Puerto Rican Mayor and others arrested for corruption

I remember talking about how some of the relief food spoiled because of incompetent people in Puerto Rico. I also remember the vast majority of this board mocking me and claiming mre's or whatever they are called don't spoil even though I wasn't talking about rations.
Low and behold look at the beginning of this video.
MRE's have weather proof packing...........but you can't just leave them out in the weather..........to get sun baked.......that will ruin anything.......it even ruined massive water supplies left on runways by C-130's....

Our response was to send in massive collection points for Puerto Rico to disperse the supplies......as I have already shown..........but they failed at the job forcing FEMA and our military to do double duty................then later they blamed us for it............but in the disaster relief plan they were supposed to do it.......

But Trump gets blamed.

In the old threads.........they claimed that the hospitals were without power and we were doing nothing.........a outright lie...........they set records getting temp power in that country...........better than Katrina..................I've shown that evidence again.......

What is their response.............a gif of Trump throwing paper towels..........it's all they have........lol.

They will never look at the evidence that is overwelmingly against them.
Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

That's not who was arrested. We've been over this here a few times already.

Here is the real story.

Puerto Rico mayor, two others arrested on corruption charges

You kids and your fake news....SMH.

I retracted after finding it out asshat.............but I will continue to post the truth of what they did after that storm.............which was massive.

Tell me the effort wasn't massive..............hmmm.............

Maybe do your due diligence first next time "asshat".
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
Prove it liar. You bastards NEVER own up to anything, it's always just more lies and half truths.
All anyone has to do for proof is read the link in the original post for this thread. OP's own link proves his rants are lies and fake news. Can you figure out how to go to post #1 and click on the link?
Links proof nothing tard.
Link used in this case was used by the OP in the original opening post as proof and evidence to support his OP and following half-dozen posts. Instead, the link in question disproves the OP. Makes the original allegations for this thread fake dishonest lies.
I recanted the first claim early on before your side dared touch it..........

Doesn't change a thing.......on the actual relief effort..............that your side lied it's asses off on before..........

Deny the evidence on the effort I have yet again shown............is any of it wrong other than I thought I had a GOTCHA MOMENT on the
San Juan Mayor..............who eventually is going to get caught..........
Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

That's not who was arrested. We've been over this here a few times already.

Here is the real story.

Puerto Rico mayor, two others arrested on corruption charges

You kids and your fake news....SMH.

I retracted after finding it out asshat.............but I will continue to post the truth of what they did after that storm.............which was massive.

Tell me the effort wasn't massive..............hmmm.............

Maybe do your due diligence first next time "asshat".

Unlike your side I recant when I found out I've been had by a blogger...............

Now for your side to own the hell up on the relief effort and how we were so called killing them ...........how about that.

Were the relief efforts massive.............YES OR NO.

Was the Puerto Rican National Guard in charge of distribution of food and water...............YES OR NO....

Did they fail at doing so...........YES OR NO.

Did the U.S. Military have to take over because they weren't doing the job...........YES OR NO..

Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

That's not who was arrested. We've been over this here a few times already.

Here is the real story.

Puerto Rico mayor, two others arrested on corruption charges

You kids and your fake news....SMH.

I retracted after finding it out asshat.............but I will continue to post the truth of what they did after that storm.............which was massive.

Tell me the effort wasn't massive..............hmmm.............

Maybe do your due diligence first next time "asshat".

The thread is an obvious attempt to defend Trump's malfeasance and the truth is unimportant to the OP or trump cult. Purpose of this thread is pure disinformation grounded in a fake Opening Post.
Trump's Presidency is founded and reliant on lies. This thread is proof and a prime example of how Trump's cult lie machine works.
Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.

CORRUPTION IN SAN JUAN: A FEDERAL GRAND JURY began to hold sessions in relation to the investigation carried out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on acts of Corruption in the purchasing office of the Municipality of San Juan, Mayor

Wow, the OP just used seven posts in a row to slam, slander and bash a Puerto Rican mayor who criticized Trump and his response to hurricane assistance and his link is not even about the mayor he is attacking. True story. He is attacking rhe wrong mayor. He either did not read his link or is just a totally dishonest promoter of fake news.

Fake News.
Prove it liar. You bastards NEVER own up to anything, it's always just more lies and half truths.
All anyone has to do for proof is read the link in the original post for this thread. OP's own link proves his rants are lies and fake news. Can you figure out how to go to post #1 and click on the link?
Links proof nothing tard.
Link used in this case was used by the OP in the original opening post as proof and evidence to support his OP and following half-dozen posts. Instead, the link in question disproves the OP. Makes the original allegations for this thread fake dishonest lies.
Shut up liar. Links to a news story do not prove shit. Although I have no doubt the democrat scum in PR are stealing from us.
Local militia must need more practice and higher numbers to be able to recover from any given natural disaster, sooner.
Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

Interesting how you did that

You link a story about a Puerto Rican mayor being arrested and then show a picture of the San Juan mayor who criticized Trump.

You somehow neglected to point out that she was not the one arrested

It hurts but I have to agree. The picture is of the mayor of San Juan and she was not the one arrested.
Yes this might be a little old but I just saw it and remember her political junk on the news that the left here were going bat shit crazy over. On how Trump was killing so many in Puerto Rico. But the one that was there CHAMPION is in Jail for corruption. Pocketing Hud funds.........and their corrupt utility would force bribes from the people there to turn on their power, including Hospitals...............

Back when the left was saying how evil Trump was and was killing people in Puerto Rico we were saying the Mayor and Gov't there was corrupt. Well.............Trump was right and we were right.........The crooked FAKE MAYOR went to jail.


Puerto Rican mayor, two other gov officials arrested on corruption charges - NY Daily News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A mayor and two former government officials in Puerto Rico face public corruption charges in separate cases that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds, authorities said Thursday.

Interesting how you did that

You link a story about a Puerto Rican mayor being arrested and then show a picture of the San Juan mayor who criticized Trump.

You somehow neglected to point out that she was not the one arrested

It hurts but I have to agree. The picture is of the mayor of San Juan and she was not the one arrested.

I retracted that..........but went on to present the facts of some of the recovery that they stated was Trump killing them........which is utter Horse Hockey.

It happens.......I usually confirm the original sources and got burned.
I admitted after finding it that it wasn't the San Juan mayor who got arrested.........others did and show the corruption down there.

During the attack machine's Trump killed them BS........I posted article after article showing the recovery efforts........and they were discarded time and time again in the liberal echo chamber.........

The effort was massive..........the effort was immediate.............and the Puerto Rican gov't is corrupt........I still remember the one video I posted in those threads....of a small hospital without power.......yet they had received 6 generators and donations but couldn't hook them up because the Puerto Rican gov't had to approve the dang permit to power up........ridiculous and now the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fall together.........they needed to bribe the gov't to get their dang power hooked back up.

Corrupt as hell ...........playing politics and lining their dang pockets in a disaster then blaming it on others.

Trump gave a half assed relief effort........3000 died from lack of care

But I’m sure the paper towels were appreciated
BS............the relief effort was massive.......within a few weeks FEMA powered up San Juan with a temp 500 MW generator..........Whitefish came in with almost no payment up front and restored the main grid line to San Juan within a couple of months..........leaving the local repair work to the Preppa utility......

And as I just posted they GOT STIFFED ON THE BILL............nice huh..........In court all over the place.......sub contractors not getting paid......and their company not getting paid..........

In regards to supplies............they are massive...........oh and the local union went on strike........right during the storm........probably because they knew the country would stiff them as well...............

Place was a wreck before the storms even hit.
3000 people died from a lack of medical care, contaminated water, spreading disease

Trump offered paper towels

You are so full of male bovine excrement!

Provide one iota of PROOF for the number of 3,000. One!

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