Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown

Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

Boooosh the Dumber was the unmitigated disaster until the Rump presidency!
I am not sure why polls matter here.

It seem that people would be very interested in leadership...not statistics.

Washington is devoid of any kind of real leader.
D.C. is especially deficient in leadership from the White House.

All we have in the Oval Office is a Tweeting Orange Twat.
Any American who believes Democrats have not betrayed them by siding with illegals over them - after 8 years of Barry and Democrats siding with ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, etc... - like the OP, is an idiot.

Given the chance to put Americans 1st, Schumer and Pelosi were a no-show, preferring to hang with their illegals.


Say good-bye to the mid-terms, snowflakes...
Just lousy management. The right wing preferred tax cuts for the rich first, to making sure Government gets funding.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?

Ha ha, yes and Trump has no chance of beating Hillary. Have you people not learned anything about your polls?

The democrats have been obstructing and resisting Trump on EVERY SINGLE THING, you think that rational
Americans don’t know that? You think that they can’t connect such obvious dots?

It’s really sad that your people are incapable of learning anything.

CNN and crew is not "the public".

The public very well knows what is going on. There is a party in the USA that is putting illegals and criminals before them.
CNN and crew is not "the public".

The public very well knows what is going on. There is a party in the USA that is putting illegals and criminals before them.
The rich got richer; why did the government not get funded?
Of course hacks, callous conservatives and neofascists (along with biddable fools) will not put the blame squarely on the shoulders of President Trump. But those firmly seated in reality who watched the events of the last few weeks carefully (in fact, the last year), understand that Trump flips and flops more than a very large tuna tossed on the deck of a trawller in rough seas.

In this case he flopped one too many times, and even McConnell, the leader of the Party First Clan, has no idea what the big fish is thinking (fact is, Trump's thought process is based on, "how does this effect me").

Trump created the mess we are now experiencing, exacerbated the divide between the parties and continued to create chaos in America.

When you lead with name calling and generalizations, we really can't take anything you say seriously.

Which offended you the most? Hack, Callous Conservative or Fool?

That's how I see Trump supporters, not everyone who voted for him, but those who fail to see reality. and defend him.

Trump does not have the right stuff to be POTUS. With every tweet, every speech and ever arrogant pose Trump loses more and more support. Pence and the other cowards (The Administration) and Ryan, who put themselves and/or the Republican Party before "Country First!", have the power and the courage to say, Enough!
Which offended you the most? Hack, Callous Conservative or Fool?

That's how I see Trump supporters, not everyone who voted for him, but those who fail to see reality. and defend him.

Trump does not have the right stuff to be POTUS. With every tweet, every speech and ever arrogant pose Trump loses more and more support. Pence and the other cowards (The Administration) and Ryan, who put themselves and/or the Republican Party before "Country First!", have the power and the courage to say, Enough!

Just because I choose not to agree with socialist hacks like you is no reason to melt snowflake. :lol:
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Occam's Razor
Which offended you the most? Hack, Callous Conservative or Fool?

That's how I see Trump supporters, not everyone who voted for him, but those who fail to see reality. and defend him.

Trump does not have the right stuff to be POTUS. With every tweet, every speech and ever arrogant pose Trump loses more and more support. Pence and the other cowards (The Administration) and Ryan, who put themselves and/or the Republican Party before "Country First!", have the power and the courage to say, Enough!

Just because I choose not to agree with socialist hacks like you is no reason to melt snowflake. :lol:

I bet I have more money at this moment in Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, my grand children's College investment Fund than you have earned in your lifetime. Using the term "socialist hack" to define me is the pinnacle of hackery and the work of an ignorant / lying punk.
I bet I have more money at this moment in Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, my grand children and their College investment Fund than you have earned in your lifetime. Using the term "socialist hack" to define me is the pinnacle of hackery and the work of a punk.

...and the melt continues.. :)

I have investments and almost no debt, no doubt my net worth is far above yours.
Dems do not oppose 1 thing in the CR, which has nothing to do with DACA. They are holding America hostage for illegals.
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Occam's Razor
the right wing has nothing but fallacy, not any form of valid arguments.

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