Public housing nationwide goes smoke-free on Tuesday

I love it when liberals and their policies hit rock bottom. We’ve spent decades with liberals banning smoking in ever place they possibly could. Beaches, parks, bars etc. now they are upset welfare recipients can’t smoke inside their homes because they’re too stupid to realize it was an Obie law. Trump has fucked with their heads so deeply they now oppose all things they championed before he was elected. I hope Trump tries a national ban on smoking, the left would go nuts and we would be able to have a smoke at the bar again.

So would a lot of people I know who voted for the arse.
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Have you tried vaping? It helps me a lot.
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Honey! I have paid for two cruises with the money I saved on not smoking! You just feel well again which is a good thing!
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Have you tried vaping? It helps me a lot.
No. Vaping is just not my thang. I've been smoking since I was 16 years old. I am going to be 66 in October. Do I want to quit? Not really. Which is the major main problem. One has to really really WANT to. And I enjoy it. It relaxes me, sitting outside listening to birds and just puffing on a cig. And I never smoke a whole one, either. Never have. Half, and I am done. 2 hours later..I go back and smoke the other half.
Anyway...I'm going to try. Again.
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Honey! I have paid for two cruises with the money I saved on not smoking! You just feel well again which is a good thing!
Ya know...I have heard about you for a long time...Willow Tree this, Willow Tree that. Just recently, I have realized you make some assholes really nervous for some reason. Mostly its the FZ schmucks. Anyway..I just wanted to tell you I had no opinion one way or another.....until now. I think you are AOK!!! :)
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Have you tried vaping? It helps me a lot.
No. Vaping is just not my thang. I've been smoking since I was 16 years old. I am going to be 66 in October. Do I want to quit? Not really. Which is the major main problem. One has to really really WANT to. And I enjoy it. It relaxes me, sitting outside listening to birds and just puffing on a cig. And I never smoke a whole one, either. Never have. Half, and I am done. 2 hours later..I go back and smoke the other half.
Anyway...I'm going to try. Again.
See your doctor ask him about Wellbutrin. It really helped me! And, all the best to you.
Of course. How DARE people think they should have the freedom to make their own decisions!
Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Have you tried vaping? It helps me a lot.
No. Vaping is just not my thang. I've been smoking since I was 16 years old. I am going to be 66 in October. Do I want to quit? Not really. Which is the major main problem. One has to really really WANT to. And I enjoy it. It relaxes me, sitting outside listening to birds and just puffing on a cig. And I never smoke a whole one, either. Never have. Half, and I am done. 2 hours later..I go back and smoke the other half.
Anyway...I'm going to try. Again.
It seems odd at first. But maybe give it a try. For the cost of one carton of smokes you can get set up. I use mine about 30% of the time now and am increasing that as I go.
Imagine the real world bureaucratic impact of busybodies calling 9-11 because they smell cigarette smoke while junkies are shooting up heroin in the basement.

Ha! That's the ultimate San Franshitsco type of situation. Trust me, I was born there, I know that sick piece of shit better than most people here.
In liberal cities, isn't the smell of cigarette smoke preferable to the smell of the human piss and shit outdoors everywhere, as liberal cities strive to emulate the 3rd world scum of humanity they venerate? If you go to San Fran, just think of cigarette smoke as a "deodorizer" to the various stenches already there. It's the lesser of the two evils.
I love it when liberals and their policies hit rock bottom. We’ve spent decades with liberals banning smoking in ever place they possibly could. Beaches, parks, bars etc. now they are upset welfare recipients can’t smoke inside their homes because they’re too stupid to realize it was an Obie law. Trump has fucked with their heads so deeply they now oppose all things they championed before he was elected. I hope Trump tries a national ban on smoking, the left would go nuts and we would be able to have a smoke at the bar again.

Actually this is good in a sense. It shows what the federal government will do when you give them that much power. It supports our point of why we shouldn't have government healthcare.

They can tell these people what they have to do because they totally depend on the government for housing. Many have no choice. What happens when Democrats have that kind of control over every single American?

No smoking, nobody with more than 20% body fat, nobody that consumes alcohol, nobody that doesn't get enough exercise. The sky is the limit.
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Well smoking is a very expensive habit. If you can afford to buy cigarettes why are you even in public housing?
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.

Your smoking history has a lot of parallels with mine, Gracie. Except that I always enjoyed nicotine patches and never got sick from them. But they work only for awhile, so I also smoke only several cigs a day like you. Years ago I used to smoke a pack of Marlboros a day. Now it's occasional compared to what it used to be.
Because it is a very VERY hard habit to break. And thank goodness for the rez!!!
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Have you tried vaping? It helps me a lot.
No. Vaping is just not my thang. I've been smoking since I was 16 years old. I am going to be 66 in October. Do I want to quit? Not really. Which is the major main problem. One has to really really WANT to. And I enjoy it. It relaxes me, sitting outside listening to birds and just puffing on a cig. And I never smoke a whole one, either. Never have. Half, and I am done. 2 hours later..I go back and smoke the other half.
Anyway...I'm going to try. Again.
See your doctor ask him about Wellbutrin. It really helped me! And, all the best to you.

I've heard good things about Wellbutrin suppressing the urges to smoke. One of my aunts was a multi-decade chainsmoker who quit for very long periods - even months at a time, and she swore up and down by her Welbutrin.
My MD told me that nicotine is as addicting as heroin!
It is. I have tried to quit 5 or 6 times. Once, I tried the patch..which sucks. I was sick for the 5 months I was smoke free. Why? Because the patch gives constant nicotine. I don't chain smoke, so I was getting too much. I have gone cold turkey. MrGracie told me to never quit cuz I am AWFUL during withdrawals. plan is to keep doing what I have been doing. Cutting back. I used to be a 2 packer a day...12 to 14 hours. Chain smoked. Now? 10 cigs during waking hours. Half a pack a day. By the time we get called back home....I should be smoke free permanently. I hope.
Have you tried vaping? It helps me a lot.
No. Vaping is just not my thang. I've been smoking since I was 16 years old. I am going to be 66 in October. Do I want to quit? Not really. Which is the major main problem. One has to really really WANT to. And I enjoy it. It relaxes me, sitting outside listening to birds and just puffing on a cig. And I never smoke a whole one, either. Never have. Half, and I am done. 2 hours later..I go back and smoke the other half.
Anyway...I'm going to try. Again.
See your doctor ask him about Wellbutrin. It really helped me! And, all the best to you.

I've heard good things about Wellbutrin suppressing the urges to smoke. One of my aunts was a multi-decade chainsmoker who quit for very long periods - even months at a time, and she swore up and down by her Welbutrin.

I think it works different ways on different people. I didn't investigate, but somebody told me a rock entertainer got seriously ill. The doctor determined it was his vape that caused his problems. According to the person I heard the story from, he kept increasing and increasing trying to satisfy his cravings. He was vaping the equivalent of 6 packs a day.

It doesn't stop your addiction--only gives you a different form of addiction.

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