Pull The Trigger Already!

Blinken and the Biden administration continues to defy Congress by refusing to meet demands for documents. They are just daring the Republicans to do anything about it.

"The State Department missed a deadline again Monday to provide the House Foreign Affairs Committee with files related to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

The hard pass is the third time the department has ignored a set deadline by the committee.


Well it's something called executive privileges there retard. Those papers come from the Trump administration any way ya retard. Trump pulled us out of Afghanistan ya ducking retardand negotiated with the Taliban to let out all of their prisoners receiving nothing in return. Ya ducking retard. There were less than 2500 Troups in Afghanistan when Biden took over ya ducking retard. That is significantly less than the thousands of Taliban Trump released ya ducking retard.
Obviously republicans need to subpoena Biden so they can....ROFL, I tried to finish but it was just to funny. Subpoena Biden...BWAHAHAHA.
Try to stay focused - its Blinken in criminal non-compliance with official requests for documents and who is perpetratong obstruction.
Congress has a trigger? I'd like to see that. I don't think the GOP has the whereforeall much less stones to really ACT.

The GOP has exposed a lot...they have a ton of things to investigate, but if they aren't going to act on what they find they should just stop.
Blinken and the Biden administration continues to defy Congress by refusing to meet demands for documents. They are just daring the Republicans to do anything about it.

"The State Department missed a deadline again Monday to provide the House Foreign Affairs Committee with files related to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

The hard pass is the third time the department has ignored a set deadline by the committee.


So, what's going to happen? Three possibilities:

1. Republicans do nothing about it.

2. The House impeaches these people and the Democratic led Senate votes on if the impeachments are successful.

3. The House investigates and refers their findings over to Biden's and Garland's DOJ for action.
Try to stay focused - its Blinken in criminal non-compliance with official requests for documents and who is perpetratong obstruction.
Same difference. Biden can simply exert executive privilege.

I heard it's been done before to great effect.
When dems investigate they get results and people go to jail or go broke... the GOP has got to change and stand up for justice and freedom and the constitution or we need a new party....
All a Republican controlled House can do is to make a criminal REFERRAL to the DOJ. And the DOJ is a deep state largely blue wasteland in a time where the Executive Branch (of which the DOJ is a subordinate part) is also Democratic Party led.

Let’s be clear here. The Brandon DOJ is politically controlled and won’t do its jobs against law breakers like Blinken, etc. A “(D)” after his name insulates him from compliance with the law.
All a Republican controlled House can do is to make a criminal REFERRAL to the DOJ. And the DOJ is a deep state largely blue wasteland in a time where the Executive Branch (of which the DOJ is a subordinate part) is also Democratic Party led.

Let’s be clear here. The Brandon DOJ is politically controlled and won’t do its jobs against law breakers like Blinken, etc. A “(D)” after his name insulates him from compliance with the law.
So what your saying is all your lies are true cause of "deep state" derp derp.
So what your saying is all your lies are true cause of "deep state" derp derp.
No, you fucking idiot. That’s what you’re saying.

Try to think for once: when Congress held AG Holder in contempt of Congress, what did the Deep State DOJ do?

Yeah. That’s right. Not a fucking thing.
No, you fucking idiot. That’s what you’re saying.

Try to think for once: when Congress held AG Holder in contempt of Congress, what did the Deep State DOJ do?

Yeah. That’s right. Not a fucking thing.
Lol, no. It's what you said...and then your response is to go back a decade amd say it again. ROFL.

You can't make this shit up.
Lol, no. It's what you said...and then your response is to go back a decade amd say it again. ROFL.

You can't make this shit up.
In other words, as usual, you have nothing substantive you can offer.

Why wasn’t an AG who refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena tried for that?

I know you won’t answer because any truthful answer would gut your bullshit partisan position.

Get back into your warm cozy coma.
In other words, as usual, you have nothing substantive you can offer.

It's not possible to offer anything substantive because you will claim "deep state". There isn't really a defense against that which is why propaganda like that is so effective.

Why wasn’t an AG who refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena tried for that?

"White House spokesman Jay Carney said the same thing Friday, saying “it is an established principle, dating back to the administration of President Ronald Reagan, that the Justice Department does not pursue prosecution in a contempt case when the president has asserted executive privilege.”

“Across administrations of both political parties, the longstanding position of the Department of Justice has been and remains that we will not prosecute an Executive Branch official under the contempt of Congress statute for withholding subpoenaed documents pursuant to a presidential assertion of executive privilege,” Cole said."

I know you won’t answer because any truthful answer would gut your bullshit partisan position.

Get back into your warm cozy coma.
It's not possible to offer anything substantive because you will claim "deep state".

You are forever full of shit. The true reason (as opposed to the crap you spewed) why you won’t be substantive is because you can’t.

As for the rest of your post about the DOJ ALLEGED ”policy” of not prosecuting after an invocation of executive privilege, I call bullshit. How about Peter Navarro’s case?

And the reason that matters isn’t simply to flag at least one exception to the bullshit DOJ claim, but to highlight my initial point. When selective prosecution like that takes place, it is partisan and political. It is Deep State exposed.
You are forever full of shit. The true reason (as opposed to the crap you spewed) why you won’t be substantive is because you can’t.

Full of shit huh?

Trump has deep state plants in the FBI that are creating false whistleblower claims to harm Biden.

Prove me wrong.

As for the rest of your post about the DOJ ALLEGED ”policy” of not prosecuting after an invocation of executive privilege, I call bullshit. How about Peter Navarro’s case?

And the reason that matters isn’t simply to flag at least one exception to the bullshit DOJ claim, but to highlight my initial point. When selective prosecution like that takes place, it is partisan and political. It is Deep State exposed.
Another false equivalence.

"DOJ has maintained in numerous battles over executive privilege that it is the current president who holds the power to block officials from testifying.

But the filing also argues that such a privilege cannot be used as a blanket excuse to avoid all questions, noting the committee largely wished to speak with Navarro about “matters undertaken in his personal capacity with persons outside the government” rather than any conversations he may have had with Trump."

Executive privilege does not apply in a personal capacity.

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