Punch Them Hard Where It Hurts: NFL Backlash for Going Political Is Growing

General Schwarzkopf attacked Iraq from the north, landing hundreds of tanks on the beaches. I'm sure we didn't lose the recipe
You're not very bright. WE PLANNED MONTHS IN ADVANCE. This hurricane happened a week or two ago.
I get that logistics may not be your thing but a little common sense goes a long way.


How far away is Puerto Rico, vs how far away is Iraq.
I said you were dismissed. Does that confuse you as well?
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I think there is NO CASE as in YOU HAVE NONE.

What kind of DUMB ASS TROLL Tries to make a case on a Faulty Assumption, and False Accusation? One that does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.

How ABOUT YOU "Prove" The President is Abusing his Power, and is NOT Faithfully executing the office.

Then Compare to Obama Bin Lying:

Obama gave millions to terrorists, paid Assassins to kill Qaddafi, started Coups to overthrow governments in Libya, Chad, Yemen. Intentionally created a vacuum in the ME and used Islamic Radicals to attack Syria who eventually evolved in to ISIS who then subsequently murdered 600,000 people. And then of course there was Gun Running to Mexican Drug Cartels, and Terrorists in Libya and Obama & Clinton Illegal Weapons Depot in Benghazi. And he knowingly aided Iran and North Korea in obtaining missile technology and with the development of Nuclear Weapons.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting President to not only coddle and negotiate with terrorists, but to Covertly funnel money and weapons to them to do his dirty work?
The Close Mooslim Radical who we thought was only a Marxist Radical outted himself numerous times only Lefty is too fucking busy sucking each other's cocks to care about that kind of corruption.

And what about The Cocksucker in Chief's (Obama Bin Lying) Catch and Release Program for Mass Murdering assholes who kill women, children and babies, and any American Jew or Christian they can get their hands on? What a PIECE OF ISLAMIC PIG DUNG Obama was.

And let's not even get in to the numerous lies he told about Obamacare, and the Trillions of dollars it cost to take over 1\6th of the economy just to cover an additional 2% of the population and cause the cost of Healthcare to skyrocket while reduce the number of insurers. What a Fuck Up the "Community Organizer" turned out to be.

And then let's talk about The Felonies he, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Susan Powers, Evelyn Farkas, James Comey, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, Brenan, and Hillary Clinton Committed.

Since when is it LEGAL for a sitting president to SPY on a Rival Political Campaign?
NEVER...but somehow he was allowed to get away with it?

He's a treasonous bastard that should pay the ultimate penalty.

Since the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE are now Tainted, Corrupted and INFECTED with Obama's Syphilitic Marxist Ideology, Corruption is THE NORM not THE EXCEPTION.

You cannot prosecute criminals if you have criminal sycophants investigating themselves.

Obama not only failed to faithfully execute his office, he Knowingly engaged in Criminal Activities using his "Office" for cover.

Same as his "Son" Hillary Clinton.

Reliving your phony allegations is worthless at this point and will not save the President from his crimes against the Constitution and office he denigrate every day his occupies it.

Get Rid of Him.
how you going to do that blind baby?

The wheels are turning.
Only to run over your Lying Narrative, Put it in Reverse and Run it over again.

Nice punt.
Nice ****.

As in that is what you are. You punted a long time ago when I asked you to Prove YOUR ALLEGATIONS.
You'd rather suck Obama's Cock like THE MARXIST TROLL you are than actually have a discussion.

Restaurants Are Turning Their TVs OFF To The NFL.

DirecTV is offering an unprecedented refund of its ‘NFL Sunday ticket’ package over national anthem protests.

Either DirecTV thinks that few customers will take advantage, or that the NFL has become so toxic that they’re willing to issue a lot of refunds in exchange for good PR. The restaurant move makes me think it might be the latter.

CEO of the Dish Network Says That It’s No Longer Unthinkable to Simply Drop ESPN from Cable Networks.

Fans don't really care.

It costs Direct TV nothing to offer a few refunds pre-season lame ass trumps.

Restaurants don't have TVs. Sports bars will never turn off NFL.

The real story behind the kneeling never gets reported. It was a former solider who first suggested kneeling instead of sitting as a sign of humility for the fallen.

The far-right wants to "respect" the American flag by chipping away at rights? Brilliant y'all.

We can't start eliminating forms of social protest just because they make us uncomfortable. No one likes the Westboro pig church but they still get to do their stupid thing.

NFL owners could by and sell the Orange Dinkus ten times over.
How far away is Puerto Rico, vs how far away is Iraq
I said you were dismissed. Does that confuse you as well?

San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia

The San Antonio class is a class of amphibious transport docks, also called a landing platform/dock (LPD), used by the United States Navy

The ship is more than 45 percent larger than the Austin class, displacing more than 25,000 tons at full load. It carries fewer troops, but has twice as much space for vehicles, landing craft, and aircraft

San Antonio LPD-17 Norfolk, Virginia

Mesa Verde LPD-19 Norfolk, Virginia

New York LPD-21 Mayport, Florida

Arlington LPD-24 Norfolk, Virginia

They're home ported 3 days away.
Restaurants Are Turning Their TVs OFF To The NFL.

DirecTV is offering an unprecedented refund of its ‘NFL Sunday ticket’ package over national anthem protests.

Either DirecTV thinks that few customers will take advantage, or that the NFL has become so toxic that they’re willing to issue a lot of refunds in exchange for good PR. The restaurant move makes me think it might be the latter.

CEO of the Dish Network Says That It’s No Longer Unthinkable to Simply Drop ESPN from Cable Networks.

Fans don't really care.

It costs Direct TV nothing to offer a few refunds pre-season lame ass trumps.

Restaurants don't have TVs. Sports bars will never turn off NFL.

The real story behind the kneeling never gets reported. It was a former solider who first suggested kneeling instead of sitting as a sign of humility for the fallen.

The far-right wants to "respect" the American flag by chipping away at rights? Brilliant y'all.

We can't start eliminating forms of social protest just because they make us uncomfortable. No one likes the Westboro pig church but they still get to do their stupid thing.

NFL owners could by and sell the Orange Dinkus ten times over.
1% cheerleader.
All in all, US Taxpayers subsidize the NFL directly to the tune of $7,000,000,000 a year, not to mention the fantastic prices fans pay for seats so that these players can make an average of 2.5 million a year? And now they have the nerve to give the finger to our military, servicemen, citizens and country? This is going to eventually come back to bite the NFL in the ass like a Rottweiler.

Actually they're exercising the freedom the military has fought long and hard to protect.

That's great but then millions of people also have the right to stop going to their games and tune them the fuck out. In the end, it will cost THEM, not me. Pretty stupid to bite the hand that feeds you.
3.5 million US citizens dying in Puerto Rico for over a week & Trumptards freaking out about someone not saluting the flag. 10,000 containers full of life saving fuel, equipment & supplies stacked up at Puerto Rico's ports & Trump thinks waving the Jones Act a week later will fix it. Dumbass failed to get trucks, aircraft carriers, helicopters in position to distribute those supplies rotting on docks, NFL donating entire week 4 proceeds to Puerto Rico.
The infrastructure for distribution is GONE dumbass.

Maybe Trump could recruit all the liberal fairies to fly the shit from block to block?
Since when does the US military need infrastructure? Helicopters fly from carriers. Military vehicles haul stuff anywhere.
Helicopters require infrastructure to land and the vehicles require it to drive. Boats require it to dock and unload...etc.

Get it yet?
Bullshit! We have shore landing craft & hovercraft that move tanks & cargo trucks & trailers.
Don't need communications, electricity, airports, roads or docks. We have bridges that unfold over rivers for tanks & trucks to drive over,

Restaurants Are Turning Their TVs OFF To The NFL.

DirecTV is offering an unprecedented refund of its ‘NFL Sunday ticket’ package over national anthem protests.

Either DirecTV thinks that few customers will take advantage, or that the NFL has become so toxic that they’re willing to issue a lot of refunds in exchange for good PR. The restaurant move makes me think it might be the latter.

CEO of the Dish Network Says That It’s No Longer Unthinkable to Simply Drop ESPN from Cable Networks.
Cutting their noses to spite their faces :laugh:

Pride and respect for our flag and country are worth dying for many,

One Nation, under God

How far away is Puerto Rico, vs how far away is Iraq
I said you were dismissed. Does that confuse you as well?

San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia

The San Antonio class is a class of amphibious transport docks, also called a landing platform/dock (LPD), used by the United States Navy

The ship is more than 45 percent larger than the Austin class, displacing more than 25,000 tons at full load. It carries fewer troops, but has twice as much space for vehicles, landing craft, and aircraft

San Antonio LPD-17 Norfolk, Virginia

Mesa Verde LPD-19 Norfolk, Virginia

New York LPD-21 Mayport, Florida

Arlington LPD-24 Norfolk, Virginia

They're home ported 3 days away.
All deployed, Dufus.
That's great but then millions of people also have the right to stop going to their games and tune them the fuck out. In the end, it will coast THEM, not me.

I heard people are watching football that never used to watch football. They were into politics instead of sports, and now they've been drawn into sports.
San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia

The San Antonio class is a class of amphibious transport docks, also called a landing platform/dock (LPD), used by the United States Navy

The ship is more than 45 percent larger than the Austin class, displacing more than 25,000 tons at full load. It carries fewer troops, but has twice as much space for vehicles, landing craft, and aircraft

San Antonio LPD-17 Norfolk, Virginia

Mesa Verde LPD-19 Norfolk, Virginia

New York LPD-21 Mayport, Florida

Arlington LPD-24 Norfolk, Virginia

They're home ported 3 days away.
All deployed, Dufus.

That's great but then millions of people also have the right to stop going to their games and tune them the fuck out. In the end, it will coast THEM, not me.

I heard people are watching football that never used to watch football. They were into politics instead of sports, and now they've been drawn into sports.

Good. If true, they will watch the first ten minutes to see the kneeling, then put another channel back on!


Such people won't be buying $4500 season tickets and all kinds of NFL gear.
That's great but then millions of people also have the right to stop going to their games and tune them the fuck out. In the end, it will coast THEM, not me.

I heard people are watching football that never used to watch football. They were into politics instead of sports, and now they've been drawn into sports.
no, it is done by attacking the Honor and Duties of the US Military that loses life and limb so those dumb asses can shit on them in the middle of a tax payer paid stadium. maybe you should actually listen to the words of the anthem.

I don't know about you, but I joined the military to support, protect and defend the constitution. Not to defend unconstitutional edicts like 36 USC Chapter 3
So you never saluted the flag while in uniform?

Or were you a coward and did the Old I was only following orders excuse?

A soldier is only required to salute the flag during reveille and taps. Civilians aren't required to do anything.
3.5 million US citizens dying in Puerto Rico for over a week & Trumptards freaking out about someone not saluting the flag. 10,000 containers full of life saving fuel, equipment & supplies stacked up at Puerto Rico's ports & Trump thinks waving the Jones Act a week later will fix it. Dumbass failed to get trucks, aircraft carriers, helicopters in position to distribute those supplies rotting on docks, NFL donating entire week 4 proceeds to Puerto Rico.
The infrastructure for distribution is GONE dumbass.

Maybe Trump could recruit all the liberal fairies to fly the shit from block to block?
Since when does the US military need infrastructure? Helicopters fly from carriers. Military vehicles haul stuff anywhere.
Helicopters require infrastructure to land and the vehicles require it to drive. Boats require it to dock and unload...etc.

Get it yet?
Bullshit! We have shore landing craft & hovercraft that move tanks & cargo trucks & trailers.
Don't need communications, electricity, airports, roads or docks. We have bridges that unfold over rivers for tanks & trucks to drive over,

Christ almighty you lefties are fucking stupid.

The ENTIRE island is COVERED in down trees, power poles, destroyed homes & buildings and all other manner of debris. And you show me pictures of a hovercraft landing on a clean beach?

God help you, ya need it.
San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia

The San Antonio class is a class of amphibious transport docks, also called a landing platform/dock (LPD), used by the United States Navy

The ship is more than 45 percent larger than the Austin class, displacing more than 25,000 tons at full load. It carries fewer troops, but has twice as much space for vehicles, landing craft, and aircraft

San Antonio LPD-17 Norfolk, Virginia

Mesa Verde LPD-19 Norfolk, Virginia

New York LPD-21 Mayport, Florida

Arlington LPD-24 Norfolk, Virginia

They're home ported 3 days away.
All deployed, Dufus.

US Navy. There’s this really cool thing called the Internets.
no, it is done by attacking the Honor and Duties of the US Military that loses life and limb so those dumb asses can shit on them in the middle of a tax payer paid stadium. maybe you should actually listen to the words of the anthem.

I don't know about you, but I joined the military to support, protect and defend the constitution. Not to defend unconstitutional edicts like 36 USC Chapter 3
So you never saluted the flag while in uniform?

Or were you a coward and did the Old I was only following orders excuse?

A soldier is only required to salute the flag during reveille and taps. Civilians aren't required to do anything.
Let him explain why he followed an “unconditional law”.
3.5 million US citizens dying in Puerto Rico for over a week & Trumptards freaking out about someone not saluting the flag. 10,000 containers full of life saving fuel, equipment & supplies stacked up at Puerto Rico's ports & Trump thinks waving the Jones Act a week later will fix it. Dumbass failed to get trucks, aircraft carriers, helicopters in position to distribute those supplies rotting on docks, NFL donating entire week 4 proceeds to Puerto Rico.
The infrastructure for distribution is GONE dumbass.

Maybe Trump could recruit all the liberal fairies to fly the shit from block to block?
Since when does the US military need infrastructure? Helicopters fly from carriers. Military vehicles haul stuff anywhere.
Helicopters require infrastructure to land and the vehicles require it to drive. Boats require it to dock and unload...etc.

Get it yet?
Bullshit! We have shore landing craft & hovercraft that move tanks & cargo trucks & trailers.
Don't need communications, electricity, airports, roads or docks. We have bridges that unfold over rivers for tanks & trucks to drive over,

Christ almighty you lefties are fucking stupid.

The ENTIRE island is COVERED in down trees, power poles, destroyed homes & buildings and all other manner of debris. And you show me pictures of a hovercraft landing on a clean beach?

God help you, ya need it.

It's called a bulldozer stupid! Yes hovercraft can haul bulldozer over trees.
I heard people are watching football that never used to watch football. They were into politics instead of sports, and now they've been drawn into sports.

NFL pregame shows tackling players' response to Trump get a ratings boost

NFL pregame shows tackling players' response to Trump get a ratings boost

Pregame shows on CBS and Fox Broadcasting, which delved into the controversy, scored significantly higher ratings than comparable weeks when the programs were focused on team matchups, statistics and injury reports.

CBS’ “The NFL Today” program Sunday scored its highest ratings since 2010. The pregame show was up 33% to a household rating of 3.2 compared with last year’s 2.4 rating. Fox’s two pregame shows also captured bigger audiences. Each rating point represents a percentage of the TV households in a market.

“Fox NFL Kickoff,” delivered a 1.3 rating, which was 30% higher than the show in Week 3 of 2016. The second-hour program, “Fox NFL Sunday,” which runs immediately before the regional games, generated a 3.7 rating, which was 9% higher than last year.

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