Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown

3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

We all know liberal polls are designed

to sway public opinion not reflect it…

You can stick all your polls right up

your ass beside President Donald J. Trumps foot.
Guess who the NYTs is blaming for the shutdown asshole!

Bush is the big go-to answer...

Much of the federal government officially shut down early Saturday morning after Senate Democrats, showing remarkable solidarity in the face of a clear political danger, blocked consideration of a stopgap spending measure to keep the government operating.

Government Shuts Down as Bill to Extend Funding Is Blocked; Senate Adjourns for the Night

...pauses to let reality set in for Democrats.....
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
By public you mean people who get their news from Morning Joe and the Collusion News Network.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

Only lowlifes take the time to answer know this.
When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?
Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?
When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
Yes, Democrats answer phones polls less often. That's not news. If it's not corrected for, polls will skew even more Republican.

When your only response to polls is "The polls are faked", it means you're a conspiracy cultist living in an alternate reality bubble.

Most of the Trumpflakes on this thread are such conspiracy cultists. Their response to any data that threatens their sacred religious beliefs is to declare that such data has to be fake, and is thus further proof of their conspiracy theories. There's no way to reach such people with rational discussion, being that they've abandoned rationality.

So, we reach them with more emotional appeals. Why do Republicans here all hate the military? Do they think other Americans will appreciate them for that?
When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
Yes, Democrats answer phones polls less often. That's not news. If it's not corrected for, polls will skew even more Republican.

When your only response to polls is "The polls are faked", it means you're a conspiracy cultist living in an alternate reality bubble.

Most of the Trumpflakes on this thread are such conspiracy cultists. Their response to any data that threatens their sacred religious beliefs is to declare that such data has to be fake, and is thus further proof of their conspiracy theories. There's no way to reach such people with rational discussion, being that they've abandoned rationality.

So, we reach them with more emotional appeals. Why do Republicans here all hate the military? Do they think other Americans will appreciate them for that?

Yes, Democrats answer phones polls less often. That's not news. If it's not corrected for, polls will skew even more Republican.”

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?

Why do you think that has anything to do with Democrats answering the phone less often?

The primary factor is age. Old people, who vote Republican, have landlines. Young people don't.
Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?

Why do you think that has anything to do with Democrats answering the phone less often?

The primary factor is age. Old people, who vote Republican, have landlines. Young people don't.

Are you selling yourself that pollsters only conduct polling via landline?
Come on, don’t dumb yourself down.
Last edited:
So, after all the whining, the public is _still_ blaming the Republicans. Trumpflakes, your weepy propaganda offensive has accomplished nothing, except to cement your reputation as crybabies.

Did you have a plan B?
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
They polled the same people too
When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
Yes, Democrats answer phones polls less often. That's not news. If it's not corrected for, polls will skew even more Republican.

When your only response to polls is "The polls are faked", it means you're a conspiracy cultist living in an alternate reality bubble.

Most of the Trumpflakes on this thread are such conspiracy cultists. Their response to any data that threatens their sacred religious beliefs is to declare that such data has to be fake, and is thus further proof of their conspiracy theories. There's no way to reach such people with rational discussion, being that they've abandoned rationality.

So, we reach them with more emotional appeals. Why do Republicans here all hate the military? Do they think other Americans will appreciate them for that?

Oh bull shit, libtards wait by there land lines to answer stupid polls
Democrats have picked ILLEGALS over children! CHIP was funded for six years under that bill and Democrats backed illegals! Nice choice idiots, illegals OVER children!
See you in 18!
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

You do know Democrats were in control of the House and Senate for the last two years of Bush final term...

Just FYI, but I know you will claim tjey did nothing wrong when they were in charge of the House and Senate.

And why were they in charge the last two years of his term? Obviously things weren't going well under the GOP the previous six years, that's why.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

U damn well know the dumbs are responsible for shutting the government down. They care more about illegal aliens than they care about actual citizens.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

We all know liberal polls are designed

to sway public opinion not reflect it…

You can stick all your polls right up

your ass beside President Donald J. Trumps foot.
You have another option: the number of retweets of #TrumpShutdown vs #SchumerShutdown.
Its more simple than that. Just look at the effort Trump is putting into this vs Shumer's effort to negotiate.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

U damn well know the dumbs are responsible for shutting the government down. They care more about illegal aliens than they care about actual citizens.
the republicans had no better plan?
Any American who believes Democrats have not betrayed them by siding with illegals over them - after 8 years of Barry and Democrats siding with ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, etc... - like the OP, is an idiot.

Given the chance to put Americans 1st, Schumer and Pelosi were a no-show, preferring to hang with their illegals.


Say good-bye to the mid-terms, snowflakes...

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