraculously produced polls
that amazingly show the public blaming the GOP for the
Schumer Shutdown! Ol' Chuckie couldn't even see fit to
budge an inch in his tireless efforts to protect every
imaginable right of illegal aliens here against the law even
to extend the deadline for another two weeks!


Ah the beauty of seeing the Democrats time and time and time again keep denying reality to themselves and their supporters
despite abject failure after abject failure. The Democrats have no 'B' plan and it will be culpable deniability to the bitter end as
they see their hopes for another election yet again go right down the tubes.

So, still no Trumpflakes willing to address the reality of public opinion and how it affects elections. Just endless deflection instead.


Again...polls are useless and are not reality. But it makes you feel good so the MSM has accomplished it's mission....with you anyway
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

The Dirty Democrats caused The Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on the Bush.
Democrats are bad for America.
Your piece of shit party has the presidency and both chambers of Congress. Trying to blame this on the democrats is just plain bullshit.

Interesting you adhere to the concept everyone in a political party must think and act the same. Explains tons.

You seem angry, that is usually when I am winning.
The President said he was going to run America like his businesses. Apparently we have reached the part where he would usually just declare bankruptcy and run away.

Bankruptcy? That would be Democrats morals and patriotism. Running away? Again Democrats are afraid to vote for the country.
Yes bankruptcy. Your serial sex offending president is running the country like a business.
Like his 5 bankruptcies.
Isn’t it ironic that on the one year anniversary of his inauguration the government is shut down.
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

Yeah OK velvet cheese....LOL

Eight months into Bush II's Presidency we suffered an attack on the World Trade Center. GWB Declared a war on terrorism (a noun) [less than a month into Clinton's first term in office, we suffered an attack on the World Trade Center - Clinton saw it as a crime and the perp. is still in prison]. Food for thought.

Sigh....more worn out left loonism. My kingdom for any left loon with an ounce of originality
The public knows that politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans are liars.

Hell, even politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans know that.
Your piece of shit party has the presidency and both chambers of Congress. Trying to blame this on the democrats is just plain bullshit.

Interesting you adhere to the concept everyone in a political party must think and act the same. Explains tons.
Obviously you adhere to disorganized thinking.
Trump and the republicans ARE getting blamed for the shutdown and deservedly so.
Yes bankruptcy. Your serial sex offending president is running the country like a business.
Like his 5 bankruptcies.
Isn’t it ironic that on the one year anniversary of his inauguration the government is shut down.

If the government was a business, it would have been bankrupt by definition many Democratic administrations ago.
Again...polls are useless and are not reality.

You never say that when the polls support you, so that's clearly cowardly sour grapes whining on your part, a way for you to run from the reality that always contradicts your cult's beliefs.

But it makes you feel good so the MSM has accomplished it's mission....with you anyway

Your precious, precious conservative MSM friends have all been screaming the Democrats are at fault. As they always do, they've faithfullly shilled for their GOP masters. And it hasn't help. The public knows that the MSM and you are spouting nonsense.

So, where do you go from here? If your continuing strategy is "Deny the reality that's too painful to face", we're good with that.
Yes bankruptcy. Your serial sex offending president is running the country like a business.
Like his 5 bankruptcies.
Isn’t it ironic that on the one year anniversary of his inauguration the government is shut down.

If the government was a business, it would have been bankrupt by definition many Democratic administrations ago.
You’re talking out of your ass because you don’t have a cogent thought in your head.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

Relying on your uniformed voter base are you?

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