Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown

Obviously you adhere to disorganized thinking.
Trump and the republicans ARE getting blamed for the shutdown and deservedly so.

By Democrats for the most part... :lol: Try to make this somewhat of a challenge okay. :)

Of course hacks, callous conservatives and neofascists (along with biddable fools) will not put the blame squarely on the shoulders of President Trump. But those firmly seated in reality who watched the events of the last few weeks carefully (in fact, the last year), understand that Trump flips and flops more than a very large tuna tossed on the deck of a trawller in rough seas.

In this case he flopped one too many times, and even McConnell, the leader of the Party First Clan, has no idea what the big fish is thinking (fact is, Trump's thought process is based on, "how does this effect me").

Trump created the mess we are now experiencing, exacerbated the divide between the parties and continued to create chaos in America.
So, still no Trumpflakes willing to address the reality of public opinion and how it affects elections. Just endless deflection instead.

It’s the economy stupid… That’s the be-all end all

Sorry - not now with THIS approval rating it ain't

CBS News 1/13 - 1/16 1225 A 37 58 -21

Every single one of these polls has over sampled dems by 20+%...

You folks love your fabrications.....
Republicans just blocked Democratic efforts to keep the military paid.

Watch Mitch McConnell kill effort to protect military pay as GOP pushed for shutdown

Yeah, that's going to play well with Americans, the way Republicans are deliberately blocking military pay.

And with that, mamooth WINS THREAD!

Obviously you adhere to disorganized thinking.
Trump and the republicans ARE getting blamed for the shutdown and deservedly so.

By Democrats for the most part... :lol: Try to make this somewhat of a challenge okay. :)

Of course hacks, callous conservatives and neofascists (along with biddable fools) will not put the blame squarely on the shoulders of President Trump. But those firmly seated in reality who watched the events of the last few weeks carefully (in fact, the last year), understand that Trump flips and flops more than a very large tuna tossed on the deck of a trawller in rough seas.

In this case he flopped one too many times, and even McConnell, the leader of the Party First Clan, has no idea what the big fish is thinking (fact is, Trump's thought process is based on, "how does this effect me").

Trump created the mess we are now experiencing, exacerbated the divide between the parties and continued to create chaos in America.
Of course hacks, callous conservatives and neofascists (along with biddable fools) will not put the blame squarely on the shoulders of President Trump. But those firmly seated in reality who watched the events of the last few weeks carefully (in fact, the last year), understand that Trump flips and flops more than a very large tuna tossed on the deck of a trawller in rough seas.

In this case he flopped one too many times, and even McConnell, the leader of the Party First Clan, has no idea what the big fish is thinking (fact is, Trump's thought process is based on, "how does this effect me").

Trump created the mess we are now experiencing, exacerbated the divide between the parties and continued to create chaos in America.

When you lead with name calling and generalizations, we really can't take anything you say seriously.
So a poll of Democrats blame the shutdown on the GOP, yet the rest of the country is blaming #SchumerShutdown.

Got it.

3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!

No, it said she'd win the popular vote...and she did. She got more votes than any white man in history. Polls reflected that.
I guess that fag Robby Mook didn't bother to read the rules governing how a US President is elected.
Maybe he'll get a job running Cory Booker's presidential campaign.
Or just taking it up the dirt-shute from Cory.
Relying on your uniformed voter base are you?

Well, as voters are the ones who vote, yes.

That's kind of the point, that a substantial majority of voters think you suck.

Now, what happens in elections when the voters think you suck?

Do you think you should do something to prevent that?

Say what? If the majority of voters voted why isn't Hillary president?
Every single one of these polls has over sampled dems by 20+%...
You folks love your fabrications.....

No, typically 10-15% which is counterbalanced by INDEPENDENTS (who voted for T-Rump in 2016)

Independent Voters Flipped The Entire Presidential Election to Trump -
And now you think you have them back?



Moron ...

So, where, specifically, is Trump bleeding support? I asked CNN's polling boss Jenn Agiesta that question! Here's where she pointed me.

1. Indies. Unaffiliated voters are leaving Trump's side in large numbers. Back at the 100-day mark in April, Trump was at 44% approval with independents. Now? 32%. Trump's numbers among partisans are broadly similar. He's at 5% approval among Democrats (vs 8% in April) and 86% approval among Republicans (vs 85% in April).
Here are all the places Trump is losing support - CNNPolitics
Ah, the polls. What would Americans DO without polls? A liberal without a poll is like a junkie without heroin.
Just another tired sad ass excuse of stupid.
Every single one of these polls has over sampled dems by 20+%...
You folks love your fabrications.....

No, typically 10-15% which is counterbalanced by INDEPENDENTS (who voted for T-Rump in 2016)

Independent Voters Flipped The Entire Presidential Election to Trump -
And now you think you have them back?



Moron ...

So, where, specifically, is Trump bleeding support? I asked CNN's polling boss Jenn Agiesta that question! Here's where she pointed me.

1. Indies. Unaffiliated voters are leaving Trump's side in large numbers. Back at the 100-day mark in April, Trump was at 44% approval with independents. Now? 32%. Trump's numbers among partisans are broadly similar. He's at 5% approval among Democrats (vs 8% in April) and 86% approval among Republicans (vs 85% in April).
Here are all the places Trump is losing support - CNNPolitics

He found the bathroom. And Osama bin Laden. :banana: What did the crosseyed war monkey Bushtard find? A country worse off then when he took power, that's what.

In 2006 , Bush says capturing bin Laden is “not a top priority use of American resources.” An 8 year GOP fiasco.

Seal Team Six does not show Obama as a team member.

Lame reply. Unconvincing. Bush never would've caught bin Laden. He didn't care. He probably even know he was in Pakistan, but Bush was Pakistan's butt boy, so Bush refused to act.
OBL was handed to Bill Clinton on a silver platter a few times and for political reasons he refused to pull the trigger. Historic FACT!
Bill Clinton Said The Day Before 9/11 He Could Have Killed Bin Laden
Every single one of these polls has over sampled dems by 20+%...
You folks love your fabrications.....

No, typically 10-15% which is counterbalanced by INDEPENDENTS (who voted for T-Rump in 2016)

Independent Voters Flipped The Entire Presidential Election to Trump -
And now you think you have them back?



Moron ...

So, where, specifically, is Trump bleeding support? I asked CNN's polling boss Jenn Agiesta that question! Here's where she pointed me.

1. Indies. Unaffiliated voters are leaving Trump's side in large numbers. Back at the 100-day mark in April, Trump was at 44% approval with independents. Now? 32%. Trump's numbers among partisans are broadly similar. He's at 5% approval among Democrats (vs 8% in April) and 86% approval among Republicans (vs 85% in April).
Here are all the places Trump is losing support - CNNPolitics
I put CNN's poll under my pillow last night and this morning, STILL NOTHING!
Useless because you don’t like the results.
When the R’s run the entire government and only an idiot would say it’s not the republican’s fault.

Schumer didn't like the results, so he quit. Funny part is he thought he had the big ace in the hole with threatening a shutdown. Those soldiers out there understand they are better off with Trump than Obama. This flu will continue to kill and the Democrats get to own that.
Your piece of shit party has the presidency and both chambers of Congress. Trying to blame this on the democrats is just plain bullshit.
Guess who the NYTs is blaming for the shutdown asshole!

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