Public sector cutting hours due to ObamaCare, too


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Isn't ObamaNation turning out to be just WONDERFUL? five years of 7%-8% unemployment, welfare exploding, food prices anyone? through the roof, gas at $3.50 and higher for Five years, we will become a part TIME JOB COUNTRY on top of being FORCED to buy insurance by your dear leader, Obama... you voted for it to be transformed, ENJOY...
a lot of links in article at site


posted at 10:31 am on August 23, 2013 by Ed Morrissey
It’s been quite a week for ObamaCare, and we’re not even to the end of it yet. First we find out that the White House missed half of the statutory deadlines in the bill and still has almost half of them left unaccomplished. Next, UPS canceled spousal coverage because of the ACA, which will save it $60 million in costs, and CNBC described how employees might start petitioning their bosses to drop health insurance in order to score taxpayer-funded subsidies. The AFL-CIO in Nevada finally discovered what a bad deal they’re getting, and Gallup confirmed that the more people know about ObamaCare, the less they like it.

Today, we find out that it’s not just the private sector that’s looking to recover ObamaCare costs at the expense of workers:

Many cash-strapped cities and counties facing the prospect of shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars in new health-care costs under the Affordable Care Act are opting instead to reduce the number of hours their part-time employees work.

The decisions to cut employee hours come 16 months before employers — including state and local governments — will be required to offer health care coverage to employees who work at least 30 hours a week. Some local officials said the cuts are happening now either because of labor contracts that must be negotiated in advance, or because the local governments worry that employees who work at least 30 hours in the months leading up to the January 2015 implementation date would need to be included in their health-care plans.

On Tuesday, Middletown Township, New Jersey said it would reduce the hours of 25 part-time workers in order to avoid up to $775,000 in increased annual health-care costs. Earlier this month, Bee County, Tex., said it would limit its part-time workers to 24 hours per week when the new fiscal year starts on Oct. 1.

Last month, department heads in Brevard County, Fla., were told to plan similar cuts in advance of the 2015 deadline. Brevard County Insurance Director Jerry Visco estimated the new mandate would cost the county $10,000 per part-time employee — or $1.38 million a year if all 138 part-time employees who work more than 30 hours a week are covered, he told Florida Today. The Brevard County libraries have already cut hours for 37 employees.

all of it here
Public sector cutting hours due to ObamaCare, too « Hot Air

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