Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

It's possible that in order to incentivize just the healthcare workers in Africa, we should have deluxe accomodations for JUST them. That way they think to themselves..."hmmm...6 weeks of service abroad...then a resort 3 week vacation before I return home...sounds GREAT!"

That may just solve all the problems right there.

Other people go into a barracks type situation to DISCOURAGE travellers coming from the hot zone until the epidemic is under control.
Well, we see that American fascism with Sil and Manonestreet is alive and well.

Nope, watch: it won't be your way the next few times around.
I answered, you did not like it, got pushed back in a corner.

The problem is not quarantine.

The problem is how to approach when dealing with American citizens.
No you failed to quote anything I said that was fascist....try again take your time you wont be able to.... liar
Well, we see that American fascism with Sil and Manonestreet is alive and well.

Nope, watch: it won't be your way the next few times around.
Well at least unlike you, we are interested in preserving the public health instead of disenfranchising the civil rights of 10s of millions in the US to have their vote count on defining marriage for themselves.

Wait, let me's OK to be a fascist when you're trying to get a cult near some adoptable orphans right? But not when you're trying desperately to protect the public health.
This is what the cutting edge of our medical community had to say about keeping the public safe from ebola [paraphrased]

"waa waa waaaaaa! My rights. Me. me me me I I I I. I am brave. I went to Africa and treated ebola so my body is superior and my rights are superior even to the public's health.. Waaaa! I can take months out of my life to slave over sick and dying people in Africa to maybe save a few lives there but I REFUSE to stay inside for 21 days when I get back to American to save an entire region from an outbreak! I'm going to sue governor Christie! Waaaaaaaa! :crybaby:

I was taking poetic license with her words. But I'll tell you, listen to her interview with CNN's Candy Crowley and your jaw will drop. The tone of her voice is arrogant, whiney, even aggressive. Thank goodness our health, science and sane thinking are in the hands of the far-left-leaning medical community. I can't imagine where this lack of objective thinking on behalf of the uber left "medical community" has taken us before...oh wait...tranny surgeries to amputate healthy organs to complete a mental delusion...

OK, point well taken.

But other medical witchdoctory aside, this nurse is a perfect living [mentally] ill-ustration of what extremes a society will go to make sure everyone agrees the naked Emperor is sporting "really fine clothes".

She is patently selfish and self-absorbed to the point of pathology. I literally felt like I was listening to a sociopath in that interview. And this nurse is ...*drum roll*.....AN EPIDEMIOLOGIST.. :eek-52:
Here are some excerpts:
...Hickox, an epidemiologist who was working to help treat Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has tested negative twice for Ebola and does not have symptoms, she said. She is quarantined for 21 days at University Hospital in Newark.
"This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated," Hickox told CNN's Candy Crowley on "State of the Union."
She described herself as "physically strong" but "emotionally exhausted."
"To put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable," she said...
Little Miss Snit has her knickers in a twist over protecting the public health..
...Hickox told Crowley that mandatory quarantine is "not a sound public health decision" and that public health officials -- not politicians -- should be making the policies related to Ebola and public safety.
"For the first 12 hours, I was in shock. Now I'm angry," she added....
Enter, the lawyers!...God Bless America...
Lawyer Norman Siegal, former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said he'll be filing papers in court for Hickox to have a hearing no later than five days from the start of her confinement.
He said the doctors at the hospital say there's no medical reason to hold her. The policy Christie enacted is unconstitutional and too broad, he said.
"We need to know what the medical facts are and not rely on politicians who have their own vested interests," he said. Quarantined nurse slams state Ebola policy -
Defense attorney for Christie: "Mr. Siegal, have you seen the video on a person sneezing in Silhouette's thread at USMB?...." Doctors Without Common Sense Ebola Without Borders Mandatory Quarantine Time. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I thought Republicans were all about "me, me, me". Anything else would be (gasp) "Socialism".
No wonder she was questioned so intently. She was lying. She was never a nurse with Doctors Without Borders. She was with the CDC all along.
So the nurse in quarantine is suing "the government" [the Christie Administration]. I can hear Rachael Maddow foaming at the mouth already. Hope the democratic party has a curb chain on her; the public sentiment isn't going to be swayed. Here's why: people are PC to a point. This is delicious. Because not only are the same crew infected with the PC-virus, but they are also exceedingly narcissistic and utterly blind to reason. So when push comes to shove, guess where this group will default to?


Common sense and self-preservation, not necessarily in that order. The uber-left thinks it has a cause. Should be interesting to see how being self unaware plays out for this unwanted faction of the democratic party so close to a pivotal election.. :popcorn:

BTW, if Christie DIDN'T quarantine this nurse and she gave people ebola by similar recklessness to the Dr. in NYNY, Christie's administration would be fending of hundreds of lawsuits for not protecting the public when common sense [even outside of "medical" "good sense"] dictates he should have acted.

Translation: Christie did the right thing.
So, you pick politics over health experts.
Drunk driving deaths and the flu do not fell healthy strapping adults by mere bodily fluid contact.

You're right, flu fells healthy, strapping adults without bodily fluid contact.

You know what does fell healthy, strapping adults? AIDS. Shall we initiate a quarantine?

Um yeah, that would have been a capital idea:

Ms. García is alive thanks partly to lucky genes, and partly to the intensity with which Cuba has attacked its AIDS epidemic. Whatever debate may linger about the government’s harsh early tactics — until 1993, everyone who tested positive for H.I.V. was forced into quarantine — there is no question that they succeeded.

Cuba now has one of the world’s smallest epidemics, a mere 14,038 cases. Its infection rate is 0.1 percent, on par with Finland, Singapore and Kazakhstan. That is one-sixth the rate of the United States, one-twentieth of nearby Haiti.

The population of Cuba is only slightly larger than that of New York City. In the three decades of the global AIDS epidemic, 78,763 New Yorkers have died of AIDS. Only 2,364 Cubans have.
The lives of people who died needlessly had value and those lives were pissed away for fear of being politically incorrect.
But the problem is, everyone knows conservatives oppose Obama's stance on everything 100% of the time.

So like I said, it's entirely political for you. Yes indeed, you are willing to violate people's constitutional rights......because you want to oppose Obama. What the hell is wrong with you? You're not a conservative. You're just a deluded fool. You piss on conservatism because you hate Obama. You are, in fact, the most liberal type of creature in the world. You are a disgrace, and an embarrassment.
Post of duty has no bearing...protocol is protocol civvie or mil..............

You don't understand what you're talking about. Military personnel have contracted themselves to do a job. In the case of being quarantined, their job is to sit there until they're told to go home. It is their post of duty on those days. It is the job they agreed to do when they signed the contract. Nothing you've posted changes the fact that Kaci Hickox was forcibly held without probable cause.

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