Pulling Back the Curtain on the Ugly GOP

oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics

You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Palin is such old news, why still hatin??

Get out your time warp, get out of your hate and forget about Sarah Palin.

She is yesterdays news and a distraction from the current conversation.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics

You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics

You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

Another time warp hater ................
Mean while with distractions like this we seem to be missing the fact our HNIC will not lower the flags in memorial our our terrorist slain American soldiers in Chattanooga.

Where's the outrage for that ??
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics

You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

"Palin announced she was resigning her office due to the costs and distractions of battling ethics investigations describing the “insane” amount of time and money that both she and the state of Alaska had expended responding to "opposition research", 150 FOIA requests and 15 "frivolous" legal ethics complaints filed by "political operatives" against her. She said the state had spent $2 million while she and her husband, Todd, would be spending "more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight." While media sources backed Palin's statement that she had incurred large, personal financial debts defending against the ethics charges, the Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the normal state employee salaries.However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies were diverted from their normal duties and state attorneys were pulled off their case loads resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" spent on outside legal counsel and equipment. In addition to responding to the ethics complaints, the state attorneys had to review the public record requests including the 238 filed during Palin's administration and 189 after she was named John McCain's running mate.
You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

"Palin announced she was resigning her office due to the costs and distractions of battling ethics investigations describing the “insane” amount of time and money that both she and the state of Alaska had expended responding to "opposition research", 150 FOIA requests and 15 "frivolous" legal ethics complaints filed by "political operatives" against her. She said the state had spent $2 million while she and her husband, Todd, would be spending "more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight." While media sources backed Palin's statement that she had incurred large, personal financial debts defending against the ethics charges, the Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the normal state employee salaries.However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies were diverted from their normal duties and state attorneys were pulled off their case loads resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" spent on outside legal counsel and equipment. In addition to responding to the ethics complaints, the state attorneys had to review the public record requests including the 238 filed during Palin's administration and 189 after she was named John McCain's running mate.

So she quit instead of being convicted. Gotcha.
You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

"Palin announced she was resigning her office due to the costs and distractions of battling ethics investigations describing the “insane” amount of time and money that both she and the state of Alaska had expended responding to "opposition research", 150 FOIA requests and 15 "frivolous" legal ethics complaints filed by "political operatives" against her. She said the state had spent $2 million while she and her husband, Todd, would be spending "more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight." While media sources backed Palin's statement that she had incurred large, personal financial debts defending against the ethics charges, the Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the normal state employee salaries.However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies were diverted from their normal duties and state attorneys were pulled off their case loads resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" spent on outside legal counsel and equipment. In addition to responding to the ethics complaints, the state attorneys had to review the public record requests including the 238 filed during Palin's administration and 189 after she was named John McCain's running mate.

see they still don't stop spreading their hate and lies about A Woman Governor who was MORE qualified to be in office than that thug they stuck on us. they are just ugly people in an ugly party who used them all as USEFUL tools as see on here daily
You can ask that old dried up hag Stephanie why she keeps bringing Palin up as if she was some serious statesman.

A serious public servant seeks to serve; not serve themselves. It's precisely what Palin did; cash in on the celebrity she enjoyed while on the public dole.
Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

"Palin announced she was resigning her office due to the costs and distractions of battling ethics investigations describing the “insane” amount of time and money that both she and the state of Alaska had expended responding to "opposition research", 150 FOIA requests and 15 "frivolous" legal ethics complaints filed by "political operatives" against her. She said the state had spent $2 million while she and her husband, Todd, would be spending "more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight." While media sources backed Palin's statement that she had incurred large, personal financial debts defending against the ethics charges, the Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the normal state employee salaries.However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies were diverted from their normal duties and state attorneys were pulled off their case loads resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" spent on outside legal counsel and equipment. In addition to responding to the ethics complaints, the state attorneys had to review the public record requests including the 238 filed during Palin's administration and 189 after she was named John McCain's running mate.

So she quit instead of being convicted. Gotcha.

Quitting would not keep her from being prosecuted if there was any substance to the frivolous charges brought by political opponents. Do you believe she was guilty until she was proven innocent. You would never think that would you?
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics

You've got to be kidding. You hang your hat on that absurdity? Sarah Palin was and still is an uninformed person who cannot string words together to form a coherent sentence. No sane person wanted that person a heartbeat away from the presidency. We already had the dimwit Dan Quale and he was a genius in comparison to Sarah Palin. And you know it. It's not a smear if it's true.

Yet she was elected as Governor of Alaska. No sane person believes the smear that you just posted.

Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

You freaks chased her out of public service job with your constant attacks. I have never seen such venom spit at any candidate by you people.
Sarah Palin quit her job as governor ... she abandoned the people who elected her in order cash in on her ill-deserved fame. The people of Alaska aren't lining up to sing any praises on her behalf.

Barack Obama quit his job as a Senator from Illinois to cash in on his race. See how that works!

You do realize that Obama remained in public service.
Palin made reality television programs and an ass of herself.

"Palin announced she was resigning her office due to the costs and distractions of battling ethics investigations describing the “insane” amount of time and money that both she and the state of Alaska had expended responding to "opposition research", 150 FOIA requests and 15 "frivolous" legal ethics complaints filed by "political operatives" against her. She said the state had spent $2 million while she and her husband, Todd, would be spending "more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight." While media sources backed Palin's statement that she had incurred large, personal financial debts defending against the ethics charges, the Anchorage Daily News reported that much of the $1.9 million cost cited by Palin consisted of the normal state employee salaries.However, the Governor's spokesperson said that in order to respond to the ethics complaints, staffers from multiple state agencies were diverted from their normal duties and state attorneys were pulled off their case loads resulting in "lost value to the state", and "hundreds of thousands of dollars" spent on outside legal counsel and equipment. In addition to responding to the ethics complaints, the state attorneys had to review the public record requests including the 238 filed during Palin's administration and 189 after she was named John McCain's running mate.

So she quit instead of being convicted. Gotcha.

Quitting would not keep her from being prosecuted if there was any substance to the frivolous charges brought by political opponents.

she's a Palin hater to the core of her being. you'll be here all day arguing with her stupidity over Palin. just saying. lol
but the ugly of that party was shown by HER. go look at the thread she started on how Palin like Black meat
John McCain will go down in the history books as one of the better US Senators of his time, a war hero, and an effective legislator. Donald Trump will likely be rich until the day he passes from this earth into whatever oblivion in the afterlife awaits him and those that bother to remember him will remember his failed presidential bid and what an ass he made of himself for a brief time in the Summer of 2015. Neither man will suffer any long term effects of Mr. Trump's moronic statements. The true damage of what Donald Trump said about war hero John McCain was to further reveal the true thoughts of the GOP rank and file.

This doesn't fade so easily. If John McCain were not such a distinguished Republican, one may easily chalk it up to his being "yesterday's news" and that failed candidates in the Genral usually enjoy no second act (see Mitt Romney and Al Gore for reference). The hard-right doesn't like McCain being a member of that "gang of eight" who sought to rise above politics and negotiate an immigration bill.

For a clue of why it is more than that, you can look at that bill and see one of it's other authors, Marco Rubio, suffers little in the way of hard right angst. So what is it about this episode that does so much damage? For the answer, consider Rubio. Rubio is a candidate for President whereas McCain is not this time around. Rubio still has the chance to thwart a presidential bid by Hillary Clinton so he cannot be cast asunder so quickly as McCain has been. And there inlies the problem. It isn't that what Trump says has any basis in reality. Any grown-up knows this is the case. Anyone who saw combat has taken heroic stances for their nation. Captured combat soldiers hold a special place of reverence for Americans of all political stripes. What Mr. Trump did was say something to get more TV cameras pointed in his direction. Ordinarily, such a brazen publicity grab would be greeted with cynnacism and ridicule. However, Trump still has the ability to cause the President some discomfort and peril for Clinton--the presumptive Democratic nominee. So, for the same reasons as Rubio, the rank and file suspend the counsel of the better angels of their nature and decide to applaud Trump because he can do some damage to the other side; maybe.

Republicans cannot pretend to just be "letting the process" play out when Donald Trump is topping polls. Nor can they deny they feel this way about McCain and Mexicans ("Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world.").

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem that she has worked hard to correct. She is not running a campaign based on enevitability or a presumption of such. She has learned from her mistakes. Still, she will need the votes of independents to become the next President. Independents are looking and they are seeing a Party that seems more interested in stoking the fires of bigotry, anger and hatred than steering the ship of State to any greater future. Trump could care less. The cameras are pointed at him and that is all he is interested in.

Trump is going to be short-lived as a presidential candidate and his television career is over. I think you are right he will fade to obscurity now.

What he said about McCain is so over the top disgusting it strikes all Americans as such, as you also noted. Rather bizarre and very telling that John Kerry immediately came to McCain's defense but when Kerry was getting swiftboated McCain was silent.

Character reveals itself in the most trying moment. And lack thereof as well.

My God, the hypocrisy. Democrats knee jerk repeat and support every accusation against the troops calling them terrorists and murderers at every opportunity. Then you come in and say this shallow, disingenuous point about McCain as if you suddenly support the military. They see through your shallow lies, as does everyone else with a brain.
You freaks chased her out of public service job with your constant attacks. I have never seen such venom spit at any candidate by you people.

She was charming and had the tards scared shitless she would be the first woman president ...................

Yesterdays news, but the left tards were especially nasty to her.
You can ask that old dried up hag Stephanie why she keeps bringing Palin up as if she was some serious statesman.

A serious public servant seeks to serve; not serve themselves. It's precisely what Palin did; cash in on the celebrity she enjoyed while on the public dole.

What the fuck does Palin have to do with this thread, it was the left tard haters like you who were so fucking nasty ..................
These libs on here need to remember. a lot of us on here

HAVE MEMORIES. When they try and pass off threads like this one...

tsk tsk
You freaks chased her out of public service job with your constant attacks. I have never seen such venom spit at any candidate by you people.

She was charming and had the tards scared shitless she would be the first woman president ...................

Yesterdays news, but the left tards were especially nasty to her.

Liberals have turned elections into hateful venom spitting personal attacks with no limits, its quite accurate to call them lowlife scum.
You can ask that old dried up hag Stephanie why she keeps bringing Palin up as if she was some serious statesman.

A serious public servant seeks to serve; not serve themselves. It's precisely what Palin did; cash in on the celebrity she enjoyed while on the public dole.

What the fuck does Palin have to do with this thread, it was the left tard haters like you who were so fucking nasty ..................

I brought her up in the second post to this thread. Reminding them of who the party of real hate is and it's their democrat/progressive party. they started a tread on her on a rumor of how Palin like black men so the thread was: Palin likes BLACK MEAT

This was a WOMAN running for he Vice President of OUR COUNTRY
You can ask that old dried up hag Stephanie why she keeps bringing Palin up as if she was some serious statesman.

A serious public servant seeks to serve; not serve themselves. It's precisely what Palin did; cash in on the celebrity she enjoyed while on the public dole.

Hey hatin bitch, when you learn how to use the search function, you can post list of your opponents threads relevant to the subject instead of making false accusations.

Makes one look so much more superior ...................

Search Results for Query Palin US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You can ask that old dried up hag Stephanie why she keeps bringing Palin up as if she was some serious statesman.

A serious public servant seeks to serve; not serve themselves. It's precisely what Palin did; cash in on the celebrity she enjoyed while on the public dole.

Hey hatin bitch, when you learn how to use the search function, you can post list of your opponents threads relevant to the subject instead of making false accusations.

Makes one look so much more superior ...................

Search Results for Query Palin US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

lol, they hate it because I have a memory and throw in their face. so then as you see they just go down and dirty NASTY. proving my point on cue
tsk tsk tsk for them

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