Public school children forced to pray to Allah

i would be suing the last penny out of that school district if my child had been on the field trip. Teaching culture is one thing, teaching religion is a different matter.

I love the subtle brainwashing. Notice that the girls are segregated out.

all you would had to do is, not sign the permission slip. ;)

its not as easy as all of that. The idea of learning about other cultures is a very good thing. I would have had not problem signing that from as i do not have a problem with muslim culture. If it said anything about participating in prayer being included in the trip, that is a different matter and i would have not allowed them to go.
I pray to God that no school ever decides to take some children on a field trip to a Catholic school.

Jesus Christ what are some people thinking.............Let's see at one school you aren't allowed to wear a cross, but at another school you're subjected to a Muslim religious service, and made to pray.

Not to mention, how come prayer for these children was okay, but my school isn't supposed to have a prayer to the Christian God before a football game?
WTF? Children learning about different cultures. The humanity.

I would also like to see where the children were forced. I am also sure their parents had to sign permission slips.

It wasn't learning about a different culture, it was learning about a religion. And don't tell me you aren't against religion being taught in school.

This was a dawa program, meant to convert these children to Islam.

You know that as well as the rest of us do.

I remember a cultural filed trip to learn about china. We went to china town and looked at the architecture, visited the grocery and had tea and sea weed cookies. We went to a place that had chineee herb medicine and a man who did acupuncture. Then they did a dragon dance with fireworks.

I remember learning about the American Indian culture. Several American Indians came to school and took us on a field trip. We into the woods to look at the foods that the land around provided as part of the traditional native American meal. Then we sat around and watched them do a dance in ceremonial costumes to the earth.

I remember a Japanese cultural field trip. We got to wear kimonos and the traditional wooden shoes. The showed us swords and what traditional armor looked like.

I remember a Hawaiian cultural event. We learned how to do the hula and all got to try some rubbery thing made out of coconut and poi. (yuck)

I remember a Filipino cultural event were we learned how to dance in between bamboo poles. The men all had on tunics and the women had dresses with puff sleeves.

I remember a Black cultural event where Grand parents of students came in and talked about what it used to be like. They talked about Black art and music. They made soul food for us.

I remember MANY cultural events during school where i learned about other cultures...and not once was religion ever a part of it. Not once were we instructed to pray. Not once was i ever segregated out for being a girl.

I pray to God that no school ever decides to take some children on a field trip to a Catholic school.

Jesus Christ what are some people thinking.............Let's see at one school you aren't allowed to wear a cross, but at another school you're subjected to a Muslim religious service, and made to pray.

Not to mention, how come prayer for these children was okay, but my school isn't supposed to have a prayer to the Christian God before a football game?

do you honestly think the two have anything to do with each other?
This is reminiscent of the following garbage going on in this great countries public schools. It has to stop!.....No Superintendent, principal, or teacher has ANY right shoving religion or politics down ANY childs throat. And ANY parent who thinks otherwise is a frigggin' IDIOT!
[ame=]YouTube - Parents of Indoctrinated Children in New Jersey Outraged over Barack Obama Worship Song[/ame]
WTF? Children learning about different cultures. The humanity.

I would also like to see where the children were forced. I am also sure their parents had to sign permission slips.

You didn't watch the video. The permission slips said nothing about the children participating in prayer...and the parents weren't told afterward.

This is simply unacceptable. And I'd say that if the field trip was to a synagogue or to a church.

indeed. once they started joining in the prayer that was unacceptable. separating the kids is also ridiculous.
Yup. :clap2:
It would be interesting to see what the permission slip said. Maybe the school got around the Establishment Clause by saying this was a "cultural education". Shady. I could see it for Comparative Religion 101 at University of X, but for an elementary class? Huh?

There seems to be a blur between cultural and religious. That line should be made clear, so the parents can make an informed decision before signing the permission slip.

I'm not a parent yet. But if I was, and little silky was in this type of situation, I'd call the teacher and ask for the details and what the exact itinerary was going to be. Then I'd tell my kid to ask lots of questions. When the lil shit got back home, I'd ask how the day went and what s/he learned and liked and didn't like. It would be a good chance to see how they saw it, since that's the most important thing, and then straighten out any misunderstandings. I'm the parent.

And hopefully I'd be a good enough parent that I would be more influential to little silky than a few hours at a mosque or church or whatever.

I would not, repeat, would not spray the kid down with a pressure washer. :razz:

I work in the public schools, and If I ever hear of this I will fight them with everything I can to stop this movement. These muslims, not necessarily all, need to be STOPED, at any cost.

I don't think I will be supporting anything muslim in the United States ever. I cannot trust them.

There is a huge difference between the muslims and the Christian faith. We don't send out terrorists. We don't chop off heads when people don't convert. This video made me angry.

This is NOTHING at all like Christians in the schools. There is no way to compare it.

Our muslim president is not protecting this nation, and needs to be booted out for his being a traitor to this country. He is a terrorist by ignoring what is happening.
It would be interesting to see what the permission slip said. Maybe the school got around the Establishment Clause by saying this was a "cultural education". Shady. I could see it for Comparative Religion 101 at University of X, but for an elementary class? Huh?

There seems to be a blur between cultural and religious. That line should be made clear, so the parents can make an informed decision before signing the permission slip.

I'm not a parent yet. But if I was, and little silky was in this type of situation, I'd call the teacher and ask for the details and what the exact itinerary was going to be. Then I'd tell my kid to ask lots of questions. When the lil shit got back home, I'd ask how the day went and what s/he learned and liked and didn't like. It would be a good chance to see how they saw it, since that's the most important thing, and then straighten out any misunderstandings. I'm the parent.

And hopefully I'd be a good enough parent that I would be more influential to little silky than a few hours at a mosque or church or whatever.

I would not, repeat, would not spray the kid down with a pressure washer. :razz:

You mean rather like the blur about the "mosque" "cultural" center near ground zero? It is no different.
So one of you moonbats explain to all of us unenlightened rubes what the hell the difference is between this and taking a class to a Baptist church? You'd be throwing a fit.
WTF? Children learning about different cultures. The humanity.

I would also like to see where the children were forced. I am also sure their parents had to sign permission slips.

Here is the lefties argument: If the adults in the school suggest something, the students feel obligated to do as they are told. They use that when a Christian asks a student to pray, and they say they were forced. So, I suppose they were forced. However, forced or not, I believe the whole thing was just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So one of you moonbats explain to all of us unenlightened rubes what the hell the difference is between this and taking a class to a Baptist church? You'd be throwing a fit.

Trust me if my children were taking to a baptist church and made to sing and pray I would be having the very same fit!

There is a little thing called the separation of church and state.

If i want my children instructed in religion i will send them to a religious school.
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So one of you moonbats explain to all of us unenlightened rubes what the hell the difference is between this and taking a class to a Baptist church? You'd be throwing a fit.

A Baptist church wouldn't lie about history or separate the kids by sex or surround the boys with men and virtually force them to pray.....

Of course, they'd be throwing a fit anyway, after all, can't have Christians influencing the kids, only Muslims.
WTF? Children learning about different cultures. The humanity.

I would also like to see where the children were forced. I am also sure their parents had to sign permission slips.

I wonder what your reaction would be had the students been taken to a Christian church, lied to about history and then separated by sex and participated in prayer.....

The reaction would be much the same, however, the m,uslim religion is a murdering religion and chops off heads when one refuses to convert. Big difference. The Christian religion is a much friendlioer religion.

There would likely be a greater outrage had the Christians done this.The ACLU would already be in the middle of it.
So one of you moonbats explain to all of us unenlightened rubes what the hell the difference is between this and taking a class to a Baptist church? You'd be throwing a fit.

Trust me if my children were taking to a baptist church and made to sing and pray I would be having the very same fit!

There is a little thing called the separation of church and state.

If i want my children instructed in religion i will send them to a religious school.

Exactly. My point to the lefties is why do they keep reminding us to keep God out of public schools but then they turn right around and condone this? To me, it shows another one of their double standards. If it is constitutional to keep Christianity our of our public schools then it is also constitutional to keep Islam out of our public schools. I'd like one of the lefty moonbats explain the difference to me. I don't think they can.
WTF? Children learning about different cultures. The humanity.

I would also like to see where the children were forced. I am also sure their parents had to sign permission slips.

Luissa, have you ever heard of an expression, When in Rome do as the Romans do? Have you ever heard of a thing called pear pressure? Did you ever dare to tell a teacher "fuck you im not doing that shit"?

They were there to learn. Learn they did by following and doing as instructed.
WTF? Children learning about different cultures. The humanity.

I would also like to see where the children were forced. I am also sure their parents had to sign permission slips.

I wonder what your reaction would be had the students been taken to a Christian church, lied to about history and then separated by sex and participated in prayer.....

The reaction would be much the same, however, the m,uslim religion is a murdering religion and chops off heads when one refuses to convert. Big difference. The Christian religion is a much friendlioer religion.

There would likely be a greater outrage had the Christians done this.The ACLU would already be in the middle of it.

With Islam, you can't win. If you dont' convert they kill you and if you try to leave they kill you. Where I come from, that's a CULT.
So one of you moonbats explain to all of us unenlightened rubes what the hell the difference is between this and taking a class to a Baptist church? You'd be throwing a fit.

Trust me if my children were taking to a baptist church and made to sing and pray I would be having the very same fit!

There is a little thing called the separation of church and state.

If i want my children instructed in religion i will send them to a religious school.

Exactly. My point to the lefties is why do they keep reminding us to keep God out of public schools but then they turn right around and condone this? To me, it shows another one of their double standards. If it is constitutional to keep Christianity our of our public schools then it is also constitutional to keep Islam out of our public schools. I'd like one of the lefty moonbats explain the difference to me. I don't think they can.

Because they are mixing up and bluing the lines between the muslim culture with the islamic religion.

I hope the aclu sues the fuck out of the school and the teaches get fired

Doubtful. The ACLU only cares about liberal rights. :)

Better tell that to the Jews that had to let the Nazis march through their neighborhood because of the ACLU.

Better tell that to the segregationists who had to bow down before Brown because of the ACLU.

Buncha morons.

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