Pull over for a funeral procession - Yes or No?

I take issue with people pulling over for ambulances. Oh, I have no problem with people in front of an ambulance getting out of the way, if they are in the way. But people in the lane going the opposite direction don't need to be pulling off the road. Just slow down and stay out of the way of the ambulance.

Why would you take issue?

I lived down South most of my life and the custom there was to pull over when a funeral procession approaches. If I'm not mistaken, it's a law that requires you to do that in some states.

But when I moved up North, I noticed that nobody seems to do that. I generally do pull over, but there are always cars and trucks whizzing by.

Maybe it's part of my my conservative values, but I just think it's rude and disrespectful to the deceased when you don't pull over. Wouldn't you want the same amount of respect on your way to the boneyard?

This reminds me , when my grandfather died someone in Chicago tried to cut across, I almost rammed him, I stopped his ass..
the spectre of becoming part of the procession should be detrement enough ~S~

That. Seems like it's "bad karma" if you don't pull over. Like the song goes...

"Do not laugh as the hearse goes by,
For you may be the next one to die.
They wrap you up in bloody sheet
and cover you from head to feet.
They put you in a big black box
And cover you with dirt and rocks.
All goes well for about a week,
Until your coffin begins to leak.
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,
The worms play pinochle on your snout,
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose,
They eat the jelly between your toes.
A big green worm with rolling eyes
Crawls in your stomach and out your sides.
Your stomach turns a slimy green,
And pus pours out like whipping cream.
You'll spread it on a slice of bread,
And that's what you eat when you are dead."

The Hearse Song - Wikipedia
I never understood the hurry. The body isn't going anywhere. :dunno:

Keep the train together to pay respect.

What he's talking about ---- and I can suss this from his "north vs south" description --- is cars pulling over on the OTHER side of the road, FACING the funeral. Not crossing it. That's the only thing that fits his description.

Nobody interrupts a funeral in the MIDST of it, in the north or in the south. But in Mississippi I see cars on the opposite side of the road pull over, where it has zero impact on the funeral itself.
I lived down South most of my life and the custom there was to pull over when a funeral procession approaches. If I'm not mistaken, it's a law that requires you to do that in some states.

But when I moved up North, I noticed that nobody seems to do that. I generally do pull over, but there are always cars and trucks whizzing by.

Maybe it's part of my my conservative values, but I just think it's rude and disrespectful to the deceased when you don't pull over. Wouldn't you want the same amount of respect on your way to the boneyard?

This reminds me , when my grandfather died someone in Chicago tried to cut across, I almost rammed him, I stopped his ass..

Sorry. I was trying to get to McDonald's before they stopped serving breakfast.
I take issue with people pulling over for ambulances. Oh, I have no problem with people in front of an ambulance getting out of the way, if they are in the way. But people in the lane going the opposite direction don't need to be pulling off the road. Just slow down and stay out of the way of the ambulance.

Why would you take issue?

Causes more of a problem than it solves. Don't try to get out of the way if you are not in the way to begin with,
I never understood the hurry. The body isn't going anywhere. :dunno:

Keep the train together to pay respect.

What he's talking about ---- and I can suss this from his "north vs south" description --- is cars pulling over on the OTHER side of the road, FACING the funeral. Not crossing it. That's the only thing that fits his description.

Nobody interrupts a funeral in the MIDST of it, in the north or in the south. But in Mississippi I see cars on the opposite side of the road pull over, where it has zero impact on the funeral itself.

I didn't get that from him, but if they do that in Mississippi they are showing deep respect and saying a little prayer..

That's class.

I lived down South most of my life and the custom there was to pull over when a funeral procession approaches. If I'm not mistaken, it's a law that requires you to do that in some states.

But when I moved up North, I noticed that nobody seems to do that. I generally do pull over, but there are always cars and trucks whizzing by.

Maybe it's part of my my conservative values, but I just think it's rude and disrespectful to the deceased when you don't pull over. Wouldn't you want the same amount of respect on your way to the boneyard?

This reminds me , when my grandfather died someone in Chicago tried to cut across, I almost rammed him, I stopped his ass..

Sorry. I was trying to get to McDonald's before they stopped serving breakfast.

Keep eatin' that stuff and you'll be the next one in the procession. :laughing0301:
I take issue with people pulling over for ambulances. Oh, I have no problem with people in front of an ambulance getting out of the way, if they are in the way. But people in the lane going the opposite direction don't need to be pulling off the road. Just slow down and stay out of the way of the ambulance.

Why would you take issue?

Causes more of a problem than it solves. Don't try to get out of the way if you are not in the way to begin with,

Bullshit the ambulance needs to get around..

Your job is to drive in a self defense mode..
I take issue with people pulling over for ambulances. Oh, I have no problem with people in front of an ambulance getting out of the way, if they are in the way. But people in the lane going the opposite direction don't need to be pulling off the road. Just slow down and stay out of the way of the ambulance.

Why would you take issue?

Causes more of a problem than it solves. Don't try to get out of the way if you are not in the way to begin with,

Bullshit the ambulance needs to get around..

Your job is to drive in a self defense mode..
If I am in the way of the ambulance, then I pull over to get out of the way. If not in the way of the ambulance, then I drive in a self defense mode (as always). Thus, the ambulance gets around just fine, thank you!
One time I was golfing and was fixing to tee off and I noticed a funeral procession driving past so I stopped and took my hat off and waited for it to pass. I buddy I was with told me that was a very good thing to do and he was patting me on the shoulder. I told him it was the least I could do because we had been married 36 years.

I'm sure he would have done the same for you.
Being able to inconvenience the living is worth dying for.

That's what I've always said: I want to go out of the world the same way I came into it: Screaming and covered with somebody else's blood.

I want to go like my grandpa did. In my sleep. Not like the people in his car, helplessly screaming.
I don't stop for dead terrorists funeral processions.
The sad thing is that we never know who is inside the hearse when we see one coming.

God bless you and those who drive them always!!!


P.S. I saw a funeral procession about a week ago here in my area and every car on the road stopped for it.

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