Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

You know what was some scary shit? Small pox.

You could get small pox just from talking to someone who had small pox. 300 million people died from small pox in the 20th century.

You can't get Ebola anywhere near that easily.

But some fearmongering dumb shits saw a Hollywood movie that over-exaggerated the shit out of Ebola and now we have an Ebolysteria pandemic on our hands that has spread like wildfire.

You can get Ebolysteria just from talking to someone who has Ebolysteria. Damn near 300 million people are afflicted with Ebolysteria.

There is a lot of Ebolysieria going around

A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll found that almost two-thirds of respondents are worried about a widespread Ebola outbreak in the United States. Moreover, 9 out of 10 Americans (91 percent) believe that there should be tougher screening of people coming into the United States from West African nations and two-thirds support travel restrictions -- or a travel ban -- for people coming from those countries where the outbreak has been the most severe
If the guys and gals in the space suits are getting it, who the fuck is Obama to say a doctor with Ebola out on the town in NYC can't spread it?

No one has been infected who was around these people. The only people who have been infected are the nurses who treated Duncan. And those nurses did not infect anyone else even though one of them traveled to Ohio and back after she treated Duncan.

There isn't a single case of anyone being infected by these people outside a hospital.

So your Ebolysteria is unfounded.

I wish he had invited Ebola Doc to the White House to dine.

Actually, Obama invited one of the nurses to the White House and embraced her.

There is a lot of Ebolysieria going around

There's a lot of Quarantinysteria going around also. It's 21 days. Get over it. It's worth not putting the rest of the population at risk. No matter how small you may believe that risk is.
SNIP Did you just make the rest of it up as well?

TooTall, what of the below you don't understand.

The officials, however, put her in a windowless cell, took her phone and hand bag, would tell her where she was or what she was being held for, then questioned her for hours before putting her in quarantine lock down.
There is a lot of Ebolysieria going around

There's a lot of Quarantinysteria going around also. It's 21 days. Get over it. It's worth not putting the rest of the population at risk. No matter how small you may believe that risk is.

Straight talk, Sil.

The nurse's case was not handled sensibly and sensitively.

HOWTHEFUCKINGEVER, the state has the right to quarantine your ass, folks, if it needs to for public health reason.
Straight talk, Sil.

The nurse's case was not handled sensibly and sensitively.

HOWTHEFUCKINGEVER, the state has the right to quarantine your ass, folks, if it needs to for public health reason.

Here, let's turn that statement around to my perspective [and the perspective of a majority of registered voters]

"The nurse's attitude towards protecting the general public was not handled sensibly and sensitively by her."

And yes, Jake if she sues the government, she'll get her ass handed to her. And she should have to pay court costs and the state of NJ's legal expenses when her case fails.
The nurse had an elevated temperature. Since she just came from treating Ebola victims, then it was sensible to quarantine her.

It was also sensible to release her once it was determined to be a false alarm.
Nope, the government handled it poorly, she complained loudly enough that the government backed up, and, yes, she will get a nice settlement.

The government needs to remember that a citizen has rights that need to be respected at all times.

Sil, if you are saying the government can do whatever it wants, then, yeah, you are for marriage equality as well.
Of course she should have been quarantined, but you don't have to go all Gestapo.
It's not Scientific Blindness that is causing the mishandling of's a combination of corrupt politics and incompetent leadership.....

Just sayin'.
Of course she should have been quarantined, but you don't have to go all Gestapo.
Where was the Gestapo part?

She had a fever temperature. They reacted prudently by immediately isolating her from everyone else in the international airport.
I can't believe it's an issue. I'm not the warmest group hugs kind of person out there but if I thought there was any chance of spreading Ebola I would absolutely voluntary quarantine myself. How selfish can people get?
Of course she should have been quarantined, but you don't have to go all Gestapo.
Where was the Gestapo part?

She had a fever temperature. They reacted prudently by immediately isolating her from everyone else in the international airport.

They took her cell and purse, put her in a windowless, and did not tell her why she was there, and asked hours of quesitons. Wrong. I would have fired the supervisors.

This: "ma'am, you are coming with us, we are port authority. We are going to a room where we are going to ask you questions about possible exposure by you to eboa in west africa. We want to make sure you and and everyone else is going to be OK."

Not: "put your head in the bag, bitch. no? tazer him, sam.
Silhouette said:

'So the nurse in quarantine is suing "the government" [the Christie Administration]'

Your ignorance of, and contempt for, due process of law comes as no surprise.

It also comes as no surprise that you and most others on the right are such advocates of authoritarianism.
Of course she should have been quarantined, but you don't have to go all Gestapo.
Where was the Gestapo part?

She had a fever temperature. They reacted prudently by immediately isolating her from everyone else in the international airport.

They took her cell and purse, put her in a windowless, and did not tell her why she was there, and asked hours of quesitons. Wrong. I would have fired the supervisors.

You want a possibly infectious person in a room with a window?


What is this obsession over a window?

"Took her cell and purse". Okay. What do they do to the living quarters of an infected person? They bag and tag.
Silhouette said:

'So the nurse in quarantine is suing "the government" [the Christie Administration]'

Your ignorance of, and contempt for, due process of law comes as no surprise.

It also comes as no surprise that you and most others on the right are such advocates of authoritarianism.

She can sue all day long. She will lose. You know that. I know that. Even Jake admits it. So she pays the court fees. You know that's how "due process" of civil law goes. Loser pays.
Sil is losing on marriage equality and she is losing on this with g5000 doubling down.

I have been saying HOW it was handled, not WHY.

She was not told what was going on for several hours.

That's wrong.

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