Pull Back the Curtain on PBS and NPR Salaries


That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

People willingly donate to PBS. Point is that if people want it, they'll contribute to keep it going.

Libturbs were criticizing Trump's granddaughter for wearing a Sesame Street hat. They think it's wrong considering that Sesame Street will be affected by the cuts.

Crazy considering the amount of money made on Sesame Street products over the years. Billions in sales for all the Sesame Street toys and other merchandise, yet they act like they need tax payer money to keep going.
Good. You gimps want to learn the hard way the results of your degeneracy and ridiculous political fantasies. You're too stupid to see what's wrong with your weirdness and bigotry so bring on the crash and the burn. We're going to go back to the libertoon world of neo-paganism, laiisez-faire, mass poverty, dictatorship, and more, just because you utterly clueless Burb Brats have some bizarre fantasies about 'Da '60's, Man!' and think sloganeering and ideological nonsense really accomplishes something.

Guy, I would love to go back to the 1960's where a guy like my Dad could have a good union job that allowed him to raise a family.

Where things got fucked up is when the Republicans starting with old Tricky Dick convinced dumb white people like you that the coloreds and the gays and the feminists wanted half your cookie while they were wolfing the cookies down.
So, you think PBS should rely solely on contributions from viewers, but you think PBS begs too much for contributions.

Yup, that's CONservative 'intelligence' in a nutshell.
So, you think PBS should rely solely on contributions from viewers, but you think PBS begs too much for contributions.

Yup, that's CONservative 'intelligence' in a nutshell.

To be fair, I had a friend who was a volunteer at WTTW in Chicago, and he said that WTTW had new equipment they weren't even taking out of the boxes because they didn't need it.

The thing is, the PBS stations in the big cities will be fine. They will get plenty of contributions. It's the PBS Stations in rural areas that will probably end up closing down, which is a problem because those are the communities that probably need it most.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com
But its not shocking to you when a corporate head makes 40-50 million a year?
That may be true in Chicago, but it's not true at WGBH in Boston, where we produce most of the very best programming for public television nationwide. It's also wasn't true at several other PBS stations I've been involved with over the years - in D.C., Arizona, Montana and Maine.

Again, one story from your friend doesn't make a trend. Progressive or not, you get nothing but contempt from me if you can't grasp that basic stats reality.
To be fair, anecdotes from your friend does not a reality make.

No, it actually probably does. Look, I'm pretty progressive on a lot of things, but PBS is not necessarily a good use of the taxpayers money. at least not the way it's being run.
Anyone who listens to NPR for any length of time, becomes an idiot like Joey.
That may be true in Chicago, but it's not true at WGBH in Boston, where we produce most of the very best programming for public television nationwide. It's also wasn't true at several other PBS stations I've been involved with over the years - in D.C., Arizona, Montana and Maine.

Again, one story from your friend doesn't make a trend. Progressive or not, you get nothing but contempt from me if you can't grasp that basic stats reality.

Sorry, you are kind of losing the room. If PBS can't produce quality across its network, that's just bad management. If they were producing the best programming, they wouldn't need government bailouts.

Here's the thing. In the era of YouTube and On Demand television, do we even need PBS anymore?
When cable exploded and we got so many new networks, I asked ....who needs PBS now?

There were networks like A&E. History Channel, Discovery Channel all providing content as good or better than PBS

What happened? They all sold out to reality TV shows, garbage filler, trash documentaries

It is what the free market gives you
That may be true in Chicago, but it's not true at WGBH in Boston, where we produce most of the very best programming for public television nationwide. It's also wasn't true at several other PBS stations I've been involved with over the years - in D.C., Arizona, Montana and Maine.

Again, one story from your friend doesn't make a trend. Progressive or not, you get nothing but contempt from me if you can't grasp that basic stats reality.

Sorry, you are kind of losing the room. If PBS can't produce quality across its network, that's just bad management. If they were producing the best programming, they wouldn't need government bailouts.

Here's the thing. In the era of YouTube and On Demand television, do we even need PBS anymore?
It's not a fucking bailout you idiot; it's less that 20% of total funding against which local funds are leveraged. This is how many public programs work, like meals on wheels. I suppose you're 'really pretty progressive' but okay with taking meals away from aging veterans and other seniors, too? Go fuck yourself.

Here's something I bet you and your buddy don't know becsuse you've never managed anything: it is entirely common in both public and private enterprise to invest funds into replacement equipment not yet needed when funds must be expended at the end of a fiscal year. This happens at PBS stations and at fucking Google too.

You're retarded.
The average federal taxpayer pays about $1.50 a year towards public broadcasting.

I hereby volunteer to sponsor ONE Rightwing taxpayer for TEN years, to cover their tax bill to PBS - that's $15.00

on the ONE condition that they promise to shut up about public broadcasting for the duration of that 10 years.

Any takers?
If it is so miminal they won't mind losing it!

Every state in the Union, including the most conservative ones, support public broadcasting.

That a loudmouth minority of RW nutcases don't should be ignored.
Yes, you may support them by contributions and by buying their products!

I support them by voting for representatives who will provide them funding. And we win, year after year.

That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!

You won’t believe the obscene salaries of PBS and NPR higher ups. PBS pays their president a $632,233 yearly salary. This is shocking but here’s another one: Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513!

How in the hell can this be condoned at taxpayer expense? For the Lefturds, it's okay.

More @ PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That'll Convince You Trump's Right to Cut, Cut, Cut! » 100percentfedUp.com

If you have the votes you defund it.
If PBS and NPR are so popular then they should be commercially viable. If not there is no reason that the taxpayer has to pay for it.
Just because it is only $1.50 per taxpayer does not make it right. Another question is if these networks are government funded then they should be free of politics in their programming.
Are you really such a fucking moron?!

The whole point is that they're NOT COMMERCIAL, so there is one fucking place you can watch quality programming for all ages and not be recruited as a consumer.

One fucking place where your kids aren't brainwashed to want crappy food and crappy plastic toys or subject to erectile dysfunction adverts or adverts that objectify women and create body image issues, etc.

One fucking place where a solid percentage of the programming must be educational - instead of mindless drivel, violence and gratuitous sex, mean and low-IQ 'reality TV' crap, empty headed talks shows where uninformed celebrities pat each other on the back as they exchange misinformation.

There is so much truly excellent programming on PBS and the cost to the federal budget is miniscule by comparison to value delivered.

I would have no problem with the top executive salaries being reined in a little - those seem pretty high by comparison to other nonprofits. At the same time, to get very good quality managers salary has to remain competitive. Still, I'm sure there are good people who would do those jobs for less than $600k or $900k.

But honestly, those of you who don't see the value in PBS or why it's an important PUBLIC investment are just dumb. You should've watched more PBS growing up and less commercial TV crap.
That is assuming that to be commercially viable you must have commercials for products and that is blatantly incorrect. If they are of a quality that you state they can sell the product directly or continue to get donations to fund 100 percent of their programming. They are not all that far off now. There is no need for the government to fund them at all.

YOU think they are worth it. Many do not. The government is not there to force everyone to support programs that you like. There is no governmental purpose served by PBS or NPR that justifies channeling money to them. There is actually the exact opposite - the government should not be in the media business.

I get what you're saying, FA_Q2, and I get BoSoxGal's points. You're both right, but your response doesn't address the substance of the point she was making. She remarked upon the quality of the PBS/NPR content, as she saw it, and you responded about whether the quality of the content on PBS/NPR, presumably, might be such that it obviates the need for advertizing the network and its programming. There's plenty of high quality stuff that exists -- Robert Loomes, Goyard, and Gurkha (Gurkha did in the '80s, but I haven't seen any ads from them in the past decade.) -- come to mind -- and that isn't advertised and there's lots that is.
NPR and PBS no longer need Taxpayer-funding. They're propped up by incredibly wealthy Elites for the most part. They'd survive just fine without Tax Dollars. Time to pull the plug and move on.
Good. You gimps want to learn the hard way the results of your degeneracy and ridiculous political fantasies. You're too stupid to see what's wrong with your weirdness and bigotry so bring on the crash and the burn. We're going to go back to the libertoon world of neo-paganism, laiisez-faire, mass poverty, dictatorship, and more, just because you utterly clueless Burb Brats have some bizarre fantasies about 'Da '60's, Man!' and think sloganeering and ideological nonsense really accomplishes something.

Guy, I would love to go back to the 1960's where a guy like my Dad could have a good union job that allowed him to raise a family.

Where things got fucked up is when the Republicans starting with old Tricky Dick convinced dumb white people like you that the coloreds and the gays and the feminists wanted half your cookie while they were wolfing the cookies down.

lol what a load of gibberish. Tricky Dick bent over backwards to take back the black vote from democrats, you tard. Who do you think turned Affirmative ACtion into a quota system, just weeks after the real Liberals had shot it down? Who do you think pandered to the Charlie Rangel and the Black Caucus constantly, including their demand for a 'War On Drugs' in the Hoods?

You really don't know squat, and prove it constantly.

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