Public Schools & Teachers WTF

January 6, 2016
Islam in our schools
By Carol Brown
Creeping sharia infiltrates every nook and cranny of America. Including our classrooms. Among other things, the Muslim Brotherhood (as well as the Saudis) wields enormous influence over curriculum that threatens not only public schools, but private and parochial schools as well.

After reporting on Islamic supremacy in our schools a year ago, I thought it worthwhile to see how things have progressed since then, for better or for worse. (Guess which it is.) When last we left off, here’s where things stood. In most cases, information only came to light because parents stumbled upon homework assignments or their child told them something of concern.

Students learned to recite allegiance to Allah along with Muslim prayers and chants. Students were also taught the Five Pillars of Islam, that Muslims pray to the same God as Christians and Jews, that Mohammed was a man with strong moral values, that terrorists are “freedom fighters,” that Muslims treat those they conquer better than America does, along with the taqiyya version of CAIR’s mission. Sharia law was promoted, Qurans were introduced into classrooms, students studied Arabic, female students wore burqas as part of a lesson on Islam, and special courses on Islam prohibited students from wearing a cross or saying the name “Jesus.”

Homework assignments required students to promote the “Golden Age of Islam” while students also had to write about what it would be like to travel to Mecca. All the while, Muslim students were given special privileges that Christian and Jewish students were not afforded, including time off during the day to pray.

Textbooks whitewashed Islam while diminishing Christians and Jews, videos framed non-Muslims as bigots and validated enforcement of blasphemy laws, a Muslim author gave a lecture that stretched over four days about her Islamic-themed book, and field trips to mosques (including the one the Tsarnaev brothers attended) involved non-Muslim students praying to Allah, with non-Muslim boys joined adult Muslims in prayer while girls were told Islam is pro-woman.

Teachers who spoke out were punished. An elementary school teacher was forced to resign after making critical comments about Islam on a talk radio program, CAIR attempted to smear another teacher by accusing her of being a “racist” after she drew an analogy between the Taliban and Hamas during a lesson on bullying, and Christian teachers were harassed by Muslims in the school hierarchy.

(See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

So where do things stand today? Sadly, we have more of the same. Much more of it, as Islamic supremacy continues to gain ground in our schools. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

A workbook for a three-week course on Islam told students that for the duration of the course they will “become Muslim” by selecting Muslim names and wearing them on ID tags around their necks, dressing up as Muslims and acting the part in order to receive a good grade, being told jihad is a struggle against oppression, playing a dice game called Jihad that pits one group of students against another, reading the opening chapter of the Quran and analyzing various other verses, and memorizing the Shahada (the prayer for conversion to Islam).

Students across various school districts were told that Islam had nothing to do with the 9/11 terror attacks, were taught an Islamic fight song that implied that Allah is the only God, completed a project that involved making pro-ISIS propaganda posters, and a Palestinian activist gave a presentation to third graders that urged them to become “freedom fighters for Palestine.”

Homework assignments included analyzing statements by bin Laden, material from an ISIS blog featuring a female recruiter, and statements from Obama’s Cairo speech that demonized the West and framed Muslims as victims. Students also had to write the Shahada (including the oath “There is no God by Allah”) and sing “Allahu Akbar” in an Arabic song. And a Muslim cleric who was a public school teacher peddled sharia and routinely left school early to conduct prayer services at his mosque. (He’s since been fired.)

Meanwhile Muslims continued to press for special accommodations, such as school closures for Muslim holidays. Mind you, federal law allows students of minority religions to take off from school on their religious holidays without any penalty. But this is not good enough for many Muslims who offer all manner of rationales for why they need more. Some cite relatively high (emphasis on relatively) percentages of Muslims who live in certain districts. But even when their numbers are scant the same pressure is applied, as in Baltimore where no tests are scheduled on Muslim holidays, despite the fact that Muslim students comprise a mere two-to-three percent of the student body.

In one case, a Muslim community leader argued that Muslim students don’t want to miss class even if the absence is excused because it would place an undue burden on them to catch up for the day they missed. So he wants school policy to prohibit tests on Muslim holidays and the day after so Muslim students won't have any pressure to study during their observance. He admits the ultimate goal is for the school district to close schools completely on those days because: “We want our sons and daughters to feel as American as anyone else and to be on equal footing as everyone else.” (Nice try. How about Muslim students cope just like Jewish students and Hindu students and students from other religious minorities who have been faring just fine? Deal with it!)

Another example of we-are-a-tiny-minority-but-you-owe-us rationale can be found in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, where Muslims comprise less than two percent of the population. No matter. Sporting events are banned the night prior to Muslim holidays and no tests are administered on the holidays themselves.

Then there’s this rationale offered up in Burlington, Vermont, where it is being recommended that schools close for Muslim holidays because most Muslim students are recently arrived refugees who don’t speak much English and missing school will have a negative effect on their learning. But as often happens in these cases a domino effect kicks in, and now the small Hindu community in Burlington wants school closures on their holidays. However no accommodations will be made for Hindus.

Here’s another scenario. In Irvington, N.J., where the superintendent had no idea how many Muslim students were in the school system, schools are closed on Muslim holidays based on “inclusion” rather than necessity. Riiiiiiiiight. And what “necessity” could one ever argue in any of these cases?

But who needs “necessity” when you can stand on the soap box of “rights,” as Kaity Assaf, a Muslim teenager in New Jersey did when she claimed it comes to down having the “right” to have the two most important Muslim holidays acknowledged publicly by closing all schools in her district.

Then there are those who claim victimhood and make loud demands, as happened a couple of months ago in Jersey City, NJ, when the school board made a “difficult and gut-wrenching” decision and refused to close schools for Muslim holidays after Muslims in the community requested this accommodation on six days notice. One Muslim in attendance screamed, “My child should be able to celebrate the holiday!” (as if anyone was stopping that from happening) while another stated “We feel alienated!” (what’s new?). Still another stepped up to the microphone and smirked: “We’re no longer the minority. That’s clear from tonight. We’re going to be the majority soon.”

Arrogance, demands, victimhood, threats, and above all, being above all.

Hat tips: Fox News, Counterjihad Report, Breitbart, Jihad Watch, The Clarion Project, Atlas Shrugs, The Right Scoop, Legal Insurrection, Front Page Magazine

Creeping sharia infiltrates every nook and cranny of America. Including our classrooms. Among other things, the Muslim Brotherhood (as well as the Saudis) wields enormous influence over curriculum that threatens not only public schools, but private and parochial schools as well.

After reporting on Islamic supremacy in our schools a year ago, I thought it worthwhile to see how things have progressed since then, for better or for worse. (Guess which it is.) When last we left off, here’s where things stood. In most cases, information only came to light because parents stumbled upon homework assignments or their child told them something of concern.

Students learned to recite allegiance to Allah along with Muslim prayers and chants. Students were also taught the Five Pillars of Islam, that Muslims pray to the same God as Christians and Jews, that Mohammed was a man with strong moral values, that terrorists are “freedom fighters,” that Muslims treat those they conquer better than America does, along with the taqiyya version of CAIR’s mission. Sharia law was promoted, Qurans were introduced into classrooms, students studied Arabic, female students wore burqas as part of a lesson on Islam, and special courses on Islam prohibited students from wearing a cross or saying the name “Jesus.”

Homework assignments required students to promote the “Golden Age of Islam” while students also had to write about what it would be like to travel to Mecca. All the while, Muslim students were given special privileges that Christian and Jewish students were not afforded, including time off during the day to pray.

Textbooks whitewashed Islam while diminishing Christians and Jews, videos framed non-Muslims as bigots and validated enforcement of blasphemy laws, a Muslim author gave a lecture that stretched over four days about her Islamic-themed book, and field trips to mosques (including the one the Tsarnaev brothers attended) involved non-Muslim students praying to Allah, with non-Muslim boys joined adult Muslims in prayer while girls were told Islam is pro-woman.

Teachers who spoke out were punished. An elementary school teacher was forced to resign after making critical comments about Islam on a talk radio program, CAIR attempted to smear another teacher by accusing her of being a “racist” after she drew an analogy between the Taliban and Hamas during a lesson on bullying, and Christian teachers were harassed by Muslims in the school hierarchy.

(See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

So where do things stand today? Sadly, we have more of the same. Much more of it, as Islamic supremacy continues to gain ground in our schools. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

A workbook for a three-week course on Islam told students that for the duration of the course they will “become Muslim” by selecting Muslim names and wearing them on ID tags around their necks, dressing up as Muslims and acting the part in order to receive a good grade, being told jihad is a struggle against oppression, playing a dice game called Jihad that pits one group of students against another, reading the opening chapter of the Quran and analyzing various other verses, and memorizing the Shahada (the prayer for conversion to Islam).

Students across various school districts were told that Islam had nothing to do with the 9/11 terror attacks, were taught an Islamic fight song that implied that Allah is the only God, completed a project that involved making pro-ISIS propaganda posters, and a Palestinian activist gave a presentation to third graders that urged them to become “freedom fighters for Palestine.”

Homework assignments included analyzing statements by bin Laden, material from an ISIS blog featuring a female recruiter, and statements from Obama’s Cairo speech that demonized the West and framed Muslims as victims. Students also had to write the Shahada (including the oath “There is no God by Allah”) and sing “Allahu Akbar” in an Arabic song. And a Muslim cleric who was a public school teacher peddled sharia and routinely left school early to conduct prayer services at his mosque. (He’s since been fired.)

Meanwhile Muslims continued to press for special accommodations, such as school closures for Muslim holidays. Mind you, federal law allows students of minority religions to take off from school on their religious holidays without any penalty. But this is not good enough for many Muslims who offer all manner of rationales for why they need more. Some cite relatively high (emphasis on relatively) percentages of Muslims who live in certain districts. But even when their numbers are scant the same pressure is applied, as in Baltimore where no tests are scheduled on Muslim holidays, despite the fact that Muslim students comprise a mere two-to-three percent of the student body.

In one case, a Muslim community leader argued that Muslim students don’t want to miss class even if the absence is excused because it would place an undue burden on them to catch up for the day they missed. So he wants school policy to prohibit tests on Muslim holidays and the day after so Muslim students won't have any pressure to study during their observance. He admits the ultimate goal is for the school district to close schools completely on those days because: “We want our sons and daughters to feel as American as anyone else and to be on equal footing as everyone else.” (Nice try. How about Muslim students cope just like Jewish students and Hindu students and students from other religious minorities who have been faring just fine? Deal with it!)


Read more: Articles: Islam in our schools
Any way America can take back its schools or are they under Islam dominance forever?
American Jihad, it seems as though you are against indoctrination, against flooding someone's consciousness with ideas that have a goal, an agenda, that are biased in favor of one perspective. But, in reading all your posts on this thread, it seems to me that is exactly what you are doing.

All of your posts are flagrantly didactic epistles meant to sway the readers' opinion against those who teach in American schools and American schools themselves, and, as well, to convince the reader that schools and teachers are all liberal with a liberal agenda meant to indoctrinate and control the minds of the students.

However, nothing we will find in any educational facility is any stronger, if indeed it is as strong, or more strongly worded or intensely didactic, than your own posts, which very obviously have their own agenda and mean to teach a lesson, your lesson, and your perspective on the world. I think you would do well to get a PhD in some field and apply for a teaching position at one of these institutions you are so ardently against so that you may, as you say others do, teach your own agenda but on a much wider scale than you are doing here.

Basically, to put it in simple terms you can understand, when something is over your head, you just say, "long winded liberal spiel." LOL Pathetic.
Then maybe you'd be happy and not so all fired up and full of anger and resentment. You’re going to develop heart disease if you don’t have it already. My main point is that what you are doing in this tread is no different than what you are accusing others of doing. You too have an agenda. You too have a perspective.

It is the tradition of colleges and universities to hire teachers who are not just teachers but writers, artists, journalists, thinkers, philosophers, etc., people who have diverse ideas to share with the students. It is the tradition of higher education to teach students to think and to accept or dismiss the varied ideas of their professors.

If you and others come out of college thinking you had to quell your own ideas in order to get good grades, you missed the point. If you believe any professor based his/her evaluation of you based on you accepting or not accepting that professor’s position, you should have made a formal complaint instead of pretending you believed things you didn’t believe. I once taught rhetoric at the college level. I had many students who wrote argumentative papers expressing positions diametrically opposed to my own personal opinions. I never based a grade on the student agreeing with me. I often, regularly, gave A grades to papers against gun control and abortion, for example, if the paper was well written. The quality of the argument and the writing were the only factors on which grades were based. Any instructor who bases a grade on a student agreeing with him needs to be reported.

Universities hire professors or speakers with what seems to you very biased or outrageous ideas because they are supposed to be opening the minds of their students, offering them new ideas, thinking outside the box ideas, a kaleidoscope of ideas for the students to ponder and accept or reject as individual thinkers.

But you don’t seem to recognize you are doing what you accuse others of doing: trying to sway people to your way of seeing the world. I wanted to point that out to you. Think about it.

Typical Long winded liberal spiel = :blahblah:

Your response indicates your intellectual level, which is obviously not one able to access the content and focus of the American education system. You are obviously a very simple minded person and cannot think in complex terms at all. Obviously not one to judge how education and learning works in America, or anywhere. Unable to understand anything beyond what you can fathom from the simple minded, single minded universe in which you live.
You know very well of American Jihads intellectual level/ He is articulate and has opinions that differ from yours. You write about tolerance but I doubt if you practice it on this board.
Any way America can take back its schools or are they under Islam dominance forever?
Parents have to be vocal in not just expressing their concerns but demanding that Islam is limited to a paragraph in the textbooks and mentions that terrorists often come from these groups.
I believe our fear often causes us to remain ignorant of the very thing causing our fear. It allows politicians to then use that fear for political purposes. For example, we went through the red scare period with most schools afraid to teach about communism. I remember taking a college class on Marx and the instructor telling us to get a cover on our books or we would be accused of being communists. This is in America and in an institution of supposed higher learning. America went through the entire period of communism with schools afraid to teach about that great fear, and our ignorance became a bonanza for politicians to scare us even more. I would still be uncomfortable carrying that Marx book about. Hitler used the same fears to burn books, what was Hitler afraid of?
The only way I can see out of this is more competition from charter and private schools. That, and reduce the power of public school teacher unions. It's ridiculous, they care more about the paychecks and benefits than they do about the kids.

Do you have some bizarre misconception about the purpose of a union?
If we are going to use a federal test to test kids then the teachers should be told exactly what concepts are going to be tested upon. As a parent if my kid is taking a test they should know exactly what concepts are going to be on the test. It is the duty of the party forcing the kids to take the test to tell the kids and parents exactly what will be on the test. As a parent i can help work with my kid on those concepts. How do I know exactly what to study if I am not told what kind of problems are going to be on the test or what rote memorization facts I need to memorize if I am not told these are going to be on the test? The whole thing makes absolutely no sense and the punish a good teacher because a kid scored low on one test is frankly dumb.

Those are called standards and that is what everyone wants to do away with, instead of the whacked-out curricula schools have bought from textbook manufacturers. Do the words "Common Core Standards" ring a bell?
This is capitalism. The best and brightest arent going to teach for wages they would be paid for dealing with american kids multiple endless problems.

today a classroom generates $400,000 in revenue. The teacher gets $50,000 and the libturds waste the rest.

Pay the teacher 400k for capitalistic results and we'd have the best Republican education in the world!

If we are just going to make up shit, why didn't you go for a million bucks?
Nope. Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach PhysEd.

It is a more accurate statement to say "Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, or do, go into politics and make laws about teaching."

it is very safe to say that liberal unions are the proximate cause of our schools turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Some states may have weaker unions but the schools still function as liberal union monopolies and get the expected results.

You are completely clueless on this topic. Not all schools are like LA, NYC, Boston, Chicago, or Philly that make the news all of the time.
What evidence is there that the kids in districts that do well on these tests actually UNDERSTAND much?

Libturds hate tests because tests don't lie!! Our kids are the dumbest in the world yet libturds don't want to test them in order to cover up even further how badly the students and teachers are doing!

It has already been shown in this thread that your statement is not true. Again, why must you lie?
What evidence is there that the kids in districts that do well on these tests actually UNDERSTAND much?

Libturds hate tests because tests don't lie!! Our kids are the dumbest in the world yet libturds don't want to test them in order to cover up even further how badly the students and teachers are doing!

It has already been shown in this thread that your statement is not true. Again, why must you lie?

How can a question be a lie? Do you see a question mark at the end or not? Right after the word "much"!

In a history test a teacher asked , "What General said "Nuts!" to the Germans when asked to surrender at the Battle of the Bulge?" What good is it to know the answer to that question?

What evidence is there that the kids in districts that do well on these tests actually UNDERSTAND much?

Libturds hate tests because tests don't lie!! Our kids are the dumbest in the world yet libturds don't want to test them in order to cover up even further how badly the students and teachers are doing!

It has already been shown in this thread that your statement is not true. Again, why must you lie?

How can a question be a lie? Do you see a question mark at the end or not? Right after the word "much"!

In a history test a teacher asked , "What General said "Nuts!" to the Germans when asked to surrender at the Battle of the Bulge?" What good is it to know the answer to that question?


Look at the red text. If you see a question mark, I suggest an immediate eye exam. Also the quote was not directed at you.

The answer to your question was that is often attributed to General McAuliffe who was commander of the 101st Airborne who was surrounded at the French city of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.

It is good to know because it illustrates American resolve against the seriousness of the German counteroffensive that could have prolonged the war, but it did not because General Patton was able to rescue them.
Yes answering g that question is key to a good education. My answer to that one is nobody cares.
It has already been shown in this thread that your statement is not true. Again, why must you lie?

dear, why not say what the lie is and why you think its a lie?

OK, dear heart. Look back at your post that I quoted. See the red text? That is the lie!

Maybe they can finally teach you how to read when you get back to elementary school. Does Mommy know you are playing on her computer?

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