Punisher: A Modernism Dianetics


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Sep 22, 2013
This modernism-paranoia 'vignette' was inspired by Punisher (Marvel Comics) stories and the metaphysics-daredevil film Army of Darkness.

Signing off,



Frank Castle was ex-CIA, expatriate, and all-around ex-citizen. Castle fashioned himself an 'underground vigilante' costume and started calling himself The Punisher. You see, Frank was distressed at the jagged edges created by the social contract violations in our modern world of capitalism-gauged and profiteerism-gauged piracy and unscrupulous demonic behaviors. When casino-magnate Donald Trump was elected as U.S. President, Frank knew he could not simply slip away into hiding just because he was jaded by international politics and working for the CIA.

Punisher travelled to Transylvania, Romania where he began doing some field research and foot-patrol studies of the urban environment at night and the 'sociocultural legacy' of Romania's celebrated and well-known bloodsucking vampirism and Dracula folklore. Punisher was convinced that to stab the heart of global consumerism piracy unscrupulousness, he would have to examine the hubs of humanity's metaphysical ponderings of the 'dark-side' of the mind, and he knew Romania was an excellent place to start! Punisher observed the activities of crime syndicates in Transylvania and took detailed notes about the 'quality' of the human mind (and its descent into darkness). "I can't believe there's a Burger King in Afghanistan now!" Punisher/Frank remarked to himself quietly.

Punisher returned to America and continued his vigilante work in NYC. He resolved to deal with the melee of New York before exploring LA. Remembering the news reports of the 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots, Punisher realized America was not only a land of traffic and multiculturalism intrigue but also a place where ethics and civics were constantly being re-negotiated (e.g., free-speech). Punisher discovered that a ruthless new crime-gang in NYC was rising to power, modelling itself after an insidious fictional comic book crime organization known as 'Black Mask' (DC Comics). Members of Black Mask hunted down prostitutes and drugged them, killed them, and then removed their internal organs and left them on the footsteps of the police department.

Black Mask hailed from Spain, and Punisher didn't know anything about Spanish culture, but he did recognize that Black Mask's intention was to use 'anti-consumerism propaganda' to justify outright maniacal violence and cruelty towards human beings. Punisher was dressed in his usual skeleton-iconography t-shirt and leather jacket and jaw-covering nifty nylon mask and carrying a powerful machine-gun fitted with an electrocuting-device feature. Punisher also carried tranquilizer darts. Punisher hunted down the members of Black Mask one-by-one and handed them over to the NYPD before finally apprehending the leader of the gang, a nefarious goon calling himself 'Hook.'

PUNISHER: I can't believe you hunted down defenseless prostitutes, Hook!
HOOK: Hookers are a sign of the moral decay associated with urbanization and commerce, 'officer.'
PUNISHER: I'm no officer, but I know the difference between sanity and insanity...
HOOK: Do you? Are you 'versed' in the maladies of capitalism?
PUNISHER: Adam Smith (the great economist-philosopher) taught us that contracts illuminate principles.
HOOK: Contracts also illuminate ideology. When America attacks the Middle East for petroleum, it's war!
PUNISHER: What's the link between petroleum and 'hunting' vulnerable hookers?
HOOK: You know why they call me 'Hook'? It's because I 'curve' peoples' sensibilities about vengeance.
PUNISHER: That's clever. I'm not surprised, but I see no 'redeeming value' in demonizing pedestrians.
HOOK: You think 'American pedestrians' are innocent? Ask 100 people and two will say they agree with me.
PUNISHER: Citizens may become confused about the labyrinths of ethics-complications in the modern world.
HOOK: Is that an excuse? Why not 'martyrize' the countless burglars who steal to survive?
PUNISHER: The Trump Administration is working to realize the proverbial American Dream for all!
HOOK: A cliched Christian-rock song! Don't you understand why we removed the organs of those hookers?
PUNISHER: Yes, I perfectly understand! Your minions carried out those terrors, because Black Mask is evil.
HOOK: Explain to me then why the Spanish Inquisition (with all its hideousness) is not considered 'pure evil.'
PUNISHER: Mistakes in world history such as the Holocaust and Inquisition require objective analysis.
HOOK: Yet you seem to believe that modern day problems such as the LA Race Riots are 'chaos.'
PUNISHER: We shouldn't fight fire with fire, Hook. Neither torture nor demonization are cures.
HOOK: Removing the internal organs of those prostitutes had many Americans calling Black Mask 'demons.'
PUNISHER: Crime-analysis and social history will evaluate the 'deeds' of Black Mask with due diligence.
HOOK: We'll see if our 'token-capitalism First Lady' (Melania Trump) is celebrated as a 'contract diplomat.'
PUNISHER: Your cynicism towards consumerism is deep, so I leave you in the inquisitive hands of the State.
HOOK: Farewell, 'Punisher'...

After completing his 'interview' of Hook, Punisher concluded he dealt with Hook's Black Bask appropriately. However, as Punisher left Hook, he got the eerie feeling that he did indeed make contact with some kind of 'demon-hound from hell,' a true 'nemesis' of modernism idealism. However, Punisher took confidence knowing that the pro-consumerism Trump Administration would do everything in its power to see that modern age globalization politics (i.e., European Union, NATO, Wall Street, World Bank) would not give rise to countless 'forms' of bloodlusty devils (and 'dystopian armies of darkness'). Mostly, Punisher/Frank hoped his 'engagement' with consumerism/capitalism optimism would not lead to nightmares regarding his 'analysis' of piracy and Machiavellian sweat!



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