Puerto Rican Mayor and others arrested for corruption


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

Utilities Helped Puerto Rico Fix Its Power Grid. Now They Face Hefty Tax Bills.

When nearly the entire power grid of Puerto Rico was knocked out by a pair of ferocious hurricanes last year, utility companies from across the United States sent crews and equipment to help.

It was a power emergency on a scale rarely seen before, and companies spent tens of millions of dollars to mobilize. The utility in Sacramento, Calif., sent 30 workers and a dozen trucks. Ameren, which serves over two million customers in Missouri and Illinois, sent 225 workers. New York dispatched workers on at least five deployments to repair power lines and assess damaged substations. Florida Power & Light sent more than 100 trucks, several tons of equipment and 800 employees, many of whom spent Thanksgiving and the winter holidays working 16-hour days.

Though their costs are expected to be reimbursed by the federal government, the companies were not earning a profit. So it was with astonishment that, over the summer, some of the utility companies that had sent aid crews opened letters from the towns where they had worked in Puerto Rico: bills demanding millions of dollars in license and construction taxes.

Florida Power & Light was given five days to pay the first $2 million, and 30 days for $333,000 more in taxes, fees, penalties and interest. Ameren and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District received bills for nearly $3 million.
Doubt the Libs will want to engage on this one.................

We told you the real deal............but politics outweigh reality.............it's all about the ATTACK.....

You bunch of LYING ASS DEMOCRAPS......................Your HERO MAYOR has been caught....................just as the corrupt utility company has been caught.................Hopefully they throw away the key to the jail cell to these ASSHATS.
Ok............she's under investigation..by the FBI............and other corrupt officials went to jail........

pocketing funds meant for relief of the people there...............

rotted food shipments.......water.......not delivered by the idiotic gov't there......bankrupt country and bankrupt utility........

Taking bribes to turn on people's power.........and taxing the mainland companies at huge rates for coming there to help.

They will pay for that if another big storm hits them..........these companies will not want to come there next time.
CNN and MSNBC will report on this a lot!!


They will do deep dives into the corruption in Puerto Rico by the liberal politicians and how they fucked over the victims of the Hurricanes.


Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
Yeah I did................and I'm enjoying doing it..............we knew she was a lying dem hack........called it right.
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
OP has been talking to himself since 6:25 a.m. :)
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
OP has been talking to himself since 6:25 a.m. :)
Talking to myself...............nope.............putting up some information..........

Now............how's your Puerto Rican Hero doing...................under investigation and others jailed........for corruption.

This was put up because not long ago the left here was screaming on how Trump killed all those in Puerto Rico........

Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

Interesting how you did that

You link a story about a Puerto Rican mayor being arrested and then show a picture of the San Juan mayor who criticized Trump.

You somehow neglected to point out that she was not the one arrested
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
Yeah I did................and I'm enjoying doing it..............we knew she was a lying dem hack........called it right.
So, you admit to purposely posting what you know is fake news and a lie in the political forum. You should be banned.
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
OP has been talking to himself since 6:25 a.m. :)
Talking to myself...............nope.............putting up some information..........

Now............how's your Puerto Rican Hero doing...................under investigation and others jailed........for corruption.

This was put up because not long ago the left here was screaming on how Trump killed all those in Puerto Rico........

How is your Trump hero doing?

Under investigation and key aids jailed for corruption
Doubt the Libs will want to engage on this one.................

We told you the real deal............but politics outweigh reality.............it's all about the ATTACK.....

You bunch of LYING ASS DEMOCRAPS......................Your HERO MAYOR has been caught....................just as the corrupt utility company has been caught.................Hopefully they throw away the key to the jail cell to these ASSHATS.
I think you are right.
Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

Interesting how you did that

You link a story about a Puerto Rican mayor being arrested and then show a picture of the San Juan mayor who criticized Trump.

You somehow neglected to point out that she was not the one arrested

I corrected it in a later post..............bet you didn't read it...........but she is under investigation.......and of course so are many others there...................for using the disaster to get rich....................

The deal was the effort was massive.............and that the real problem was with the leaders in Puerto Rico themselves.............

But hey they can't deliver supplies..........but can get monogrammed T shirts and hats sent in overnight......

Yeah right................Puerto Rico's entire grid has been rebuilt..........as a matter of fact in San Juan the main grid was restored within the first 2 months..........and a very large Generator powered the city within a few weeks after the storm ..........but hey...............it was all Trump killing Puerto Ricans right...............

I guess in a liberal world 60,000 power poles get replaced with a a MAGIC LIBERAL BEAN............
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
OP has been talking to himself since 6:25 a.m. :)
Talking to myself...............nope.............putting up some information..........

Now............how's your Puerto Rican Hero doing...................under investigation and others jailed........for corruption.

This was put up because not long ago the left here was screaming on how Trump killed all those in Puerto Rico........

How is your Trump hero doing?

Under investigation and key aids jailed for corruption
Tax evasion old charges and perjury charges from a group of corrupt FBI guys.......who got fired right and left......so biased that the entire FBI has to do training because of them..............

It's not over............but your side is hoping the investigation will drag on..........so the statute of limitations can expire before they can get charged with their crimes.
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
Yeah I did................and I'm enjoying doing it..............we knew she was a lying dem hack........called it right.
So, you admit to purposely posting what you know is fake news and a lie in the political forum. You should be banned.
Nope................I saw the article and posted it.........and while digging found that a blogger did that..........but then found she was under investigation also............

You should be banned...............why ................because I point out information that you don't like...............Oh well ........report me............

I still call the left's attack not long ago a bunch of BS..............still do..........the left just moves on to new attacks....it's what they do
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.

The OP doesn’t care if what he posts is truthful or not.

That is the one area where he is very honest; he will be the first to tell you that he doesn’t care about accuracy.

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