Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

and how many weeks since all in the US was going to die from Ebola, yet drunk driving deaths soar way past the Ebola epidemic?
Drunk driving deaths and the flu do not fell healthy strapping adults by mere bodily fluid contact. When those healthiest of our society are falling to a disease that kills at about 70% average rate.

Your compasion between drunk driving and ebola is like saying we should ignore tuburculosis because lots of people sprain their ankles.

In other words, you are insane.

I think it runs deeper than that... I think Moonblow has some serious substance abuse issues.
To keep this in perspective, the far left is asking its duped sychophants, "the majority who supports..." to disregard personal safety in favor of the neo/bind anti-scientific, myopic, narcissistic, endless left agenda.. The Nancy-Peolosi/Mark Leno "Church of the terminally gullible and willing".

This isn't going to play well for them. Like I said, this box-canyon of their philosophical stance is going to be entertaining to watch as we see right before us "push comes to shove" start a mass mutiny..

Will registered democrats choose:

1. Doing what their rainbow herd dogs ask of them yet again without thinking or

2. Default to self-preservation.

This is really superb and a rare opportunity. Will the lemmings jump off the cliff with their leaders in a blind rush? Or will some of them stop at the last minute and think...hmm....wait a minute!... :scared1:
Everyone who goes into an Ebola Hot Zone should be quarantined for the recommended period ( X [21?] days ) - no exceptions.

We simply need to do a better job of providing decent accommodations for those going into quarantine.

Perhaps taking-over a few good-sized hotels in out-of-the-way places, to send those folks, and to treat them decently, while they're waiting.

It's not such a hardship - if you go, then know, in advance, that you will be quarantined for X days once you return - in decent quarters, and treated well.

What is a temporary inconvenience to such returnees, when the health and safety of the nation at large, are at stake?

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Everyone who goes into an Ebola Hot Zone should be quarantined for the recommended period (21 days) - no exceptions.

We simply need to do a better job of providing decent accommodations for those going into quarantine.

Perhaps taking-over a couple of few good-sized hotels in out-of-the-way places, to send those folks, and to treat them decently, while they're waiting.

It's not such a hardship - if you go, then know,in advance, that you will be quarantined for X days once you return - in decent quarters, and treated well.

What is a temporary inconvenience to such returnees, when the health and safety of the nation at large, are at stake?



There needs to be like a three phase unit where those who have passed the first week without ebola positive, go on to the next set of units. The third week the same. To keep those subpopuations and their attendants separate? I don't know. But central organization is lacking. That is the only point the whiney nurse raised that I agree with.

The uber left agenda demands we suspend common sense again and again and again to always accomodate personal liberties, even as they demostrate in the streets/subways/bowling alleys/back alleys/media that they will use those liberties to harm others. Even society as a whole.

21 days isn't an eternity. Stop scaring the public like it is a permanent jail sentence.
The state, which Crusader Frank loves, has the right to quarantine folks for the public's health concerns.

The officials, however, put her in a windowless cell, took her phone and hand bag, would tell her where she was or what she was being held for, then questioned her for hours before putting her in quarantine lock down.

The officials are now backing down.

Christie is more concerned about being Hillary's running mate than about the public safety.

You back tracking fascist. :lol:


^ Jake and friends

:lol: And this is why you on the far right are not getting anywhere and continuing lose ground

You have little power left, so all you can do is cry and spread manure.

Sux to be you. :lol:
Sil writes, "This isn't going to play well for them."

Remember this is the same poster who has had at least three threads collapse from internal inconsistency and outright fabrication about marriage equality.
Sil writes, "This isn't going to play well for them."

Remember this is the same poster who has had at least three threads collapse from internal inconsistency and outright fabrication about marriage equality.

Remember Sil is a rainbow herd dog for the anti marriage equality outliers.
Remember Sil is a rainbow herd dog for the anti marriage equality outliers.
This particular subject is about ignoring the public's general welfare for the sake of individual whiney liberties...even just to curb one's freedoms for the sake of others for just 21 days.

But yes, that mentality is famous in another arena involving access to orphaned children via legal loopholes.
Only according to the loons, Sil.

It is about running a humane quarantine process. The woman was grabbed, thrown into a windowless cell, had her phone and hand bag removed, and was asked questions for several hours, and the interrogators refused to tell her why she was in arrest.

Christie has since back down from that gestapo position, which you support, saying there is a way to balance the need for quarantine with the need for humanity.

For once, try to tell the whole story.

You have failed on this as you have on your anti marriage equality threads.
I highly doubt she was "grabbed" and "thrown" into a "cell" and "interrogated". She was gently led to a tent and was asked questions relating to ebola.

Why all the hyperbole Jake? Are you ramping up public hysteria around feigned "abuse" when it's just common sense you disagree with? Wouldn't be the first time...
This is what the cutting edge of our medical community had to say about keeping the public safe from ebola [paraphrased]

"waa waa waaaaaa! My rights. Me. me me me I I I I. I am brave. I went to Africa and treated ebola so my body is superior and my rights are superior even to the public's health.. Waaaa! I can take months out of my life to slave over sick and dying people in Africa to maybe save a few lives there but I REFUSE to stay inside for 21 days when I get back to American to save an entire region from an outbreak! I'm going to sue governor Christie! Waaaaaaaa! :crybaby:

I was taking poetic license with her words. But I'll tell you, listen to her interview with CNN's Candy Crowley and your jaw will drop. The tone of her voice is arrogant, whiney, even aggressive. Thank goodness our health, science and sane thinking are in the hands of the far-left-leaning medical community. I can't imagine where this lack of objective thinking on behalf of the uber left "medical community" has taken us before...oh wait...tranny surgeries to amputate healthy organs to complete a mental delusion...

OK, point well taken.

But other medical witchdoctory aside, this nurse is a perfect living [mentally] ill-ustration of what extremes a society will go to make sure everyone agrees the naked Emperor is sporting "really fine clothes".

She is patently selfish and self-absorbed to the point of pathology. I literally felt like I was listening to a sociopath in that interview. And this nurse is ...*drum roll*.....AN EPIDEMIOLOGIST.. :eek-52:
Here are some excerpts:
...Hickox, an epidemiologist who was working to help treat Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has tested negative twice for Ebola and does not have symptoms, she said. She is quarantined for 21 days at University Hospital in Newark.
"This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated," Hickox told CNN's Candy Crowley on "State of the Union."
She described herself as "physically strong" but "emotionally exhausted."
"To put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable," she said...
Little Miss Snit has her knickers in a twist over protecting the public health..
...Hickox told Crowley that mandatory quarantine is "not a sound public health decision" and that public health officials -- not politicians -- should be making the policies related to Ebola and public safety.
"For the first 12 hours, I was in shock. Now I'm angry," she added....
Enter, the lawyers!...God Bless America...
Lawyer Norman Siegal, former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said he'll be filing papers in court for Hickox to have a hearing no later than five days from the start of her confinement.
He said the doctors at the hospital say there's no medical reason to hold her. The policy Christie enacted is unconstitutional and too broad, he said.
"We need to know what the medical facts are and not rely on politicians who have their own vested interests," he said. Quarantined nurse slams state Ebola policy -
Defense attorney for Christie: "Mr. Siegal, have you seen the video on a person sneezing in Silhouette's thread at USMB?...." Doctors Without Common Sense Ebola Without Borders Mandatory Quarantine Time. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I question her sincerity. Seems like she wanted to help those "poor Africans" to make herself feel better - an altruist? Please.
I don't understand peoples desire to rush home and possibly infect their family.

I mean, have some compassion for your boyfriend/husband/neighbors...your community. 21 days isn't a life-sentence. But without it, it could be a life sentence for other people. Her lack of prudence in this matter and complete self-absorption literally does border on her being a sociopath.

Not only that but in forced quarantine they can be very closely monitered hour by hour if necessary and the instant they show an elevated temperature, they can be on supportive care. Their prognosis increases for survival should they be infected. The public's prognosis and calm increases with trust in their officials to keep us all safe. It's a win-win. Only a selfish turd would see it otherwise.
I question her sincerity. Seems like she wanted to help those "poor Africans" to make herself feel better - an altruist? Please.

Help Africans, just not Americans by using 21 days of prudence when she gets back stateside. Instead she throws tantrums like a 3 year old. Great to know our healthcare system and epidemiology is in good hands.. :cuckoo:
The nurse does have a point though as I stated before. There needs to be consistency. There needs to be a consistent policy on protecting the national health before America becomes an ebola hot spot and our people are not allowed to cross foreign boundaries.
Feel free to keep peeing your pants in fear while championing the forced imprisonment of Americans.
As someone who had meningitis about 20 years ago you can bite me. I too was sent home after a short stay in the hospital BECAUSE they thought I had the flu. The next night I went back in an ambulance and spent 2 weeks in intensive care and almost died because they missed it.

Tell me again how much we should blindly trust ANY institution
Are you dead?
How typical. You wouldn't see the point if it was glued to the inside of your glasses would you?
A mistake was made and you survived. Which apparently caused you to trust politicians over the medical community.
I do trust Politicians that I agree with. Unlike most on here I don't bend to their point of view to find agreement. I find agreement where their ideas fit with mine.
Yes, it's called confirmation bias.
I don't understand peoples desire to rush home and possibly infect their family.

I mean, have some compassion for your boyfriend/husband/neighbors...your community. 21 days isn't a life-sentence. But without it, it could be a life sentence for other people. Her lack of prudence in this matter and complete self-absorption literally does border on her being a sociopath.

Not only that but in forced quarantine they can be very closely monitered hour by hour if necessary and the instant they show an elevated temperature, they can be on supportive care. Their prognosis increases for survival should they be infected. The public's prognosis and calm increases with trust in their officials to keep us all safe. It's a win-win. Only a selfish turd would see it otherwise.

Yes, that's right. Because the government knows best. Let the government decide what is best for you, they'll take care of everything. First Obamacare. Next, quarantines.
Yes, that's right. Because the government knows best. Let the government decide what is best for you, they'll take care of everything. First Obamacare. Next, quarantines.
You're trying to make it look like "a conservative position" to want quarantines to stop.

I get it. Role-playing. You guys are good at that aren't you? Except that "mom and dad" aren't theater roles you can have one stand-in for the real thing when it comes to kids...
You're trying to make it look like "a conservative position" to want quarantines to stop.

And where did I ever say that? Never once did I say anything against quarantines as a whole. Don't you even bother to pay attention? Or are you just too damned stupid to think for yourself and need everything spoon fed to you?

I want forcible confinement without probable cause to stop. As would every true conservative.
And where did I ever say that? Never once did I say anything against quarantines as a whole. Don't you even bother to pay attention? Or are you just too damned stupid to think for yourself and need everything spoon fed to you?

I want forcible confinement without probable cause to stop. As would every true conservative.
Nah, 21 day quarantines don't = "forcible confinement without probable cause" We are dealing with an unknown, a virus whose etiology has escaped us to the point of where two people were infected on US soil without a known cause. One man has died here and every day or every other day someone is getting off a plane from the African hot zones with a fever and needing monitoring.

No conservative would support that position. You're a looney left democrat. I've seen your posts before. And you are pitching and hoping that if you role-play a conservative people won't assign "the people who want to let ebola in the country are the democrats" as yet another albatross around your/our party's neck.

Force gay marraige on states that don't want it. Then force everyone to risk getting ebola. Those two platforms are going to cost the dems plenty of votes. Turn it around. Have one of your in-pocket Supreme Court Justices like Sotomayor, Kagen or Ginsburg tip the scales and agree to hear the appeals. Or get behind a mandatory quarantine. Do the smart thing. Just don't role play like anyone is going to believe that a conservative a week out from a pivotal midterm election was pitching the same line as Barack Obama on the ebola situation.

Gawd, you people have no shame. No qualms. No moral compass whatsoever. True, your equivalent exists on the far right but two wrongs don't make a right.. :cuckoo:

Sometimes the ends DO NOT justify the means. Take off your stage makeup and put away the props. It's closing time..

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