Public Health Obsessed over Masks. Why Not Obesity?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Public Health has been a disaster throughout this pandemic--a topic to fill a thousand message boards. One of their biggest failings is the obsessive focus on masks--which do nothing--while they ignore the huge role weight plays in Covid-19 outcomes.

We are 16 months into this pandemic. If Public Health had any credibility and/or focus, they might have encouraged obese people to, say, lose four pounds a month for the last 12 months. For obese folks this is a modest loss, but even that works out to be about 50 lbs. A 50 lb loss is not only beneficial on its face, it also helps manage conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.

Is weight loss difficult? Yes. It takes a lifestyle change. But of course, it would help Americans not only avoid bad Covid outcomes, but improve their general health. Instead, all we get is the same bad advice repeated over...and over...and over....
China should have invented a virus that made us fat, instead.
Public Health has been a disaster throughout this pandemic--a topic to fill a thousand message boards. One of their biggest failings is the obsessive focus on masks--which do nothing--while they ignore the huge role weight plays in Covid-19 outcomes.

We are 16 months into this pandemic. If Public Health had any credibility and/or focus, they might have encouraged obese people to, say, lose four pounds a month for the last 12 months. For obese folks this is a modest loss, but even that works out to be about 50 lbs. A 50 lb loss is not only beneficial on its face, it also helps manage conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.

Is weight loss difficult? Yes. It takes a lifestyle change. But of course, it would help Americans not only avoid bad Covid outcomes, but improve their general health. Instead, all we get is the same bad advice repeated over...and over...and over....

Translation- It isn't our fault that TRUMP PLAGUE killed all those people. It's your own fault for being fat!!!

Even though a lot of skinny people died of TRUMP PLAGUE.

And it was 100 times worse than it needed to be because the Science deniers were out there.

How dare you interfere in my right to grovel in front of my imaginary sky friend and infect other people.
Michelle Obama took on obesity and right wing nuts wanted to shoot her for it. How dare she suggest healthier eating habits!!! You guys literally hate anything positive for the country if it involves someone not of your clan.
Michelle Obama took on obesity and right wing nuts wanted to shoot her for it. How dare she suggest healthier eating habits!!! You guys literally hate anything positive for the country if it involves someone not of your clan.

Would you have loved Melania Trump telling you what to eat? Is that her job?

Or would it be a little different coming from public health, telling you why this is the very time to lose weight because it NOT ONLY leads to more positive outcomes for the virus that is now a pandemic, but also leads to better outcomes for a host of obesity-related illnesses?
China should have invented a virus that made us fat, instead.

Well, no one could have designed a better virus to go after Americans, if they wanted to design such a doesn't like fat people....
Would you have loved Melania Trump telling you what to eat? Is that her job?

Or would it be a little different coming from public health, telling you why this is the very time to lose weight because it NOT ONLY leads to more positive outcomes for the virus that is now a pandemic, but also leads to better outcomes for a host of obesity-related illnesses?
Yep. If Melania spearheaded health vs hilariously trying to champion online bullying it would have been fine with me.

The right wing nuts want to micromanage what food stamps can buy but won’t regulate what we give our kids? Makes no sense. It’s just counter programming. It’s gonna kill the country. Keep at it.
Or would it be a little different coming from public health, telling you why this is the very time to lose weight because it NOT ONLY leads to more positive outcomes for the virus that is now a pandemic,
You mean like from Fauci? What a hoot.
Would you have loved Melania Trump telling you what to eat? Is that her job?

Or would it be a little different coming from public health, telling you why this is the very time to lose weight because it NOT ONLY leads to more positive outcomes for the virus that is now a pandemic, but also leads to better outcomes for a host of obesity-related illnesses?
Yep. If Melania spearheaded health vs hilariously trying to champion online bullying it would have been fine with me.

The right wing nuts want to micromanage what food stamps can buy but won’t regulate what we give our kids? Makes no sense. It’s just counter programming. It’s gonna kill the country. Keep at it.

So you think PUBLIC HEALTH was better to tout worthless masks for an entire 16 months and never mention, hey, exercise and lose weight.

Got it.
So you think PUBLIC HEALTH was better to tout worthless masks for an entire 16 months and never mention, hey, exercise and lose weight.

Got it.
Quote where I mentioned masks at all. Seems like you needed a reading class and nutrition education. People can walk and chew gum. Not an either/or. Eat right and follow health guidelines for reducing exposure during a pandemic. See? It’s easy.
Public Health has been a disaster throughout this pandemic--a topic to fill a thousand message boards. One of their biggest failings is the obsessive focus on masks--which do nothing--while they ignore the huge role weight plays in Covid-19 outcomes.

We are 16 months into this pandemic. If Public Health had any credibility and/or focus, they might have encouraged obese people to, say, lose four pounds a month for the last 12 months. For obese folks this is a modest loss, but even that works out to be about 50 lbs. A 50 lb loss is not only beneficial on its face, it also helps manage conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.

Is weight loss difficult? Yes. It takes a lifestyle change. But of course, it would help Americans not only avoid bad Covid outcomes, but improve their general health. Instead, all we get is the same bad advice repeated over...and over...and over....

Translation- It isn't our fault that TRUMP PLAGUE killed all those people. It's your own fault for being fat!!!

Even though a lot of skinny people died of TRUMP PLAGUE.

And it was 100 times worse than it needed to be because the Science deniers were out there.

How dare you interfere in my right to grovel in front of my imaginary sky friend and infect other people.

Trump plague = funded by the homO administration, managed by fauXI

Obese people must tend to vote dem - lazy and stupid....
Public Health has been a disaster throughout this pandemic--a topic to fill a thousand message boards. One of their biggest failings is the obsessive focus on masks--which do nothing--while they ignore the huge role weight plays in Covid-19 outcomes.

We are 16 months into this pandemic. If Public Health had any credibility and/or focus, they might have encouraged obese people to, say, lose four pounds a month for the last 12 months. For obese folks this is a modest loss, but even that works out to be about 50 lbs. A 50 lb loss is not only beneficial on its face, it also helps manage conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.

Is weight loss difficult? Yes. It takes a lifestyle change. But of course, it would help Americans not only avoid bad Covid outcomes, but improve their general health. Instead, all we get is the same bad advice repeated over...and over...and over....

Once again, you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a section of the population that lives in its own reality. Obesity has literally been talked about for decades. There are constant advertising reminders from such organizations like the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association to lose weight. But you're ignoring the thousands of people who were in good health and had no pre-existing conditions..and still got sick and died anyway. Worse, you're using these flimsy excuses as a diversion, saying, See!, See!. All so you can avoid doing the right thing. I never thought I'd see something to simple and straightforward as the use of masks being politicized. But here we are. Or the fact that so much mis and disinformation is spread by a certain right wing section of media on almost a 24x7 basis...and you people lap it up like it was liquid candy.
Public Health has been a disaster throughout this pandemic--a topic to fill a thousand message boards. One of their biggest failings is the obsessive focus on masks--which do nothing--while they ignore the huge role weight plays in Covid-19 outcomes.

We are 16 months into this pandemic. If Public Health had any credibility and/or focus, they might have encouraged obese people to, say, lose four pounds a month for the last 12 months. For obese folks this is a modest loss, but even that works out to be about 50 lbs. A 50 lb loss is not only beneficial on its face, it also helps manage conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.

Is weight loss difficult? Yes. It takes a lifestyle change. But of course, it would help Americans not only avoid bad Covid outcomes, but improve their general health. Instead, all we get is the same bad advice repeated over...and over...and over....

Once again, you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a section of the population that lives in its own reality. Obesity has literally been talked about for decades. There are constant advertising reminders from such organizations like the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association to lose weight. But you're ignoring the thousands of people who were in good health and had no pre-existing conditions..and still got sick and died anyway. Worse, you're using these flimsy excuses as a diversion, saying, See!, See!. All so you can avoid doing the right thing. I never thought I'd see something to simple and straightforward as the use of masks being politicized. But here we are. Or the fact that so much mis and disinformation is spread by a certain right wing section of media on almost a 24x7 basis...and you people lap it up like it was liquid candy.

I'm not "politicizing" masks.

They do not work. They have never worked, not ever. But don't take my word for it. Take it from this video, training for healthcare workers on correct use of PPE. From the US Dept of Labor, no less. Pertinent part at the 7:00 mark. Surgical masks DO NOT protect against respiratory viruses.

What's wrong with you that you fell for it?

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Public Health has been a disaster throughout this pandemic--a topic to fill a thousand message boards. One of their biggest failings is the obsessive focus on masks--which do nothing--while they ignore the huge role weight plays in Covid-19 outcomes.

We are 16 months into this pandemic. If Public Health had any credibility and/or focus, they might have encouraged obese people to, say, lose four pounds a month for the last 12 months. For obese folks this is a modest loss, but even that works out to be about 50 lbs. A 50 lb loss is not only beneficial on its face, it also helps manage conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.

Is weight loss difficult? Yes. It takes a lifestyle change. But of course, it would help Americans not only avoid bad Covid outcomes, but improve their general health. Instead, all we get is the same bad advice repeated over...and over...and over....

Once again, you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a section of the population that lives in its own reality. Obesity has literally been talked about for decades. There are constant advertising reminders from such organizations like the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association to lose weight. But you're ignoring the thousands of people who were in good health and had no pre-existing conditions..and still got sick and died anyway. Worse, you're using these flimsy excuses as a diversion, saying, See!, See!. All so you can avoid doing the right thing. I never thought I'd see something to simple and straightforward as the use of masks being politicized. But here we are. Or the fact that so much mis and disinformation is spread by a certain right wing section of media on almost a 24x7 basis...and you people lap it up like it was liquid candy.

I'm not "politicizing" masks.

They do not work. They have never worked, not ever. But don't take my word for it. Take it from this video, training for healthcare workers on correct use of PPE. From the US Dept of Labor, no less. Pertinent part at the 7:00 mark. Surgical masks DO NOT protect against respiratory viruses.

What's wrong with you that you fell for it?

They work. They help slow the spread. You wonder why I think you members of the alt-right are soft and weak minded? It's because you'll believe anything. And you'll use it to ignore science and worse, to avoid doing the right thing. You politicized something that should have never been politicized. Why? Oh yeah, you're ignorant. :)
Michelle Obama took on obesity and right wing nuts wanted to shoot her for it. How dare she suggest healthier eating habits!!! You guys literally hate anything positive for the country if it involves someone not of your clan.

Yeah, we saw what the result was of that.

Up to that time, Democraps were very fond of falsely accusing Republicans of wanting to make school children go hungry.

It was Michelle Obama that actually made it happen.
Yeah, we saw what the result was of that.

Up to that time, Democraps were very fond of falsely accusing Republicans of wanting to make school children go hungry.

It was Michelle Obama that actually made it happen.
YOu mean by feeding them healthy food instead of junk?

Yeah, what an evil person.

Of course, maybe it was misguided, as parents have a hard enough time getting kids to eat their veggies at home.

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