Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

Already being a healthcare provider for Ebola patients is grueling work- and dangerous. Unlike the general public, healthcare workers do face real risks.

Add to that telling them that they will be placed in a nice jail for 21 days- and you won't have healthcare workers to deal with an epidemic.

Anyway- I leave you to your dreams of martial law......

Those epidemics occured in atomospheres of a tiny public compared to today...and a public infused with common sense and morality. Such is not the case today. And the law will be applied accordingly if we become an ebola hot zone just because some nurses and doctors didn't want a 21 day vacation after treating an ebola patient.
The question is not WHETHER but the PROCESS of implementing quarantine.

We won't be using the gestapo tactics again of Sil.
Whatever you post normally makes you look like shit, yes.

The quarantine is a good idea, and I think it should be enforced.

However, we should not act like the gestapo in doing it.
Whatever you post normally makes you look like shit, yes.

The quarantine is a good idea, and I think it should be enforced.

However, we should not act like the gestapo in doing it.

Flakey, we all, on the right, enjoy your derangement, your entertainment value is worth the price of admission.

Gestapo tactics?.... The bitch was directly in contact with Ebola patients, and because she has no symptoms now, she, as a member of the CDC feels her position makes her ABOVE common sense, and voluntary quarantine... Fuck her, lock her away for 42 days, to make sure, as WHO has claimed, that she doesn't have Obola, for the GOOD OF OUR CITIZENS.... As JFK said...

Vigilante, you are light on the details.

She came off the plane, was put in a windowless cell and interviewed for hours without being told why, and had her hand bag and cell removed.

The latter items were returned to her when in isolation.

You can run around in jackboots and a peaked cap, but this is America, and the state authorities got it wrong. Even Christie realized it the following day.

Now anyone who violates the voluntary quarantine needs to go into lock down with handcuffs because the criminally threatened the public health.
Vigi, don't use JFK's image without realizing and admitting he would spit in your face.
Vigilante, you are light on the details.

She came off the plane, was put in a windowless cell and interviewed for hours without being told why, and had her hand bag and cell removed.

The latter items were returned to her when in isolation.

You can run around in jackboots and a peaked cap, but this is America, and the state authorities got it wrong. Even Christie realized it the following day.

Now anyone who violates the voluntary quarantine needs to go into lock down with handcuffs because the criminally threatened the public health.

There was ONE window, she came off the plane with an over 100 temperature, and we have no idea if she took 3-4 aspirins to bring her temperature down. Of course she KNEW why she was being held, it was MORE THAN OBVIOUS!

Christie, simply pushed the bitch off to the governor of Maine's jurisdiction, and that governor has stationed state police outside her home in Maine.

The Pentagon has issued orders that anyone coming back from the Ebola operation in Africa goes to Italy, or Spain for 21 days to make sure they are Ebola free, and NOT come back to America until 21 days, AFTER confinement.'

This president is an asshole, the latest poll today says...

Americans overwhelmingly support quarantine for travelers arriving from West Africa, a new CBS News poll shows.
Eighty percent of those surveyed believe travelers from West Africa should be quarantined upon arrival to the U.S. until it is certain they don’t have Ebola, including 27 percent who don’t believe they should be allowed to enter the country until the epidemic in West Africa is over.

Read more:

You always display your ignorance of a topic, I usually let it go, as bitch slapping you continually, gets OLD real fast... besides, others usually do it to you!
Yup, you are stupid if you think JFK would not spit on you for misusing his image.

Jackboot tactics is not going to be how this is handled from now on.

Watch and learn.
Yup, you are stupid if you think JFK would not spit on you for misusing his image.

Jackboot tactics is not going to be how this is handled from now on.

Watch and learn.

I'd feel bad If you got Obola, all due to a lack of common sense!
Well California [liberal uber left land] has imposed a quarantine now isn't a partisan issue.
It was an unfortunate circumstance for the CDC intelligence officer (she's not a nurse) that the doctor recently returned lied so much. He was healthy when he got off the plane. He was screened and had no fever. He promised to self-quarantine. That was a lie. He went all over the city. He rode on subways. He went bowling. He felt a little under the weather. Now he's in serious condition at Bellevue.

Ebola is not contagious unless someone is exhibiting symptoms. What's a symptom? Scratchy throat? Low level temperature? A sneeze or a sniffle? In the beginning Ebola is like a cold. Except it's not.
This is all a POLITICAL PLOY by the Regime. Now the fucking bitch is out riding a bike all over her town in Maine, followed by a State Trooper in a patrol car with his lights flashing. We know she's a political operative for Obola, and her DEFYING the AUTHORITY of the Maine Governor (a Republican) is meant to show that he's WEAK on that authority. What a shame, the pond scum can get away with this without facing the consequences!

It was an unfortunate circumstance for the CDC intelligence officer (she's not a nurse) that the doctor recently returned lied so much. He was healthy when he got off the plane. He was screened and had no fever. He promised to self-quarantine. That was a lie. He went all over the city. He rode on subways. He went bowling. He felt a little under the weather. Now he's in serious condition at Bellevue.

Ebola is not contagious unless someone is exhibiting symptoms. What's a symptom? Scratchy throat? Low level temperature? A sneeze or a sniffle? In the beginning Ebola is like a cold. Except it's not.

You know, we are talking about a serious disease and professional people that are lying here.

The doctor lied about where he had gone making it so much more difficult to contain. He used such poor choices about going out in the first place when he had the knowledge to know better.

Then we have the nurse (Kaci) who evidently turns out not to be a nurse and that was a ruse? Was that for the press and to prove some perspective the president wants to push? Why can't we just have real doctors without political agendas make the best decisions for the American people without the games? Stop the lies!

Quarantines make sense. Common sense.
This is what the cutting edge of our medical community had to say about keeping the public safe from ebola [paraphrased]

"waa waa waaaaaa! My rights. Me. me me me I I I I. I am brave. I went to Africa and treated ebola so my body is superior and my rights are superior even to the public's health.. Waaaa! I can take months out of my life to slave over sick and dying people in Africa to maybe save a few lives there but I REFUSE to stay inside for 21 days when I get back to American to save an entire region from an outbreak! I'm going to sue governor Christie! Waaaaaaaa! :crybaby:

I was taking poetic license with her words. But I'll tell you, listen to her interview with CNN's Candy Crowley and your jaw will drop. The tone of her voice is arrogant, whiney, even aggressive. Thank goodness our health, science and sane thinking are in the hands of the far-left-leaning medical community. I can't imagine where this lack of objective thinking on behalf of the uber left "medical community" has taken us before...oh wait...tranny surgeries to amputate healthy organs to complete a mental delusion...

OK, point well taken.

But other medical witchdoctory aside, this nurse is a perfect living [mentally] ill-ustration of what extremes a society will go to make sure everyone agrees the naked Emperor is sporting "really fine clothes".

She is patently selfish and self-absorbed to the point of pathology. I literally felt like I was listening to a sociopath in that interview. And this nurse is ...*drum roll*.....AN EPIDEMIOLOGIST.. :eek-52:
Here are some excerpts:
...Hickox, an epidemiologist who was working to help treat Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has tested negative twice for Ebola and does not have symptoms, she said. She is quarantined for 21 days at University Hospital in Newark.
"This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated," Hickox told CNN's Candy Crowley on "State of the Union."
She described herself as "physically strong" but "emotionally exhausted."
"To put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable," she said...
Little Miss Snit has her knickers in a twist over protecting the public health..
...Hickox told Crowley that mandatory quarantine is "not a sound public health decision" and that public health officials -- not politicians -- should be making the policies related to Ebola and public safety.
"For the first 12 hours, I was in shock. Now I'm angry," she added....
Enter, the lawyers!...God Bless America...
Lawyer Norman Siegal, former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said he'll be filing papers in court for Hickox to have a hearing no later than five days from the start of her confinement.
He said the doctors at the hospital say there's no medical reason to hold her. The policy Christie enacted is unconstitutional and too broad, he said.
"We need to know what the medical facts are and not rely on politicians who have their own vested interests," he said. Quarantined nurse slams state Ebola policy -
Defense attorney for Christie: "Mr. Siegal, have you seen the video on a person sneezing in Silhouette's thread at USMB?...." Doctors Without Common Sense Ebola Without Borders Mandatory Quarantine Time. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Kaci Hickox was and is and remains a symptomatic. She does NOT HAVE EBOLA. SHE IS NOT RUNNING A TEMPERATURE.

Ms. Hickox is a Qualified Medical Professional, the Governor of Maine is not.

Medical Experts from both the C.D.C. and the N.I.H. agree, Quarantine's will not work. Self-Monitoring does.

This is Political Fear Mongering at it's worse.

I would rather trust a Doctor than a Republican Governor running for reelection.
This is what the cutting edge of our medical community had to say about keeping the public safe from ebola [paraphrased]

"waa waa waaaaaa! My rights. Me. me me me I I I I. I am brave. I went to Africa and treated ebola so my body is superior and my rights are superior even to the public's health.. Waaaa! I can take months out of my life to slave over sick and dying people in Africa to maybe save a few lives there but I REFUSE to stay inside for 21 days when I get back to American to save an entire region from an outbreak! I'm going to sue governor Christie! Waaaaaaaa! :crybaby:

I was taking poetic license with her words. But I'll tell you, listen to her interview with CNN's Candy Crowley and your jaw will drop. The tone of her voice is arrogant, whiney, even aggressive. Thank goodness our health, science and sane thinking are in the hands of the far-left-leaning medical community. I can't imagine where this lack of objective thinking on behalf of the uber left "medical community" has taken us before...oh wait...tranny surgeries to amputate healthy organs to complete a mental delusion...

OK, point well taken.

But other medical witchdoctory aside, this nurse is a perfect living [mentally] ill-ustration of what extremes a society will go to make sure everyone agrees the naked Emperor is sporting "really fine clothes".

She is patently selfish and self-absorbed to the point of pathology. I literally felt like I was listening to a sociopath in that interview. And this nurse is ...*drum roll*.....AN EPIDEMIOLOGIST.. :eek-52:
Here are some excerpts:
...Hickox, an epidemiologist who was working to help treat Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has tested negative twice for Ebola and does not have symptoms, she said. She is quarantined for 21 days at University Hospital in Newark.
"This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated," Hickox told CNN's Candy Crowley on "State of the Union."
She described herself as "physically strong" but "emotionally exhausted."
"To put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable," she said...
Little Miss Snit has her knickers in a twist over protecting the public health..
...Hickox told Crowley that mandatory quarantine is "not a sound public health decision" and that public health officials -- not politicians -- should be making the policies related to Ebola and public safety.
"For the first 12 hours, I was in shock. Now I'm angry," she added....
Enter, the lawyers!...God Bless America...
Lawyer Norman Siegal, former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said he'll be filing papers in court for Hickox to have a hearing no later than five days from the start of her confinement.
He said the doctors at the hospital say there's no medical reason to hold her. The policy Christie enacted is unconstitutional and too broad, he said.
"We need to know what the medical facts are and not rely on politicians who have their own vested interests," he said. Quarantined nurse slams state Ebola policy -
Defense attorney for Christie: "Mr. Siegal, have you seen the video on a person sneezing in Silhouette's thread at USMB?...." Doctors Without Common Sense Ebola Without Borders Mandatory Quarantine Time. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Kaci Hickox was and is and remains a symptomatic. She does NOT HAVE EBOLA. SHE IS NOT RUNNING A TEMPERATURE.

Ms. Hickox is a Qualified Medical Professional, the Governor of Maine is not.

Medical Experts from both the C.D.C. and the N.I.H. agree, Quarantine's will not work. Self-Monitoring does.

This is Political Fear Mongering at it's worse.

I would rather trust a Doctor than a Republican Governor running for reelection.

Yes, of course, you pond scum would.... it's not as if any of these HEALTH PROFESSIONAL LIBERALS would ever lie to the authorities or the public....:ahole-1:

...Then we have the nurse (Kaci) who evidently turns out not to be a nurse and that was a ruse? Was that for the press and to prove some perspective the president wants to push? Why can't we just have real doctors without political agendas make the best decisions for the American people without the games? Stop the lies!

Quarantines make sense. Common sense.
It's too late for that. California just watered down the partisan angle of this issue. Choose another topic if you want this to stir partisan outrage... The democratic strategists are pouncing at the last minute. They're doing a good job too. Maybe Rove can give you some guidance on how to pull out of this nose dive at the last minute?

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