Punch Them Hard Where It Hurts: NFL Backlash for Going Political Is Growing

Restaurants Are Turning Their TVs OFF To The NFL.

DirecTV is offering an unprecedented refund of its ‘NFL Sunday ticket’ package over national anthem protests.

Either DirecTV thinks that few customers will take advantage, or that the NFL has become so toxic that they’re willing to issue a lot of refunds in exchange for good PR. The restaurant move makes me think it might be the latter.

CEO of the Dish Network Says That It’s No Longer Unthinkable to Simply Drop ESPN from Cable Networks.

As an aside, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but the NFL makes billions of dollars via their team stadiums which are TAXPAYER SUPPORTED! Often without taxpayer approval (or against taxpayer disapproval). All in all, US Taxpayers subsidize the NFL directly to the tune of $7,000,000,000 a year, not to mention the fantastic prices fans pay for seats so that these players can make an average of 2.5 million a year? And now they have the nerve to give the finger to our military, servicemen, citizens and country? This is going to eventually come back to bite the NFL in the ass like a Rottweiler.
The Constitution protects free speech. So should the President. It's part of the President's duty.

The oath of office makes that clear.

I Donald J. Trump do solemnly swear to protect the constitution of the united states, so help me god.

Good thing I had my fingers crossed - DJ Trump
for what expressing his first amendment right? hmmmmm you aren't making any sense. BTW, it doesn't remove him from office. you know this right?

Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't absolve you from the consequences of what you say. He intentionally set out to harm the NFL for allowing the players to exercise their Constitutional right to Kneel during the National Anthem. So rather than defend the Constitution he abused it.

Fire him.
hahahahaha so you double down on stupid here. how funny. what you did is what you accused him of. but hey wtf do you care right? See I see an american as an american and everyone no matter job has a freedom of speech. even the turds in the NFL. you not so much I guess. What he trump did is no different than what the MSM did when colon kapernick took his knee. hmmm ironic. you enjoyed his knee and not the pres. go figure anti american douche. BTW I can say that cause it's my fking right, asshole.

As President his duty is to uphold and protect the Constitution. Not be the enforcer of NFL stadium game day rules. He has intentionally instigated harm to hugely successful American Businesses. He proves once again he is not fit for office.

He should just quit.
Free speech hater.

The Constitution protects free speech. So should the President. It's part of the President's duty.
what is?
Over Trumps abuse of power and failure to faithfully execute the office of the President?

Make your case.
I think there is NO CASE as in YOU HAVE NONE.

What kind of DUMB ASS TROLL Tries to make a case on a Faulty Assumption, and False Accusation? One that does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.

How ABOUT YOU "Prove" The President is Abusing his Power, and is NOT Faithfully executing the office.

Then Compare to Obama Bin Lying:

Obama gave millions to terrorists, paid Assassins to kill Qaddafi, started Coups to overthrow governments in Libya, Chad, Yemen. Intentionally created a vacuum in the ME and used Islamic Radicals to attack Syria who eventually evolved in to ISIS who then subsequently murdered 600,000 people. And then of course there was Gun Running to Mexican Drug Cartels, and Terrorists in Libya and Obama & Clinton Illegal Weapons Depot in Benghazi. And he knowingly aided Iran and North Korea in obtaining missile technology and with the development of Nuclear Weapons.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting President to not only coddle and negotiate with terrorists, but to Covertly funnel money and weapons to them to do his dirty work?
The Close Mooslim Radical who we thought was only a Marxist Radical outted himself numerous times only Lefty is too fucking busy sucking each other's cocks to care about that kind of corruption.

And what about The Cocksucker in Chief's (Obama Bin Lying) Catch and Release Program for Mass Murdering assholes who kill women, children and babies, and any American Jew or Christian they can get their hands on? What a PIECE OF ISLAMIC PIG DUNG Obama was.

And let's not even get in to the numerous lies he told about Obamacare, and the Trillions of dollars it cost to take over 1\6th of the economy just to cover an additional 2% of the population and cause the cost of Healthcare to skyrocket while reduce the number of insurers. What a Fuck Up the "Community Organizer" turned out to be.

And then let's talk about The Felonies he, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Susan Powers, Evelyn Farkas, James Comey, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, Brenan, and Hillary Clinton Committed.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting president to SPY on a Rival Political Campaign?
NEVER...but somehow he was allowed to get away with it?

He's a treasonous bastard that should pay the ultimate penalty.

Since the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE are now Tainted, Corrupted and INFECTED with Obama's Syphilitic Marxist Ideology, Corruption is THE NORM not THE EXCEPTION.

You cannot prosecute criminals if you have criminal sycophants investigating themselves.

Obama not only failed to faithfully execute his office, he Knowingly engaged in Criminal Activities using his "Office" for cover.

Same as his "Son" Hillary Clinton.

Reliving your phony allegations is worthless at this point and will not save the President from his crimes against the Constitution and office he denigrate every day his occupies it.

Get Rid of Him.
how you going to do that blind baby?

The wheels are turning.

I just don't think we'll see impeachment even with a clear showing of Trump's campaign coordinating ad buys the Russians and plugging the same fake news stories, and even a showing Russia fed Assange and Assange fed facebook, and Trump ran the same ad.

Wait, what, it's illegal to buy Campaign Ads?
Never in the history of Earth have so many Idiots tried to make SO MUCH out of SO LITTLE.

Would you like fries with your crying butt hurt nothing burger?
Cutting their noses to spite their faces :laugh:

Really? How so?
DirectTV losing money while the NFL doesn't lose a cent and restaurants losing money while the NFL doesn't lose a cent? Both of their own accord? How silly.

Hen they will be fine! Still, how does this hurt a business who mearly puts a game on for noise?
Because people go there to watch games. Duh. You think the bar's packed and the kitchen's bustling at 1:00 PM on a Sunday without football? You think I'm going to call my friends and tell them to meet me at Buffalo Wild Wings, and order a bunch of rounds of beers and wings, to watch Seinfeld reruns?
well right now, there is baseball, Playoffs about to kick in. hly fk. Hockey, Soccer, Basketball right around the corner. hmmmmm you must think you live in england.
Yep. Sunday afternoon in the bars (and, in reality, the NFL doesn't bring that many fans into a bar compared to the regular Sunday afternoon family's out shopping) will just be moved to Saturday afternoon in the bars as the NFL fans move to watching college football in record numbers.
All in all, US Taxpayers subsidize the NFL directly to the tune of $7,000,000,000 a year, not to mention the fantastic prices fans pay for seats so that these players can make an average of 2.5 million a year? And now they have the nerve to give the finger to our military, servicemen, citizens and country? This is going to eventually come back to bite the NFL in the ass like a Rottweiler.

Actually they're exercising the freedom the military has fought long and hard to protect.
All in all, US Taxpayers subsidize the NFL directly to the tune of $7,000,000,000 a year, not to mention the fantastic prices fans pay for seats so that these players can make an average of 2.5 million a year? And now they have the nerve to give the finger to our military, servicemen, citizens and country? This is going to eventually come back to bite the NFL in the ass like a Rottweiler.

Actually they're exercising the freedom the military has fought long and hard to protect.
yes they are, and that exercise is dangerous cause it's gonna cost them. funny eh? everyone else is exercising their rights.
I think there is NO CASE as in YOU HAVE NONE.

What kind of DUMB ASS TROLL Tries to make a case on a Faulty Assumption, and False Accusation? One that does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.

How ABOUT YOU "Prove" The President is Abusing his Power, and is NOT Faithfully executing the office.

Then Compare to Obama Bin Lying:

Obama gave millions to terrorists, paid Assassins to kill Qaddafi, started Coups to overthrow governments in Libya, Chad, Yemen. Intentionally created a vacuum in the ME and used Islamic Radicals to attack Syria who eventually evolved in to ISIS who then subsequently murdered 600,000 people. And then of course there was Gun Running to Mexican Drug Cartels, and Terrorists in Libya and Obama & Clinton Illegal Weapons Depot in Benghazi. And he knowingly aided Iran and North Korea in obtaining missile technology and with the development of Nuclear Weapons.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting President to not only coddle and negotiate with terrorists, but to Covertly funnel money and weapons to them to do his dirty work?
The Close Mooslim Radical who we thought was only a Marxist Radical outted himself numerous times only Lefty is too fucking busy sucking each other's cocks to care about that kind of corruption.

And what about The Cocksucker in Chief's (Obama Bin Lying) Catch and Release Program for Mass Murdering assholes who kill women, children and babies, and any American Jew or Christian they can get their hands on? What a PIECE OF ISLAMIC PIG DUNG Obama was.

And let's not even get in to the numerous lies he told about Obamacare, and the Trillions of dollars it cost to take over 1\6th of the economy just to cover an additional 2% of the population and cause the cost of Healthcare to skyrocket while reduce the number of insurers. What a Fuck Up the "Community Organizer" turned out to be.

And then let's talk about The Felonies he, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Susan Powers, Evelyn Farkas, James Comey, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, Brenan, and Hillary Clinton Committed.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting president to SPY on a Rival Political Campaign?
NEVER...but somehow he was allowed to get away with it?

He's a treasonous bastard that should pay the ultimate penalty.

Since the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE are now Tainted, Corrupted and INFECTED with Obama's Syphilitic Marxist Ideology, Corruption is THE NORM not THE EXCEPTION.

You cannot prosecute criminals if you have criminal sycophants investigating themselves.

Obama not only failed to faithfully execute his office, he Knowingly engaged in Criminal Activities using his "Office" for cover.

Same as his "Son" Hillary Clinton.

Reliving your phony allegations is worthless at this point and will not save the President from his crimes against the Constitution and office he denigrate every day his occupies it.

Get Rid of Him.
how you going to do that blind baby?

The wheels are turning.

I just don't think we'll see impeachment even with a clear showing of Trump's campaign coordinating ad buys the Russians and plugging the same fake news stories, and even a showing Russia fed Assange and Assange fed facebook, and Trump ran the same ad.

I know. I even agree. The thread title made me want to punch hard and where it hurts.

Yeah. But perhaps, just perhaps it'll be a step away from the insanity kill your enemy politics. I really do think the gop became a bit insane over the Bork thing. Personally it didn't bother me because I thought Bork was a bit nuts, and more importantly Nixon was evil. Other presidents violated the const with ever expanding beliefs of executive power, but that SOB torpedoed peace talks in Vietnam to keep the fucking war going another 5 years or so, and invaded Cambodia. Bork was his toady purely on a promise he'd be nominated to the Court.

Then the Clinton impeachment, and McConnell sees some weird vindication in the Garland thing. Maybe the right finally thinks "it's even."

If the Russia thing turns out even a little how I think it will, a supermajority of Americans should be sickened.
Reliving your phony allegations is worthless at this point and will not save the President from his crimes against the Constitution and office he denigrate every day his occupies it.

Get Rid of Him.
how you going to do that blind baby?

The wheels are turning.

I just don't think we'll see impeachment even with a clear showing of Trump's campaign coordinating ad buys the Russians and plugging the same fake news stories, and even a showing Russia fed Assange and Assange fed facebook, and Trump ran the same ad.

I know. I even agree. The thread title made me want to punch hard and where it hurts.

Yeah. But perhaps, just perhaps it'll be a step away from the insanity kill your enemy politics. I really do think the gop became a bit insane over the Bork thing. Personally it didn't bother me because I thought Bork was a bit nuts, and more importantly Nixon was evil. Other presidents violated the const with ever expanding beliefs of executive power, but that SOB torpedoed peace talks in Vietnam to keep the fucking war going another 5 years or so, and invaded Cambodia. Bork was his toady purely on a promise he'd be nominated to the Court.

Then the Clinton impeachment, and McConnell sees some weird vindication in the Garland thing. Maybe the right finally thinks "it's even."

If the Russia thing turns out even a little how I think it will, a supermajority of Americans should be sickened.

LOL how desperate are you fools?

Again, exactly what crimes were committed?

You have a mile long list of crimes committed by Obama & Company.

Zero committed by THE PRESIDENT.
The Constitution protects free speech. So should the President. It's part of the President's duty.

Aside from the fact that rights are not unlimited, other people also have the right to be OFFENDED. We have been offended. Big time. As to the President, he also first and foremost must look out for the welfare of the nation, and where these players have taken us is NOT good for the country.

Take your politics out of football and leave it on the street where it belongs. People go to see GAMES. I don't pay through the ass to have some players politics or perceived injustices shoved down my throat.

With what these players make, if they want to fight social issues of race, they can do a lot better than this. This kneeling at the games has brought attention . . . . attention to the fact that these people are overpaid, spoiled brats.
Old wooden docks are not the type of infrastructure needed to offload the type of military machinery needed to address the severity of their situation.
While those soldiers can effect the immediate area they are offloaded at that does nothing for the other 90% of the island

General Schwarzkopf attacked Iraq from the north, landing hundreds of tanks on the beaches. I'm sure we didn't lose the recipe
You're not very bright. WE PLANNED MONTHS IN ADVANCE. This hurricane happened a week or two ago.
I get that logistics may not be your thing but a little common sense goes a long way.

Trump would rather tweet about football, than help American citizens in the virgin islands and Puerto Rico. The two places that you can't drive a truck to, and Trump won't suspend the Jones act.
Snowflakes never cease to amaze by continuing to lie over and over and over....


Trump Waives Jones Act for Puerto Rico, Easing Hurricane Aid Shipments

And here's some photos of Trump and the US NOT helping Puerto Rico

View attachment 151825

View attachment 151826

Over Trumps abuse of power and failure to faithfully execute the office of the President?

Make your case.
I think there is NO CASE as in YOU HAVE NONE.

What kind of DUMB ASS TROLL Tries to make a case on a Faulty Assumption, and False Accusation? One that does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.

How ABOUT YOU "Prove" The President is Abusing his Power, and is NOT Faithfully executing the office.

Then Compare to Obama Bin Lying:

Obama gave millions to terrorists, paid Assassins to kill Qaddafi, started Coups to overthrow governments in Libya, Chad, Yemen. Intentionally created a vacuum in the ME and used Islamic Radicals to attack Syria who eventually evolved in to ISIS who then subsequently murdered 600,000 people. And then of course there was Gun Running to Mexican Drug Cartels, and Terrorists in Libya and Obama & Clinton Illegal Weapons Depot in Benghazi. And he knowingly aided Iran and North Korea in obtaining missile technology and with the development of Nuclear Weapons.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting President to not only coddle and negotiate with terrorists, but to Covertly funnel money and weapons to them to do his dirty work?
The Close Mooslim Radical who we thought was only a Marxist Radical outted himself numerous times only Lefty is too fucking busy sucking each other's cocks to care about that kind of corruption.

And what about The Cocksucker in Chief's (Obama Bin Lying) Catch and Release Program for Mass Murdering assholes who kill women, children and babies, and any American Jew or Christian they can get their hands on? What a PIECE OF ISLAMIC PIG DUNG Obama was.

And let's not even get in to the numerous lies he told about Obamacare, and the Trillions of dollars it cost to take over 1\6th of the economy just to cover an additional 2% of the population and cause the cost of Healthcare to skyrocket while reduce the number of insurers. What a Fuck Up the "Community Organizer" turned out to be.

And then let's talk about The Felonies he, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Susan Powers, Evelyn Farkas, James Comey, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, Brenan, and Hillary Clinton Committed.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting president to SPY on a Rival Political Campaign?
NEVER...but somehow he was allowed to get away with it?

He's a treasonous bastard that should pay the ultimate penalty.

Since the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE are now Tainted, Corrupted and INFECTED with Obama's Syphilitic Marxist Ideology, Corruption is THE NORM not THE EXCEPTION.

You cannot prosecute criminals if you have criminal sycophants investigating themselves.

Obama not only failed to faithfully execute his office, he Knowingly engaged in Criminal Activities using his "Office" for cover.

Same as his "Son" Hillary Clinton.

Reliving your phony allegations is worthless at this point and will not save the President from his crimes against the Constitution and office he denigrate every day his occupies it.

Get Rid of Him.
how you going to do that blind baby?

The wheels are turning.
again, how you getting rid of him? are you afraid to say the truth that you can't? hahahahahaahahaha, funny shit. tell the class that you know you can't get rid of him.

Did I ever claim I could?
Over Trumps abuse of power and failure to faithfully execute the office of the President?

Make your case.
I think there is NO CASE as in YOU HAVE NONE.

What kind of DUMB ASS TROLL Tries to make a case on a Faulty Assumption, and False Accusation? One that does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.

How ABOUT YOU "Prove" The President is Abusing his Power, and is NOT Faithfully executing the office.

Then Compare to Obama Bin Lying:

Obama gave millions to terrorists, paid Assassins to kill Qaddafi, started Coups to overthrow governments in Libya, Chad, Yemen. Intentionally created a vacuum in the ME and used Islamic Radicals to attack Syria who eventually evolved in to ISIS who then subsequently murdered 600,000 people. And then of course there was Gun Running to Mexican Drug Cartels, and Terrorists in Libya and Obama & Clinton Illegal Weapons Depot in Benghazi. And he knowingly aided Iran and North Korea in obtaining missile technology and with the development of Nuclear Weapons.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting President to not only coddle and negotiate with terrorists, but to Covertly funnel money and weapons to them to do his dirty work?
The Close Mooslim Radical who we thought was only a Marxist Radical outted himself numerous times only Lefty is too fucking busy sucking each other's cocks to care about that kind of corruption.

And what about The Cocksucker in Chief's (Obama Bin Lying) Catch and Release Program for Mass Murdering assholes who kill women, children and babies, and any American Jew or Christian they can get their hands on? What a PIECE OF ISLAMIC PIG DUNG Obama was.

And let's not even get in to the numerous lies he told about Obamacare, and the Trillions of dollars it cost to take over 1\6th of the economy just to cover an additional 2% of the population and cause the cost of Healthcare to skyrocket while reduce the number of insurers. What a Fuck Up the "Community Organizer" turned out to be.

And then let's talk about The Felonies he, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Susan Powers, Evelyn Farkas, James Comey, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, Brenan, and Hillary Clinton Committed.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting president to SPY on a Rival Political Campaign?
NEVER...but somehow he was allowed to get away with it?

He's a treasonous bastard that should pay the ultimate penalty.

Since the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE are now Tainted, Corrupted and INFECTED with Obama's Syphilitic Marxist Ideology, Corruption is THE NORM not THE EXCEPTION.

You cannot prosecute criminals if you have criminal sycophants investigating themselves.

Obama not only failed to faithfully execute his office, he Knowingly engaged in Criminal Activities using his "Office" for cover.

Same as his "Son" Hillary Clinton.

Reliving your phony allegations is worthless at this point and will not save the President from his crimes against the Constitution and office he denigrate every day his occupies it.

Get Rid of Him.
how you going to do that blind baby?

The wheels are turning.
Only to run over your Lying Narrative, Put it in Reverse and Run it over again.

Nice punt.
General Schwarzkopf attacked Iraq from the north, landing hundreds of tanks on the beaches. I'm sure we didn't lose the recipe

You're not very bright. WE PLANNED MONTHS IN ADVANCE. This hurricane happened a week or two ago.
I get that logistics may not be your thing but a little common sense goes a long way.


How far away is Puerto Rico, vs how far away is Iraq.

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