Public school teacher put on leave after drunken anti-Trump rant in front of students

Parents, make sure you know who your children are exposed to in school. People like this are likely widespread in the public schools, and this kind of abuse often goes unreported.

Typical Democrat; many, if not most, are behaving like deranged Nazis.
You poor little boy..... :itsok: Totally missed my point, didn't you? :heehee:
Oh God the irony. No dummy I ignored your "I thought teachers can't be fired" strawman, it's you who missed my point. Then I celebrated the FIRING of a liberal and took a victory lap. :auiqs.jpg:
Parents, make sure you know who your children are exposed to in school. People like this are likely widespread in the public schools, and this kind of abuse often goes unreported.

Fire the moron
Maybe we should write her--the literal moronic teacher explaining to her that Trump is both smarter and moral than either her or Biden who is actually a pedophile. I love the kids reactions--I would have been making fun of her too.

Trump is a multi-billionaire who has spent time with the most beautiful women in the world, flying around on his own jet, a household name, and an ex-President with the good possibilities of being our President again.

This broad is now looking for a job.
Makes me wish I was back in school, Gabe. I'd point to the door, yell: "Hey! It's Trump!" and when that teacher turned and looked, break a chair across her face. Because if that was my kid in her classroom, I'd be wanting to go to the school and bang her head off her car fender a few times telling her never to try to politically brainwashing my child again.

Seriously, I really think we need to disband the public school system. Having the government in charge of education was a terrible idea.

Resorting to violence is the leftist way, not the righty way. It's like an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me long ago: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem. I've lived by it ever since.
What would make this post interesting? out of around 350 million Americans ONE teacher, made a big fuss, Now some one will find ONE teacher from the other party who made a big fuss, and we end up with Two teachers who made a big fuss. Earth shattering to say the least.......
Only use violence for self-defense

That IS an act of self defense. Her diatribe was an attack upon those kids. She told that one kid that he is the problem with the world. Bet that made that kid feel real good about himself! And breaking a chair over her head isn't violence, Ray, it is an "education."

Hers was an act of violence, the chair is simply throwing her mind rot back in her face.

We are far too overrun with these idiots now already because we have looked the other way too long.

She is part of the crowd that considers you the top concern of the US intelligence and a domestic terrorist to be put on a watch list as she plans on how to take all your rights away.

And her ilk have already succeeded in taking half of them away.

Wake up.
What would make this post interesting? out of around 350 million Americans ONE teacher, made a big fuss, Now some one will find ONE teacher from the other party who made a big fuss, and we end up with Two teachers who made a big fuss. Earth shattering to say the least.......

That would be a tough sell given that most of the teachers are on the left. Yes, there are flakes on both sides of the aisle, but they are much more prominent on the left than right.
That IS an act of self defense. Her diatribe was an attack upon those kids. She told that one kid that he is the problem with the world. Bet that made that kid feel real good about himself! And breaking a chair over her head isn't violence, Ray, it is an "education."

Well you can try it and see if you stay out of jail. Good luck with that. There is a fine line between assault and battery and self-defense. Self-defense by law is when you are "physically" attacked by another person, or an attempt of a physical attack. You can't claim self-defense in any state of our union by physically attacking a person because you disagree with their views or think they are a lousy person which this idiot obviously is.
Well you can try it and see if you stay out of jail. Good luck with that. There is a fine line between assault and battery and self-defense. Self-defense by law is when you are "physically" attacked by another person, or an attempt of a physical attack. You can't claim self-defense in any state of our union by physically attacking a person because you disagree with their views or think they are a lousy person which this idiot obviously is.

Bottom line is that you have to fight fire with fire. Maybe the lady will lose her job now. I'm not a violent person but the key to life is to attain one's goals and sometimes the best way to attain them is not in a full frontal direct attack but in more indirect, less obvious, subtle, even hidden ways.

Did you read my suggestion about covering her car front to back with Trump logos? :SMILEW~130:
I will attempt to list all the ways this was horrid, horrid teaching:

1. She talks to the students having no prior relationship with them, ass-usming they care what she thinks about big life issues. They do not care. Get to know them; be kind, fair, approachable, tough when you need to, and passionate about your subject. Believe ALL of them can learn and make them believe it. Listen to them. THEN they will respect you and when you weigh in on LIFE (life, not politics) they want to listen. Because they like and trust you.

2. She disrespects their parents, which disrespects them. On day ONE.

3. She loves to hear herself talk much, much more than she loves to hear her students talk. This is obvious in no small part because:

4. They are egging her on in a mocking manner and she is grandstanding, not even seeming to pick up on it.

Inappropriate, unprofessional.

Goodbye. Find a job more suited to you.
The sad part?

b/c of the unions, after this controversy blows over, she will be reassigned teaching some classes that don't matter for a year or two, and then right back where she started, brainwashing the poor kids.
Bottom line is that you have to fight fire with fire. Maybe the lady will lose her job now. I'm not a violent person but the key to life is to attain one's goals and sometimes the best way to attain them is not in a full frontal direct attack but in more indirect, less obvious, subtle, even hidden ways.

Did you read my suggestion about covering her car front to back with Trump logos?

Yes and I disagree with that as well. You don't destroy property of people because you disagree with them. The way this was handled was very appropriate. They had her on hidden camera, able to show what this loser was really all about, and she was removed from her position. They made a national embarrassment out of her, she is now out of a paycheck, she can't legally retaliate, and if she makes a stink about it, the video will only draw more national intention.

If you do something illegal, they get the satisfaction of seeing you arrested and locked up, then later on sued.
Come here dummy "We (Alpine School District) have concluded our investigation of the incident that occurred on August 17, 2021 at Lehi High School. Although the details of a personnel investigation are confidential, the teacher involved is no longer an employee of Alpine School District,"

Cool! She can take care of her 15 cats and knit pussy hats full-time now.

I will attempt to list all the ways this was horrid, horrid teaching:

1. She talks to the students having no prior relationship with them, ass-usming they care what she thinks about big life issues. They do not care. Get to know them; be kind, fair, approachable, tough when you need to, and passionate about your subject. Believe ALL of them can learn and make them believe it. Listen to them. THEN they will respect you and when you weigh in on LIFE (life, not politics) they want to listen. Because they like and trust you.

2. She disrespects their parents, which disrespects them. On day ONE.

3. She loves to hear herself talk much, much more than she loves to hear her students talk. This is obvious in no small part because:

4. They are egging her on in a mocking manner and she is grandstanding, not even seeming to pick up on it.

Inappropriate, unprofessional.

Goodbye. Find a job more suited to you.

This woman is well on her way to become a future dem presidents secretary of education.

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