Public Schools & Teachers WTF

but the truth is that our academic performance is just about where one would expect it, for each respective demographic.

when you put all American kids together they test as about the dumbest kids in the civilized world. This is because liberals have destroyed American families and American schools. The solution is to eliminate the liberal influence, obviously.

Do you think that repeating this lie enough will make it true?
The mother must be a liberal...

High School Student Replaces USA with ISIS During Pledge

That's just stupid even if it is a joke.

Trey Sanchez


The Associated Press is reporting that a Connecticut high school student has been removed from school because he exchanged "ISIS" for the "United States of America" during the morning Pledge of Allegiance.

Though the 15-year-old boy wasn't charged with a crime, the case was given to the Department of Homeland Security. A description of the child was not given but police are assuring that there is no threat to the community.


The AP states that the boy's mother is not happy about her son being removed from school, calling it "an irrational decision."

High School Student Replaces USA with ISIS During Pledge
Crybully "Muscle" Prof Melissa Click in Trouble for Cursing at Cops
February 15, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Melissa Click, the ridiculously obnoxious Missouri University assistant professor of communication, who became a nationwide sensation while calling for "muscle" to use against a student journalist is in trouble again.

Click came to fame during the crybully Concerned Students 1950 Mizzou hoax campus protests, whose success in forcing out administrators over baseless concerns became a national template. But, despite police charges, the college, which had been badly battered by the crybullies of color, gave her a pass.

Video x 2

You can see her non-violence on display in two videos now.

Crybully "Muscle" Prof Melissa Click in Trouble for Cursing at Cops
Other Jobs Melissa Click Can Do After Getting Fired by U of Missouri

February 25, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Melissa Click became the obnoxious and sanctimonious face of the left's campus crybully movement when she attempted to intimidate a student journalist and called for "muscle" to remove him. Now, after attempts to let her off with a slap of the wrist failed due to the release of yet another video, Click has been unclicked.

The University of Missouri Board of Curators on Thursday fired a communications professor who was captured on video scrapping with a police officer and a student journalist during campus protests last year.

The board voted 4-2 in favor of firing Assistant Professor of Communication Melissa Click, who had been suspended with pay from the school since Jan. 27.

Don't assume that Melissa Click is gone though. She hired a rep firm and the black group that started all this, Concerned Students 1950, is in her corner. But in the meantime, here are some other jobs that Click might be qualified for.


Other Jobs Melissa Click Can Do After Getting Fired by U of Missouri
First-Grade Teacher Defends Her Decision to Take Kids on Black Lives Matter March
Mar. 18, 2016 3:00pm Chris Enloe

A first-grade teacher in North Carolina who took her students to a Black Lives Matter march without the consent of parents is defending her actions after being criticized in a scathing op-ed in the Daily Caller published Wednesday.

That teacher, Ms. Bernal-Martinez of Central Park School for Children in Durham, told progressive North Carolina news outlet Indy Week that it was actually the decision of the students to attend the march. She said her students chose to investigate the background of the Black Lives Matter movement and wanted to get involved following their investigations.



First-Grade Teacher Defends Her Decision to Take Kids on Black Lives Matter March
April 19, 2017
Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret
By R. Claire Friend


A study released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that there is a six- to eight-fold increase in the high school dropout rate among students who fail to achieve proficiency by the third grade. Recent large studies have compared dropout rates and incarceration.

Robert Balfanz at Johns Hopkins University found that 80-90% of students who do not achieve literacy in the third grade fail to graduate high school on time and face a fourfold risk of jail or prison.

Another study by Dr. Andrew Sum at Northeastern University reported by the New York Times noted a 63% higher rate of incarceration among school dropouts. One in 10 young male high school dropouts is in jail or a juvenile detention facility compared to 1 in 35 young males high school graduates.


It is imperative that every avenue to improve the public education be pursued, from overhauling existing union policies regarding training and tenure of teachers to promoting vouchers, charter schools, Education Saving Accounts, home schooling and online courses as well as developing innovative new teaching strategies.

Read more: Articles: Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret
April 19, 2017
Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret
By R. Claire Friend


A study released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that there is a six- to eight-fold increase in the high school dropout rate among students who fail to achieve proficiency by the third grade. Recent large studies have compared dropout rates and incarceration.

Robert Balfanz at Johns Hopkins University found that 80-90% of students who do not achieve literacy in the third grade fail to graduate high school on time and face a fourfold risk of jail or prison.

Another study by Dr. Andrew Sum at Northeastern University reported by the New York Times noted a 63% higher rate of incarceration among school dropouts. One in 10 young male high school dropouts is in jail or a juvenile detention facility compared to 1 in 35 young males high school graduates.


It is imperative that every avenue to improve the public education be pursued, from overhauling existing union policies regarding training and tenure of teachers to promoting vouchers, charter schools, Education Saving Accounts, home schooling and online courses as well as developing innovative new teaching strategies.

Read more: Articles: Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret

Newsflash: Good students graduate and get jobs. Morons drop out and usually go to jail!

Nothing to see here. This just repeats something that everyone has known forever.

PS: There are very few bad schools. They are just lots and lots of buildings filled with bad students.

I had 18 students fail this year. About 15 missed a couple of months of school.
April 19, 2017
Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret
By R. Claire Friend


A study released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that there is a six- to eight-fold increase in the high school dropout rate among students who fail to achieve proficiency by the third grade. Recent large studies have compared dropout rates and incarceration.

Robert Balfanz at Johns Hopkins University found that 80-90% of students who do not achieve literacy in the third grade fail to graduate high school on time and face a fourfold risk of jail or prison.

Another study by Dr. Andrew Sum at Northeastern University reported by the New York Times noted a 63% higher rate of incarceration among school dropouts. One in 10 young male high school dropouts is in jail or a juvenile detention facility compared to 1 in 35 young males high school graduates.


It is imperative that every avenue to improve the public education be pursued, from overhauling existing union policies regarding training and tenure of teachers to promoting vouchers, charter schools, Education Saving Accounts, home schooling and online courses as well as developing innovative new teaching strategies.

Read more: Articles: Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret

Newsflash: Good students graduate and get jobs. Morons drop out and usually go to jail!

Nothing to see here. This just repeats something that everyone has known forever.

PS: There are no bad schools. They are just buildings filled with bad students.

There sure as shit are bad schools. They're filled with bad teachers, and headed up by idiot administrators.
April 19, 2017
Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret
By R. Claire Friend


A study released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that there is a six- to eight-fold increase in the high school dropout rate among students who fail to achieve proficiency by the third grade. Recent large studies have compared dropout rates and incarceration.

Robert Balfanz at Johns Hopkins University found that 80-90% of students who do not achieve literacy in the third grade fail to graduate high school on time and face a fourfold risk of jail or prison.

Another study by Dr. Andrew Sum at Northeastern University reported by the New York Times noted a 63% higher rate of incarceration among school dropouts. One in 10 young male high school dropouts is in jail or a juvenile detention facility compared to 1 in 35 young males high school graduates.


It is imperative that every avenue to improve the public education be pursued, from overhauling existing union policies regarding training and tenure of teachers to promoting vouchers, charter schools, Education Saving Accounts, home schooling and online courses as well as developing innovative new teaching strategies.

Read more: Articles: Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret

Newsflash: Good students graduate and get jobs. Morons drop out and usually go to jail!

Nothing to see here. This just repeats something that everyone has known forever.

PS: There are very few bad schools. They are just lots and lots of buildings filled with bad students.

I had 18 students fail this year. About 15 missed a couple of months of school.

Nothing to see here. This just repeats something that everyone has known forever.
Now you know what everybody wants to change, with an attitude as yours that's why it's hard to do. Maybe we need to get rid of teachers like you...
Finally, someone will observe the common sense aproach to basic education,grades K thru 3. The only subjects that should be taught is reading language arts and math. Once they have mastered reading, writing and math, bring content material (social studies, geography etc. No student should be promoted if their reading levels aren't on grade level.
April 19, 2017
Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret
By R. Claire Friend


A study released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found that there is a six- to eight-fold increase in the high school dropout rate among students who fail to achieve proficiency by the third grade. Recent large studies have compared dropout rates and incarceration.

Robert Balfanz at Johns Hopkins University found that 80-90% of students who do not achieve literacy in the third grade fail to graduate high school on time and face a fourfold risk of jail or prison.

Another study by Dr. Andrew Sum at Northeastern University reported by the New York Times noted a 63% higher rate of incarceration among school dropouts. One in 10 young male high school dropouts is in jail or a juvenile detention facility compared to 1 in 35 young males high school graduates.


It is imperative that every avenue to improve the public education be pursued, from overhauling existing union policies regarding training and tenure of teachers to promoting vouchers, charter schools, Education Saving Accounts, home schooling and online courses as well as developing innovative new teaching strategies.

Read more: Articles: Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union's Dirty Little Secret

Newsflash: Good students graduate and get jobs. Morons drop out and usually go to jail!

Nothing to see here. This just repeats something that everyone has known forever.

PS: There are very few bad schools. They are just lots and lots of buildings filled with bad students.

I had 18 students fail this year. About 15 missed a couple of months of school.

Nothing to see here. This just repeats something that everyone has known forever.
Now you know what everybody wants to change, with an attitude as yours that's why it's hard to do. Maybe we need to get rid of teachers like you...

So why can't you tell me why I am wrong? Are you so ignorant of the school systems that you cannot even put your finger on how you can disprove my points? Your statements are pure bullshit!

The teacher's unions have no control on whether kids even bother to show up for class, pay attention, do their assignments and actually learn something.

If I have such an attitude, why do you blame the union? I am not a union member and have not been for almost 10 years. They have no input on my teaching anyway.

Why can't you see that your scapegoat is the unions, but they are not responsible for anything you find wrong with schools?

You are simply another education critic who obviously failed at learning anything about the process of education, despite the fact that you probably have some diplomas. All you do is repeat the lies that many conservatives have heard over the years and internalize them as fact, when nothing could be further from the truth!

Since you education apparently did not take, it is a miracle that you haven't been locked up yet!
Because fox news says unions are bad, morons lap it up. They want their 15 bucks an hour and think that's a good wage. God they are dirt dumb.

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