Public housing nationwide goes smoke-free on Tuesday

Most of the people in Hud homes are vets, disabled and seniors. They should be allowed to smoke outside, or on their patios if they have them.

In the 80's patients were allowed to smoke while lying in bed in hospitals. Even in the 90's we had some smoking rooms.

Well I live next door to a HUD home. None of those people were ever in the military, disabled or seniors. Just a bunch of fat lazy slobs that stay up all night and keep us up.
I live in a smoke free home, but to tell people they can't smoke even on their balconies is really getting into the lives of people, they seem to think that Hud people
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?

This law was made under Obama:
Obama administration bans smoking in low-income housing

Now give credit to where credit is due.
So! Catch them smoking and toss them out. Grounds for eviction. Thanks obummer!

I'll be a liberal here for once: BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN??????
Now our country is really moving forward. We need to sustain the lives of people who don't work, work part-time, or made a lot of irresponsible decisions in life that caused them to live on our tax dollars.

Maybe Ben Carson was not that great of a choice after all.

Public housing nationwide goes smoke-free on Tuesday

I appreciate the thought, but the projects I've been in, the hallways smell heavily of urine.

Getting people not to pee in the halls should be a higher priority that getting them to quit smoking on the premises.

The smell of fine tobacco is (IMHO) less offensive than raw sewage.
Im ok with this.
Smoking inside damages the interior of homes.

So does food laying all the round, rodents crawling around, and roaches on the wall. Have you ever been in a public housing home? I have hundreds of times. Let me tell you, tobacco is the least of their problems.
Now our country is really moving forward. We need to sustain the lives of people who don't work, work part-time, or made a lot of irresponsible decisions in life that caused them to live on our tax dollars.

Maybe Ben Carson was not that great of a choice after all.

Public housing nationwide goes smoke-free on Tuesday

I appreciate the thought, but the projects I've been in, the hallways smell heavily of urine.

Getting people not to pee in the halls should be a higher priority that getting them to quit smoking on the premises.

The smell of fine tobacco is (IMHO) less offensive than raw sewage.

When I was younger and made deliveries in the ghetto, we used to have to use pay phones because there was no cell phones at the time, we just had pagers. Talk about something that reeks of urine. That's when they had to do away with phone booths and started to put a phone with just a cover around it.
Bizarre as it sounds, I think there are better things in this world to be concerned about than cigarette smoke. I'm reminded of The Simpsons episode where that old bag bureaucrat thought Homer was smoking in the DMV and announced, "You, sir, are worse than Hitler!" Or the scene in Basic Instinct when Sharon Stone's millionaire murder suspect lit up a cigarette and the policemen told her, "This is a non-smoking building, Ms. Tramell." And she snarkily responds, "What are you going to do? Arrest me for smoking?"
I was denied public housing recently. Why? Because I smoke. Not in the house. Not on the property. OUTSIDE the property. In my car. On the street while IN MY CAR. Managers said nope...if I home. Period.
So I asked her if drinkers were ok. Or pot smokers who had a permit for health reasons. She refused to answer me and told me to leave the office. So, I left.
Oh, and she also said their policies are ONE CAR ONLY. We have two. I said I would park the other car at a friends house. She said no, not even if I did that. smoke, no second car. Whats next? Reporting how much toilet paper you use?

And you live and n California, these liberals don't want you to live, they just want you to survive and give them money and votes .

No plastic bags
No straws
Only p c.
No smoking even in bars
Smokez $12 a pack
No American flags on your front lawn
Erase all public history of the Democrats party evil past
Illegals / legals all the same they vote for Democrats

And on and on and on

And that's why ladies and gents the EC will never go away.

If smoking can be banned in public parks then why not public housing?
I was denied public housing recently. Why? Because I smoke. Not in the house. Not on the property. OUTSIDE the property. In my car. On the street while IN MY CAR. Managers said nope...if I home. Period.
So I asked her if drinkers were ok. Or pot smokers who had a permit for health reasons. She refused to answer me and told me to leave the office. So, I left.
Oh, and she also said their policies are ONE CAR ONLY. We have two. I said I would park the other car at a friends house. She said no, not even if I did that. smoke, no second car. Whats next? Reporting how much toilet paper you use?

And you live and n California, these liberals don't want you to live, they just want you to survive and give them money and votes .

No plastic bags
No straws
Only p c.
No smoking even in bars
Smokez $12 a pack
No American flags on your front lawn
Erase all public history of the Democrats party evil past
Illegals / legals all the same they vote for Democrats

And on and on and on

And that's why ladies and gents the EC will never go away.

If smoking can be banned in public parks then why not public housing?

It shouldn't be...

Like Gracie said, so now only a certain class of people can smoke in their homes?

Good damdamn some places where pot is legal, you can smoke weed indoors but not cigarettes..

That tells you right there the out cry about 2nd hand smoke by libtards was a farce to begin with and future study's proved it.. the end justify any means possible to liberals

I was denied public housing recently. Why? Because I smoke. Not in the house. Not on the property. OUTSIDE the property. In my car. On the street while IN MY CAR. Managers said nope...if I home. Period.
So I asked her if drinkers were ok. Or pot smokers who had a permit for health reasons. She refused to answer me and told me to leave the office. So, I left.
Oh, and she also said their policies are ONE CAR ONLY. We have two. I said I would park the other car at a friends house. She said no, not even if I did that. smoke, no second car. Whats next? Reporting how much toilet paper you use?

And you live and n California, these liberals don't want you to live, they just want you to survive and give them money and votes .

No plastic bags
No straws
Only p c.
No smoking even in bars
Smokez $12 a pack
No American flags on your front lawn
Erase all public history of the Democrats party evil past
Illegals / legals all the same they vote for Democrats

And on and on and on

And that's why ladies and gents the EC will never go away.

If smoking can be banned in public parks then why not public housing?

It shouldn't be...

Like Gracie said, so now only a certain class of people can smoke in their homes?

Good damdamn some places where pot is legal, you can smoke weed indoors but not cigarettes..

That tells you right there the out cry about 2nd hand smoke by libtards was a farce to begin with and future study's proved it.. the end justify any means possible to liberals

In many places you cannot smoke in a rented apartment because of shared walls!
I am an ex smoker so have endured the shame and humiliation heaped on me by non smokers! The libtards worked hard suing tobacco companies for rewards then turned around and advocated for legalizing pot! Do you know that smoking one joint does as much damage to your lungs as a pack of cigs does?
I was denied public housing recently. Why? Because I smoke. Not in the house. Not on the property. OUTSIDE the property. In my car. On the street while IN MY CAR. Managers said nope...if I home. Period.
So I asked her if drinkers were ok. Or pot smokers who had a permit for health reasons. She refused to answer me and told me to leave the office. So, I left.
Oh, and she also said their policies are ONE CAR ONLY. We have two. I said I would park the other car at a friends house. She said no, not even if I did that. smoke, no second car. Whats next? Reporting how much toilet paper you use?

And you live and n California, these liberals don't want you to live, they just want you to survive and give them money and votes .

No plastic bags
No straws
Only p c.
No smoking even in bars
Smokez $12 a pack
No American flags on your front lawn
Erase all public history of the Democrats party evil past
Illegals / legals all the same they vote for Democrats

And on and on and on

And that's why ladies and gents the EC will never go away.

If smoking can be banned in public parks then why not public housing?

It shouldn't be...

Like Gracie said, so now only a certain class of people can smoke in their homes?

Good damdamn some places where pot is legal, you can smoke weed indoors but not cigarettes..

That tells you right there the out cry about 2nd hand smoke by libtards was a farce to begin with and future study's proved it.. the end justify any means possible to liberals

In many places you cannot smoke in a rented apartment because of shared walls!
When I managed property...smoking was allowed ON THE PATIO. THEIR patio. Not in the apartment itself. Which is why nobody believes me when I say I smoke outside (due to pigs who don't care about those that don't smoke and puff everywhere). I always have. Always will. I don't want the smell in my house or on my clothes in the closet. If I can do it, so can everyone else. But this shit is getting wayyyyy out of hand now. I would rather walk past a smoggy car idling than a woman that bathed in perfume.
I love it when liberals and their policies hit rock bottom. We’ve spent decades with liberals banning smoking in ever place they possibly could. Beaches, parks, bars etc. now they are upset welfare recipients can’t smoke inside their homes because they’re too stupid to realize it was an Obie law. Trump has fucked with their heads so deeply they now oppose all things they championed before he was elected. I hope Trump tries a national ban on smoking, the left would go nuts and we would be able to have a smoke at the bar again.
My MD prescribed Wellbutrin, took it for three weeks prior, slapped on a stedown patch and quit! That was 19 years ago. Never looked back.

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