Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

Nah, 21 day quarantines don't = "forcible confinement without probable cause"

A person being confined against their will is forcible confinement.

Doing so without probable cause is.....doing so without probable cause.

Pretty simple stuff. Not sure why you can't comprehend it.

We are dealing with an unknown, a virus whose etiology has escaped us to the point of where two people were infected on US soil without a known cause.

False. Perhaps this is your problem. You don't know what you're talking about. You seem to think that nobody knows anything. The solution is for you to educate yourself, because every false statement you make just increases your foolishness.

One man has died here

How many people have died from the flu? How many people have died from handgun violence? Oh, that's right, you want to take that constitutional right away also.

and every day or every other day someone is getting off a plane from the African hot zones with a fever and needing monitoring.

That you would make such a ridiculous statement just goes to show that you're completely delusional. Or a liar. Probably a little of both.

No conservative would support that position. You're a looney left democrat. I've seen your posts before. And you are pitching and hoping that if you role-play a conservative people won't assign "the people who want to let ebola in the country are the democrats" as yet another albatross around your/our party's neck.

Wait a you're in favor of blanketly confining people without probable cause, violating their constitutional rights, all on nothing more than ill informed hysteria on the level of Al Gore crying about climate change....and I'm the lefty loon?

If you think you're some kind of conservative than you really need to get your head examined.

Force gay marraige on states that don't want it.

Da fuk?

Then force everyone to risk getting ebola.

Again, making ridiculous claims just makes you look like a bigger fool.

Or get behind a mandatory quarantine.

Get behind the government wielding huge power with blindness, and trampling on people's rights? You think that's the conservative thing to do? My God, you're mind is truly poisoned. Absolutely, entirely poisoned.
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Wait a you're in favor of blanketly confining people without probable cause, violating their constitutional rights, all on nothing more than ill informed hysteria on the level of Al Gore crying about climate change....and I'm the lefty loon?

Cool Meryl Streep. You even threw in a reference to Gore "crying" and climate change. I see an Emmy in your future. Conservatives would never line up with Obama's stance on lax ebola control. NEVER. Especially not now. I don't know how much theater you think your audience can stomach before they start to puke. Honestly.

so you're in favor of blanketly confining people without probable cause, violating their constitutional rights, all on nothing more than ill informed hysteria

The probable cause is called "the not fully understood etiology of the ebola virus/epidemic". Ill informed is indeed an appropriate label. It is the label that belongs on the complete and comprehensive understanding of this virus/epidemic and the magnitude to which it is spiralling out of control in Africa. We don't want that in this country. Sorry.

I repeat:

"..21 day quarantines don't = "forcible confinement without probable cause" We are dealing with an unknown, a virus whose etiology has escaped us to the point of where two people were infected on US soil without a known cause. One man has died here and every day or every other day someone is getting off a plane from the African hot zones with a fever and needing monitoring.
No conservative would support that position. You're a looney left democrat. I've seen your posts before. And you are pitching and hoping that if you role-play a conservative people won't assign "the people who want to let ebola in the country are the democrats" as yet another albatross around your/our party's neck.
Force gay marraige on states that don't want it. Then force everyone to risk getting ebola. Those two platforms are going to cost the dems plenty of votes. Turn it around. Have one of your in-pocket Supreme Court Justices like Sotomayor, Kagen or Ginsburg tip the scales and agree to hear the appeals. Or get behind a mandatory quarantine. Do the smart thing. Just don't role play like anyone is going to believe that a conservative a week out from a pivotal midterm election was pitching the same line as Barack Obama on the ebola situation.
Gawd, you people have no shame. No qualms. No moral compass whatsoever. True, your equivalent exists on the far right but two wrongs don't make a right
.. :cuckoo:
Sometimes the ends DO NOT justify the means. Take off your stage makeup and put away the props. It's closing time.."
I don't understand peoples desire to rush home and possibly infect their family.

I mean, have some compassion for your boyfriend/husband/neighbors...your community. 21 days isn't a life-sentence. But without it, it could be a life sentence for other people. Her lack of prudence in this matter and complete self-absorption literally does border on her being a sociopath.

Not only that but in forced quarantine they can be very closely monitered hour by hour if necessary and the instant they show an elevated temperature, they can be on supportive care. Their prognosis increases for survival should they be infected. The public's prognosis and calm increases with trust in their officials to keep us all safe. It's a win-win. Only a selfish turd would see it otherwise.

Yes, that's right. Because the government knows best. Let the government decide what is best for you, they'll take care of everything. First Obamacare. Next, quarantines.
I don't understand peoples desire to rush home and possibly infect their family.

I mean, have some compassion for your boyfriend/husband/neighbors...your community. 21 days isn't a life-sentence. But without it, it could be a life sentence for other people. Her lack of prudence in this matter and complete self-absorption literally does border on her being a sociopath.

Not only that but in forced quarantine they can be very closely monitered hour by hour if necessary and the instant they show an elevated temperature, they can be on supportive care. Their prognosis increases for survival should they be infected. The public's prognosis and calm increases with trust in their officials to keep us all safe. It's a win-win. Only a selfish turd would see it otherwise.

Yes, that's right. Because the government knows best. Let the government decide what is best for you, they'll take care of everything. First Obamacare. Next, quarantines.
I don't understand peoples desire to rush home and possibly infect their family.

I mean, have some compassion for your boyfriend/husband/neighbors...your community. 21 days isn't a life-sentence. But without it, it could be a life sentence for other people. Her lack of prudence in this matter and complete self-absorption literally does border on her being a sociopath.

Not only that but in forced quarantine they can be very closely monitered hour by hour if necessary and the instant they show an elevated temperature, they can be on supportive care. Their prognosis increases for survival should they be infected. The public's prognosis and calm increases with trust in their officials to keep us all safe. It's a win-win. Only a selfish turd would see it otherwise.

Yes, that's right. Because the government knows best. Let the government decide what is best for you, they'll take care of everything. First Obamacare. Next, quarantines.
I don't need govt to tell me that needlessly exposing my wife to a deadly disease doesn't fall under the heading of ", honor, cherish,and protect."
I don't need govt to tell me that needlessly exposing my wife to a deadly disease doesn't fall under the heading of ", honor, cherish,and protect."

Right, and again, if this nurse should, god forbid, start coming down with "not feeling well" before she starts a fever, the immediate intervention for her own sake might be the difference of a life saved vs lost because she made a gross misjudgment of just writing off early "not feeling well" symptoms to something else... Dr. Spencer did and is now laying on a hospital bed flirting with death.

Also, now look at the inconvenience to those friends of Dr. Spencer who now, just by virtue of his human failings and questionable judgement are having to be quarantined themselves. This nurse issue and her...utterly selfish viewpoint, underscore how self-monitoring does not work. Between the doctor's performance and her lack of concern for others, we need mandatory quarantine.
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Conservatives would never line up with Obama's stance on lax ebola control. NEVER. Especially not now.

So this really is just about politics for you. Wow, it's a real shame. The American mind is poisoned with bullshit partisanship. What passes for "conservative" is nothing more than mindless anti-Democrat partisanship. You'll let all kinds of liberal BS hang out of your pants like an impotent dick in the name of that cause.

The probable cause is called "the not fully understood etiology of the ebola virus/epidemic".

Then there is no probable cause. YOU don't understand it. That's it. So let me educate you....

Ebola virus disease is caused by four of five ebolaviruses. The most common among these is formerly known as Zaire ebolavirus, now commonly known simply as Ebola virus, and is the virus responsible for the recent outbreak in western Africa.

Ebola virus is zoonotic. That is, infection transfers between animal species, in this particular case fruit bats being the typical culprit. Being bitten by an Ebola positive animal can transfer the virus to humans, as well as eating under cooked bushmeat. Other primates can also become infected with become infected from bats, and serve as a vehicle through which it is introduced to human hosts. The recent outbreak is currently believed to have originated from a family who is known to have hunted two species of fruit bats for food, which are known carriers of Ebola virus. The first illness was have been a male toddler who subsequently died, followed by several other members of his family also becoming ill. They also eventually died, but transmitted the virus to other people with whom they had direct contact. Due to the fact that Ebola has never previously been observed in the region, the illness was misdiagnosed for several months, which gave an enhanced opportunity to spread.

Ebola virus is transmitted by humans through direct contact with bodily fluids, such as breastmilk, semen, mucus, blood, feces, vomit, sweat, and saliva. Direct contact means that the body fluid touches the eye, mouth, nose, or open wound (i.e. cuts and abrasions). Ebola does not "soak in" through the skin. A person must first become symptomatic of Ebola caused illness in order to spread the virus. Spread through saliva is only possible for a severely sick individual. Whole virus have not been shown to be spread through perspiration. Ebola is spread through airborne transmission, like the flu can be. That is, droplets of saliva suspended in air cannot transmit the virus. Sneezing and coughing are not typical symptoms of Ebola, but if an infected person sneezes, transmission would only be possible if saliva comes in direct contact with the eyes, mouth, nose, or open wound. Again, transmission through saliva is only possible with severely sick individuals.

I repeat:

Repeat a lie enough, it'll become true. That your goal?
Putting someone in a fucking tent was a total DICK MOVE. Wtf are we? Some third world shit hole?
Same kind of tent we are shipping to Third World shitholes.

Does the left want special treatment for Americans?
So you concede my point?
I guess if I concede your point, you concede my point that you think Americans deserve special treatment?

Of course Grampa is right, it was a total dick move. Yes I think Americans deserves special treatment here in America. God damn right I do.
I don't need govt to tell me that needlessly exposing my wife to a deadly disease doesn't fall under the heading of ", honor, cherish,and protect."

Right, and again, if this nurse should, god forbid, start coming down with "not feeling well" before she starts a fever, the immediate intervention for her own sake might be the difference of a life saved vs lost because she made a gross misjudgment of just writing off early "not feeling well" symptoms to something else... Dr. Spencer did and is now laying on a hospital bed flirting with death.

Also, now look at the inconvenience to those friends of Dr. Spencer who now, just by virtue of his human failings and questionable judgement are having to be quarantined themselves. This nurse issue and her...utterly selfish viewpoint, underscore how self-monitoring does not work. Between the doctor's performance and her lack of concern for others, we need mandatory quarantine.

New York Ebola patient Dr Craig Spencer is in serious but stable condition Daily Mail Online

On Friday night, the 33-year-old received a blood donation from aid worker Nancy Writebol, who survived the virus, after tests found they shared the same blood type.

It is a move that medics believe could save his life after Ebola survivors Nina Pham, Amber Jay Vinson, Ashoka Mukpo and Dr Nick Sacra were all cured following blood transfusions.

Read more: New York Ebola patient Dr Craig Spencer is in serious but stable condition Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
The state, which Crusader Frank loves, has the right to quarantine folks for the public's health concerns.

The officials, however, put her in a windowless cell, took her phone and hand bag, would tell her where she was or what she was being held for, then questioned her for hours before putting her in quarantine lock down.

The officials are now backing down.
The state, which Crusader Frank loves, has the right to quarantine folks for the public's health concerns.

The officials, however, put her in a windowless cell, took her phone and hand bag, would tell her where she was or what she was being held for, then questioned her for hours before putting her in quarantine lock down.

The officials are now backing down.

"On Sunday, she spoke by phone with CNN's Candy Crowley and Elizabeth Cohen." I wonder how she did that without a phone? There is also a picture of her in the tent looking out the window.
Did you just make the rest of it up as well?
Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

She had no fever nor any symptom of Ebola. And Ebola isn't communicable without symptoms.

And 'scientific blindness'? Weren't you the one who at the beginning of this little fit of media driven hysteria telling us about how Ebola could mutate and become airborn (something no RNA virus has ever been found to do), talking about extinction of our species from Ebola and even blathering about nuclear meltdowns from all the nuclear engineers having died from ebola?

Might I recommend you clean the shit out of your own panties before you start lamenting about 'scientific blindness.'
Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

She had no fever nor any symptom of Ebola. And Ebola isn't communicable without symptoms.

And 'scientific blindness'? Weren't you the one who at the beginning of this little fit of media driven hysteria telling us about how Ebola could mutate and become airborn (something no RNA virus has ever been found to do), talking about extinction of our species from Ebola and even blathering about nuclear meltdowns from all the nuclear engineers having died from ebola?

Might I recommend you clean the shit out of your own panties before you start lamenting about 'scientific blindness.'

After Ms. Hickox landed at Newark Liberty International Airport on Friday, a forehead scan showed she had a temperature of 101, which prompted concern because fever is a symptom of the Ebola virus. Ms. Hickox later said that the reading came because she was flushed and upset. A later reading taken with an oral thermometer recorded a normal temperature, 98.6.
If the guys and gals in the space suits are getting it, who the fuck is Obama to say a doctor with Ebola out on the town in NYC can't spread it?

No one has been infected who was around these people. The only people who have been infected are the nurses who treated Duncan. And those nurses did not infect anyone else even though one of them traveled to Ohio and back after she treated Duncan.

There isn't a single case of anyone being infected by these people outside a hospital.

So your Ebolysteria is unfounded.

I wish he had invited Ebola Doc to the White House to dine.

Actually, Obama invited one of the nurses to the White House and embraced her.

The state, which Crusader Frank loves, has the right to quarantine folks for the public's health concerns.

The officials, however, put her in a windowless cell, took her phone and hand bag, would tell her where she was or what she was being held for, then questioned her for hours before putting her in quarantine lock down.

The officials are now backing down.

Christie is more concerned about being Hillary's running mate than about the public safety.

You back tracking fascist. :lol:


^ Jake and friends

:lol: And this is why you on the far right are not getting anywhere and continuing lose ground

You have little power left, so all you can do is cry and spread manure.

Sux to be you. :lol:

I had no idea 91% of the folks were far right.

A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll found that almost two-thirds of respondents are worried about a widespread Ebola outbreak in the United States. Moreover, 9 out of 10 Americans (91 percent) believe that there should be tougher screening of people coming into the United States from West African nations and two-thirds support travel restrictions -- or a travel ban -- for people coming from those countries where the outbreak has been the most severe
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Public Health Be Damned: Nurse Tantrum Shows Depth of American Scientific Blindness

She had no fever nor any symptom of Ebola. And Ebola isn't communicable without symptoms.

And 'scientific blindness'? Weren't you the one who at the beginning of this little fit of media driven hysteria telling us about how Ebola could mutate and become airborn (something no RNA virus has ever been found to do), talking about extinction of our species from Ebola and even blathering about nuclear meltdowns from all the nuclear engineers having died from ebola?

Might I recommend you clean the shit out of your own panties before you start lamenting about 'scientific blindness.'

After Ms. Hickox landed at Newark Liberty International Airport on Friday, a forehead scan showed she had a temperature of 101, which prompted concern because fever is a symptom of the Ebola virus. Ms. Hickox later said that the reading came because she was flushed and upset. A later reading taken with an oral thermometer recorded a normal temperature, 98.6.

How many tylenol did she take to reduce her fever?
The FDA has issued the following public advisory.

Symptoms of Ebolysteria:

1. Sudden bouts of irrational panic.

2. Fevered and delusional thinking.

3. Shit for brains.

4. Shit in pants.

5. Bullshit in mouth.

If you or anyone you know is displaying one or more of these symptoms, quarantine them and report to a course in Logic or Critical Thinking immediately.

WARNING: Fox News is a known vector of Ebolysteria. Other vectors may include Breitbart, EIB Network, infowars, CNS News, The Washington Times, Newsmax, and If you have a weakened intellectual system, avoid contact with these potential sources of Ebolysteria. A strong correlation has also been found between Ebolysteria and Obama Derangement Syndrome. If you suffer from ODS, avoid interacting with other members of the public until the Eboloysteria epidemic has passed.
You know what was some scary shit? Small pox.

You could get small pox just from talking to someone who had small pox. 300 million people died from small pox in the 20th century.

You can't get Ebola anywhere near that easily.

But some fearmongering dumb shits saw a Hollywood movie that over-exaggerated the shit out of Ebola and now we have an Ebolysteria pandemic on our hands that has spread like wildfire.

You can get Ebolysteria just from talking to someone who has Ebolysteria. Damn near 300 million people are afflicted with Ebolysteria.
Do the "Ebola, No Biggie" Dipshits at USMB realize that the biggest problem with letting infected people run around the USA is that it gives the virus a chance to find a willing host?

The entire purpose of treating it in a biocontainment facility, is to keep it contained!
Do the "Ebola, No Biggie" Dipshits at USMB realize that the biggest problem with letting infected people run around the USA is that it gives the virus a chance to find a willing host?

The entire purpose of treating it in a biocontainment facility, is to keep it contained!

There is a difference between being someone who is concerned, and being someone afflicted with Ebolysteria.

This problem is being complicated by the latter, but will ultimately be solved by the former.
Conservatives would never line up with Obama's stance on lax ebola control. NEVER. Especially not now.

So this really is just about politics for you. Wow, it's a real shame. The American mind is poisoned with bullshit partisanship. What passes for "conservative" is nothing more than mindless anti-Democrat partisanship. You'll let all kinds of liberal BS hang out of your pants like an impotent dick in the name of that cause.

The probable cause is called "the not fully understood etiology of the ebola virus/epidemic".

Then there is no probable cause. YOU don't understand it. That's it. So let me educate you....

Ebola virus disease is caused by four of five ebolaviruses. The most common among these is formerly known as Zaire ebolavirus, now commonly known simply as Ebola virus, and is the virus responsible for the recent outbreak in western Africa.

Ebola virus is zoonotic. That is, infection transfers between animal species, in this particular case fruit bats being the typical culprit. Being bitten by an Ebola positive animal can transfer the virus to humans, as well as eating under cooked bushmeat. Other primates can also become infected with become infected from bats, and serve as a vehicle through which it is introduced to human hosts. The recent outbreak is currently believed to have originated from a family who is known to have hunted two species of fruit bats for food, which are known carriers of Ebola virus. The first illness was have been a male toddler who subsequently died, followed by several other members of his family also becoming ill. They also eventually died, but transmitted the virus to other people with whom they had direct contact. Due to the fact that Ebola has never previously been observed in the region, the illness was misdiagnosed for several months, which gave an enhanced opportunity to spread.

Ebola virus is transmitted by humans through direct contact with bodily fluids, such as breastmilk, semen, mucus, blood, feces, vomit, sweat, and saliva. Direct contact means that the body fluid touches the eye, mouth, nose, or open wound (i.e. cuts and abrasions). Ebola does not "soak in" through the skin. A person must first become symptomatic of Ebola caused illness in order to spread the virus. Spread through saliva is only possible for a severely sick individual. Whole virus have not been shown to be spread through perspiration. Ebola is spread through airborne transmission, like the flu can be. That is, droplets of saliva suspended in air cannot transmit the virus. Sneezing and coughing are not typical symptoms of Ebola, but if an infected person sneezes, transmission would only be possible if saliva comes in direct contact with the eyes, mouth, nose, or open wound. Again, transmission through saliva is only possible with severely sick individuals.

I repeat:

Repeat a lie enough, it'll become true. That your goal?

How long was it before the Doctor developed symptoms after returning from West Africa and is now in serious condition with Ebola in NYC?
We're not even sure what animal harbors the disease between African outbreaks, but let's let infected people get in contact with American rats, roaches, pigeons, etc.

What's the worst that could happen?

I spewed Ebola chunks, but it's cool because it went down the sewer, so we're cool. Right?

It's Russian Roulette with a howitzer

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