Public Debate On The Special Prosecutor's Report On Biden On Documents Is Damning For Legal System!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Prior to this Monday February 5th release of this Special Prosecutor's Report on President Biden and his mishandling of classified documents I didn't think there was any there there. I thought it was a situation where Joe had boxes from his tenure as VP in his garage where he keeps his corvette that he didn't know what was in them he didn't know they contained classified documents it was a technical violation of the law. But with this release of the Special Prosecutor's report and the public discourse over it, it is clear Joe Biden broke the law and there is a double standard being applied with Trump charged and Biden not charged. The facts brought to light now are that Biden knew he had classified documents on Afghanistan that he kept because he needed them as a reference to write his memoir because one of Biden's big foreign policy agendas was that he always thought that America's policy on the Taliban and al qaeda in Afghanistan is that America's strategy should be a counter terrorism not counter insurgency strategy , America has no business in the nation building business for Afghanistan per Biden. Biden is on tape with his ghost writer acknowledging he has classified documents on Afghanistan.

Now that it is clear that the DOJ is using a double standard in prosecuting for crimes involving classified documents, Biden should clean up this mess for America; he can do so by doing the following. Wait until Donald Trump has secured the Republican nomination for the Presidency that is once Trump has enough delegates that no way Nikki Haley can acquire enough delegates to win the nomination then President Joseph Biden should pardon Donald Trump for all crimes involving mishandling of classified and non-classified documents related to his time as President. He should base it on two reasons. One to eliminate the appearance of a double standard in enforcing the law and to eliminate the appearance of a political party using the DOJ as a political weapon; this widespread perception is very damaging to the character of our nation as seen through the eyes of many Americans. Second, our country's system for protecting classified documents utilized in the President and Vice-President Office is egregiously irresponsible, devoid of intelligence and a national embarrassment and President Joe Biden should call for Congress to fix it. The system should mandate that when a President and Vice-President leaves office every box of documents they remove from the White House is checked by staff of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for classified documents if there is no time to check it because a new Presidential administration is moving into the White House then the boxes shall be moved to a secure location like in the Pentagon until all the boxes are screened. The system should mandate that once a Presidential election occurs and the results indicate that the current Presidential Administration will be departing, the process begins to secure all classified documents. It should be mandated that the White House shall be given two weeks to turn over to NARA all classified documents they don't need to do their job until the new President is sworn in and to list and allow to be labeled for inventory purposes all classified documents they are holding on to. After this two week period NARA should pick a night and have teams of staff go through the entire White House absent the President's living quarters checking all documents in the White House insuring all remaining classified documents have an inventory label those that don't should be confiscated with the White House staff later on being permitted to claim need on that document in which case it would be given an inventory number and returned to the White House staff. In the remaining administration days all classified documents created by the White House or given to the White House and kept by the White House as needed to do the work of the White House should be labeled with an inventory number. At the end of the President's term all boxes of documents a President and Vice-President intend to remove from the White House will not be released to them until all inventoried classified documents are accounted for.

A lot of commentary has been uttered on whether President Joe Biden did the right thing making a statement and taking a few questions on the Special Prosecutor's report this past Thursday evening to counter the Reports assessment that President Biden has significant cognitive impairment due to old age. I think that Biden made a smart move with this appearance he vigorously defended himself and he referenced the contents of the report which made the case for him not to be charged. However as any good lawyer will acknowledge in any case you're stuck with the facts and the facts are bad here if Trump was charged so should have Biden both committed wilful violation of the law. This appearance by Biden underscored and high lighted a serious problem Biden has, the appearance established that Biden has the cognitive ability to be President and to make excellent decisions on policy issues; but, it showed that Biden's mental ability has been significantly diminished with age in so far as he cannot contemporaneously think things through on every point he intends to make to avoid bad effects which means that Joe Biden's ability to be effective in doing the work required by the Presidency involving thinking on one's feet is not great it is not at the level a prudent people would want in their President. A lot has been made of his flub saying that President El Sisi was from Mexico instead of Egypt, that is not a big deal ordinary people flub words all the time. The problem was President Biden's characterization of the Israel government's actions in Gaza as "over-the-top" Biden's point was legitimate here and legitimate for a U.S. President to have but use of that phrase was undiplomatic and will bring a negative reaction from Israeli leaders and the country of Israelis allies notably in America. The point was legitimate in so far that the Palestinian Gaza civilian high casualty rate was predictable and predicted, the IDF should have targeted the Hamas tunnel system that is Hamas' magic wand and used Shin Bet and Mossad to do target kills of the Hamas leaders responsible for the October 7th attack. President Biden has a legitimate viewpoint that the way the world sees it America gives billions of dollars to Israel every year has opened it arms industry to Israel for years if it doesn't sell them weapons it helps them get the know how to build them and so is responsible for Israel's enormous military power and when Israel uses its military power immorally to kill thousands and thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians and subject tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians to torturous levels of starvation, deprivation of medical care and shelter and water and sanitation the world renders the verdict America is culpable in these immoral acts; that is why it is imperative that the Israeli government stop subjecting the practically two million Palestinian civilians in Gaza to this humanitarian catastrophe and this goal is what President Biden is zealously working for!

Thursday's appearance considering it was a rushed response where Biden had to be good on his feet so to speak showed Biden lost a step or two cognitively considering his overall handling of his defense on the documents issue. Biden's approach citing the reports language that the Special Prosecutor found "no willful intent" to break the law wrong way to go isn't buyable; the media knows well and good that there is a tape out there with Biden saying to his ghost writer he has classified documents on Afghanistan in his basement. Good analysis would have called for focusing on the few number of classified documents involved that they amounted to a very small percentage of the paperwork retained from his government service and he did not know that some of the boxes of documents were in his garage he thought they were all in the basement of his home. And Biden should have focused on the fact that the Special Prosecutor did a thorough investigation and found his wrongdoing did not rise to the level where he was criminally culpable as was the finding for the like investigation for former Vice-President Mike Pence!
We all know these old fucks70 's / 90's " Have to be forced into retirement!
They tell us we need to retire near 70, so do they. Mandatory for elected & appointed
to government posts, officials have to go by 70 birthdates, no one is irreplaceable by the way!

We also know Tucker Carlson and company are also a pack of liars looking for attention.
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Trump had the legal authority to have his classified documents, which he kept under lock and key. Biden had NO legal rights to any of the material he had that goes back to 2015. I think the documents found in Biden's garage was the junk pile of things the Chinese and the Arabs didn't need. What they wanted were the classified documents Biden "stored" at Penn State University. And all of a sudden, China forked over 258 million dollars to Penn. for some reason.
Biden has been committing treason for a good while now...
Well he (Biden) appears to have memory problems but that is expected at his age.

But Trump also has the same problem which kinds of evens the field. If those who call Biden senile and don't have anything to say about Trumps blunders then you know its the nature of politics.

Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump, 77, recently confused his opponent Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She pounced on that issue rather quickly.

He also during the Carroll trial confused a picture of Carroll and thought it was his ex wife Marla Maples

So it does even the playing field. Trump is 77 years old and Biden is 81

The big difference is trump is married to a 54 year old woman but she manages to have a son before it was to late
Biden should find that doctor who did Trump's physical and let him evaluate him. For the right price, I am sure he will say Joe is the fittest most ablest, smartest, and awarest person to ever serve as President.
Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified material. And is given a pass.
Biden actually was the one who voluntarily turned them over and reported it. Honesty sometimes should be rewarded with no harm no foul.

Trump did not and was asked multiple times to turn them over and he refused.

That is a difference that republicans do not address instead it was other peoples fault and they believe that he declassified these documents with the spoken word.

The problem with the spoken word is that there is a procedures in place for declassification

other entities who have the same documents still believe that it is classified because no one told them that they were no longer classified.
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Trump had the legal authority to have his classified documents, which he kept under lock and key. Biden had NO legal rights to any of the material he had that goes back to 2015. I think the documents found in Biden's garage was the junk pile of things the Chinese and the Arabs didn't need. What they wanted were the classified documents Biden "stored" at Penn State University. And all of a sudden, China forked over 258 million dollars to Penn. for some reason.
Biden has been committing treason for a good while now...
Do try not to be so stupid.

"Lock and key?"


They were in a bathroom at a PUBLIC facility frequented by known spies.


Just for you The Irish Ram


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We all know these old fucks70 's / 90's " Have to be forced into retirement!
They tell us we need to retire near 70, so do they. Mandatory for elected & appointed
to government posts, officials have to go by 70 birthdates, no one is irreplaceable by the way!

We also know Tucker Carlson and company are also a pack of liars looking for attention.
Are those the talking points
The prosecutor could have said the evidence was compelling but it wouldn't be in the national interest at this time to indict a sitting president. Americans would pretty much have accepted that concept. Instead they chose a completely lame argument outside of the legal system that ultimately did more harm to the president. Maybe that was the intent.
Well he (Biden) appears to have memory problems but that is expected at his age.

But Trump also has the same problem which kinds of evens the field. If those who call Biden senile and don't have anything to say about Trumps blunders then you know its the nature of politics.

Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump, 77, recently confused his opponent Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She pounced on that issue rather quickly.

He also during the Carroll trial confused a picture of Carroll and thought it was his ex wife Marla Maples

So it does even the playing field. Trump is 77 years old and Biden is 81

The big difference is trump is married to a 54 year old woman but she manages to have a son before it was to late
I doubt that I could pick out my wife from a photo of similar women taken almost thirty years ago. From the one old photo I've seen of Carroll, she bears a resemblance to Maples. Perhaps I'm unusual, I don't know. I do know I wouldn't recognize my first wife who I divorced in the eighties, I didn't keep any photos of her so she could walk up to me, and I wouldn't recognize her.
Do try not to be so stupid.

"Lock and key?"


They were in a bathroom at a PUBLIC facility frequented by known spies.

View attachment 899710
He could have had them shoved up his ass, and they would have still been legal for him to have possession of.
And I was wrong about Biden. They found classified documents going back to 1974. Selling classifieds two years after being voted to the Senate! Why else would he have been stealing them all these years? He has been corrupt from the beginning.
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Biden actually was the one who voluntarily turned them over and reported it. Honesty sometimes should be rewarded with no harm no foul.

Trump did not and was asked multiple times to turn them over and he refused.

That is a difference that republicans do not address instead it was other peoples fault and they believe that he declassified these documents with the spoken word.

The problem with the spoken word is that there is a procedures in place for declassification

other entities who have the same documents still believe that it is classified because no one told them that they were no longer classified.
You do know Trump wasn't stopping to FBI
From taking anything as a matter of fake they asked Trump to change his locks and he did. Biden on the other hand had no authority to take any documents.
Trump didn't illegally take or disclose anything Biden did.
Well he (Biden) appears to have memory problems but that is expected at his age.

But Trump also has the same problem which kinds of evens the field. If those who call Biden senile and don't have anything to say about Trumps blunders then you know its the nature of politics.

Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump, 77, recently confused his opponent Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She pounced on that issue rather quickly.

He also during the Carroll trial confused a picture of Carroll and thought it was his ex wife Marla Maples

So it does even the playing field. Trump is 77 years old and Biden is 81

The big difference is trump is married to a 54 year old woman but she manages to have a son before it was to late
Biden is a vegetable. He won’t debate Trump, just watch.
Joe Biden is GUILTY, remove this criminal from the ballot!
Indictment 1.
President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.
Indictment 2. President Biden knowingly and willfully removed, mishandled, and disclosed classified documents repeatedly over a period of decades.
He could have had them shoved up his ass, and they would have still been legal for him to have possession of.
And I was wrong about Biden. They found classified documents going back to 1974. Selling classifieds two years after being voted to the Senate! Why else would he have been stealing them all these years? He has been corrupt from the beginning.
Not surprising.
Biden's been in government forever.

If you were not so ignorant of the processes and issues surrounding Classified materials it would not be so easy to make you look so stupid.
Not surprising.
Biden's been in government forever.

If you were not so ignorant of the processes and issues surrounding Classified materials it would not be so easy to make you look so stupid.
Apparently you are the ignorant one. A Senator or VP can only view classified material in a SCIF. It is impossible to accidentally steal stuff from a SCIF, stupid.
Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified material. And is given a pass.
But no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute - the same thing they said with Hillary. But, she wasn't a nice old elderly man with memory problems, even though her memory always seemed to be like Swiss cheese when answering questions under oath but don't prosecute her either. Apparently they are saying that Trump isn't a nice old elderly man with memory problems so prosecute the SOB.
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