Pulling Back the Curtain on the Ugly GOP

Wait a minute, democrat Jim Webb was a war hero and an effective senator but it seems the hypocrite DNC would rather nominate the abused wife of a pervert freaking draft dodger.

They want to nominate the one who's ahead in the polls. They want to win. Shocking.
Trouble is, once you get beyond the polls, which are oftentimes little more than Name-Recognition and Beauty Contests, you have to deal with Character.

That's where the Bubba-Hillary tag-team are going to fall short, when push comes to shove.

People who understand the meaning of Integrity and Character will not vote for either of the Clintons again.
Wait a minute, democrat Jim Webb was a war hero and an effective senator but it seems the hypocrite DNC would rather nominate the abused wife of a pervert freaking draft dodger.

They want to nominate the one who's ahead in the polls. They want to win. Shocking.
Trouble is, once you get beyond the polls, which are oftentimes little more than Name-Recognition and Beauty Contests, you have to deal with Character.

That's where the Bubba-Hillary tag-team are going to fall short, when push comes to shove.

People who understand the meaning of Integrity and Character will not vote for either of the Clintons again.

Unfortunately those traits will fall short when weighed against personal agendas.

The entitled feel any thing other than democrat and they will start to lose their check ..............

The gays feel that the democrats are the only reason they have marriage / class protection.
Anything other than democrat they will lose that.

The blacks feel that only the democrats will pursue "Black live's matter", getting the current generation even more benefits and compensating them for more perceived injustices.
Anything other than democrat they will lose all that.

There are many reasons they will vote for the socialist pantsuit queen, none of which has to do with integrity.

Character will be the major determinate, after all if we don't look after #1, who will .........................
Wait a minute, democrat Jim Webb was a war hero and an effective senator but it seems the hypocrite DNC would rather nominate the abused wife of a pervert freaking draft dodger.

They want to nominate the one who's ahead in the polls. They want to win. Shocking.
Trouble is, once you get beyond the polls, which are oftentimes little more than Name-Recognition and Beauty Contests, you have to deal with Character.

That's where the Bubba-Hillary tag-team are going to fall short, when push comes to shove.

People who understand the meaning of Integrity and Character will not vote for either of the Clintons again.

They'll vote for the arrogant, ego maniac... Trump. LOL! I have a pet rock that has more integrity and character than Trump.
Wait a minute, democrat Jim Webb was a war hero and an effective senator but it seems the hypocrite DNC would rather nominate the abused wife of a pervert freaking draft dodger.

They want to nominate the one who's ahead in the polls. They want to win. Shocking.
Trouble is, once you get beyond the polls, which are oftentimes little more than Name-Recognition and Beauty Contests, you have to deal with Character.

That's where the Bubba-Hillary tag-team are going to fall short, when push comes to shove.

People who understand the meaning of Integrity and Character will not vote for either of the Clintons again.

They'll vote for the arrogant, ego maniac... Trump. LOL! I have a pet rock that has more integrity and character than Trump.

Didn't say that either.

But you don't win a Character Debate by holding up another (and possibly even less savory) person for comparison's sake.

You win a Character Debate by focusing upon the Character of the person in question.

In any discussion of Hillary Clinton's own Character, it doesn't matter a damn how much Integrity and Character that Donald Trump has.

In any discussion of Hillary Clinton's own Character, the only thing that signifies is the Integrity and Character of Hillary Clinton, or the perceived lack thereof.

Attempted (and failed) deflection noted.
Wait a minute, democrat Jim Webb was a war hero and an effective senator but it seems the hypocrite DNC would rather nominate the abused wife of a pervert freaking draft dodger.

They want to nominate the one who's ahead in the polls. They want to win. Shocking.
Trouble is, once you get beyond the polls, which are oftentimes little more than Name-Recognition and Beauty Contests, you have to deal with Character.

That's where the Bubba-Hillary tag-team are going to fall short, when push comes to shove.

People who understand the meaning of Integrity and Character will not vote for either of the Clintons again.

They'll vote for the arrogant, ego maniac... Trump. LOL! I have a pet rock that has more integrity and character than Trump.

Didn't say that either.

But you don't win a Character Debate by holding up another (and possibly even less savory) person for comparison's sake.

You win a Character Debate by focusing upon the Character of the person in question.

In any discussion of Hillary Clinton's own Character, it doesn't matter a damn how much Integrity and Character that Donald Trump has.

In any discussion of Hillary Clinton's own Character, the only thing that signifies is the Integrity and Character of Hillary Clinton, or the perceived lack thereof.

Attempted (and failed) deflection noted.

The title of this thread is "Pulling Back the Curtain on the Ugly GOP". So tell me, who's attempting to deflect?
Trump is a mere bully. He spews stream of conscious invectives and then threatens anyone who criticizes him with a pack of lawyers he would release the way any villain would release the hounds. He is an egomaniac in the same mold as Putin. He would be a dangerous, unstable and short sighted Commander-in-Chief who thus far has shown no respect for American war heroes.

He deserves the votes of similarly minded bullies, thugs and feckless partisan hacks. His candidacy has the shelf life of cottage cheese and will depart the scene within the coming yea, disrespected, mocked and chastised.
I'm on this thread because this is a public forum, you ignorant twit. :p

You are in this thread because your ankle biting piece of shit, here not to discuss but simply to make a fool of themselves while causing all the mayhem and malice they can in the conversation.

I really don't have time for your kind of drama queen stupidity, not even on my day off. See ya, angry one. :D
YAWN; it isnt a deflection to debunk the false narrative of the Original poster.

i swear libs are idiots
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
The problem with the right is they've listened to nothing but right wing pundits for years and their political observations are totally askew. The impact of Fox news is extraordinary in that they've changed the political landscape into one that portrays nothing but failed liberal policies, that are totally inaccurate. The economy is a perfect example of this. President Obama has implemented policies that have been largely successful, yet today we still hear Republicans calling his economic policies as being a failure. Jeb Bush did so just yesterday, and it amazes me that Republican politicians think Americans are too stupid to know better. This brings me back to the Fox news misinformation machine, it's totally out of control and it's effect on the right wing mind is absolutely devastating to the health of America.
oh boy. Have you looked at the progressive party you BELONG for the last seven years. ? that isn't just ugly it's been downright nasty. and you claim it's the Gop

oh and did you all see how you treated a woman running for Vice President of this country?

now sit down

this is all your party ever runs on. dirt, smears and dirty lowdown nasty politics
The problem with the right is they've listened to nothing but right wing pundits for years and their political observations are totally askew. The impact of Fox news is extraordinary in that they've changed the political landscape into one that portrays nothing but failed liberal policies, that are totally inaccurate. The economy is a perfect example of this. President Obama has implemented policies that have been largely successful, yet today we still hear Republicans calling his economic policies as being a failure. Jeb Bush did so just yesterday, and it amazes me that Republican politicians think Americans are too stupid to know better. This brings me back to the Fox news misinformation machine, it's totally out of control and it's effect on the right wing mind is absolutely devastating to the health of America.

the problem with the Left is that they are largely a bunch of sycophantic idiots that preach to each other's choir; and demonize their critics on que; as if spoon-fed
the economy the Left is bragging about? Yea a perfect example allright; but a near-perfect example of how the Left deludes itself with smoke and mirrors.
this "roaring" economy, the one with 13 MILLION MORE STILL ON FOOD STAMPS in obama's SEVENTH YEAR; for a total of a RECORD 45 MILLION OR SO. thats what you are citing as an example of REPUBLICAN thinking gone askew?

are you sure????
Poverty reached a RECORD, FIFTY YEAR HIGH under obama; income inequality is higher than EVER........but it's republicans who "think Americans are too stupid to know better"?????

are you sure???
a FORTY-YEAR HIGH in the number of WORKING-AGE Americans (working age; so dont go there with the Baby Boomer talking point) are not participating in the Labor Market; is that what you call a "largely successful economy"?? but it's Fox News misinforming people?

you're a joke
RECORD NUMBERS are on some form of federal disability NOT connected to the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan; on SSI or something.

this is a good thing to you?

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