Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown

3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Occam's Razor
And that razor cuts right into the heart of lying deceitful dims who put illegals above Americans, and the lying tools like you who aid and abet such disgraces. Pox on you all.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Occam's Razor
the right wing has nothing but fallacy, not any form of valid arguments.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Occam's Razor
the right wing has nothing but fallacy, not any form of valid arguments.
View attachment 172774
Yes...we've been noticing you guys doing that for a while.
"Schumer Shutdown" branding effort is not taking hold. Mostly, it is only being used by the Trump supporters. History will record what it gets called.
"Schumer Shutdown" branding effort is not taking hold. Mostly, it is only being used by the Trump supporters. History will record what it gets called.
It will be historically known as the Schumer Mexican stand down treason caper.
Dems do not oppose 1 thing in the CR, which has nothing to do with DACA. They are holding America hostage for illegals.

The D's are using due diligence, they know from experience that the Republican Leadership is dishonest and will not keep promises. Ryan&Co have had months, maybe years, to fix and bring to a vote a comprehensive bill on immigration, border security and myriad other issues that they kick down the road.

They spent 8-years lambasting the PPACA (Obamacare) and needed to use scurrilous means to harm American's and their families in the Tax Scam they passed.

Wake up and smell the bullshit, the Republican Party will not govern effectively, they don't want to, for their master's will not benefit from anything which benefits the vast majority of American Citizens - the special interests want it all.

The R's fear democracy and seek to have our country run by an oligarchy of the special interests, including Global Corporations and a Republican Party servile to the power elite. Only those easily led by demagogues and charlatans do not watch the feet (what they do) and only watch the lips (what they say or tweet) and continue to support what amounts to a coup; which makes Mr. B. Franklin's comment ("you have a Republic, if you can keep it) prophetic.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Occam's Razor
the right wing has nothing but fallacy, not any form of valid arguments.
View attachment 172774

"Schumer Shutdown" branding effort is not taking hold. Mostly, it is only being used by the Trump supporters. History will record what it gets called.

Hey Mike, Grandpa, how have you been enjoying your weekend? Say you have, do you?

Do NOT lie, that is impossible, why every weekend the government is shutdown, how can you possibly be enjoying it?

So Monday is going to be like Saturday and Sunday in your life, except you go to work? Well wait, the country is on the verge of collapse, isn't it!

Let me tell ya, Trump did the exact opposite of what Obama did. He told the agencies to use the cash in reserve, and try not to upend anything. Nobody is going to feel a thing for at least 2 weeks, and by that time, the memo will be released and everyone will be chasing around the Democrats with tar and feathers, lol.
"[T]here are real policy reasons…for arguing that it's the GOP who takes the fall. Republicans have been betting that they can haggle over programs Americans really like -- the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)."

Commentary: Why this is the "Trump shutdown" - CBS News

And of course Republican are wrong on these issues.
Democrats have picked ILLEGALS over children! CHIP was funded for six years under that bill and Democrats backed illegals! Nice choice idiots, illegals OVER children!
See you in 18!
The rich already got richer.
And the California tax cheats are going to pay!
California is already a donor State; unlike allegedly low tax, welfare queen red States.

California sits on a huge amount of natural resources.

Please don't tell me that you think that California is a "donor" state because of left wing policies ?
Democrats have picked ILLEGALS over children! CHIP was funded for six years under that bill and Democrats backed illegals! Nice choice idiots, illegals OVER children!
See you in 18!
The rich already got richer.
And the California tax cheats are going to pay!
California is already a donor State; unlike allegedly low tax, welfare queen red States.

California sits on a huge amount of natural resources.

Please don't tell me that you think that California is a "donor" state because of left wing policies ?
We still have a diverse economy.
"[T]here are real policy reasons…for arguing that it's the GOP who takes the fall. Republicans have been betting that they can haggle over programs Americans really like -- the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)."

Commentary: Why this is the "Trump shutdown" - CBS News

And of course Republican are wrong on these issues.

According to who ?
The only policy objective the right wing got passed, was a tax break for the rich.
"[T]here are real policy reasons…for arguing that it's the GOP who takes the fall. Republicans have been betting that they can haggle over programs Americans really like -- the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)."

Commentary: Why this is the "Trump shutdown" - CBS News

And of course Republican are wrong on these issues.

According to who ?
The only policy objective the right wing got passed, was a tax break for the rich.

So...they passed a tax break. That was wrong ?

According to who ?

All I am asking for is some data to support a claim.

CCJ provides only fodder. You got something better ?
Uh-huh, that's why Schumer and the Dems caved after just three days, right? Other polling showed that Americans strongly disagreed with shutting down the government over DACA. You can bet those polls were at least part of the reason that Schumer folded so quickly. If the Dems believed they had the public behind them, they would not have caved in so soon.
Uh-huh, that's why Schumer and the Dems caved after just three days, right? Other polling showed that Americans strongly disagreed with shutting down the government over DACA. You can bet those polls were at least part of the reason that Schumer folded so quickly. If the Dems believed they had the public behind them, they would not have caved in so soon.
No cave in Schumer just wanted to make life easier by plowing around the stump
Apparently Schumer & Company did not think that a majority of Americans were blaming the Republicans.

It is downright comical to blame the Republicans, (1) when the GOP-controlled House passed a funding bill on Thursday, (2) when Trump supported the funding bill and spent hours on the phone with Senate Democrats urging them not to block it, (3) when the funding bill included a six-year extension of CHIP, (4) when Senate Democrats blocked the funding bill with a filibuster on Friday night, and (5) when the Dems were the ones who insisted on tying DACA to the budget in the first place, even though they had not even proposed a DACA bill for anyone to vote on.

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