Zone1 Punishment for Race mixing is death?


Gold Member
Was that really like that back then, or that is a movie only with hyped up drama? I mean I heard of lynchings by the KKK but I always thought it was for murder or rape, not for race mixing only?

Watch at 11.00 minute there is the lynching scene. They asked him "Are you the father of that abomination" and then they say the punishment for that is death penalty, but because he had a white friend, he got away with only his "tongue" being cut off, the white friend had to choose whether its his balls, his tongue or his eyes, and the white friend said tongue, and saved his life.

Lynching was a common punishment for black men. It was even used to punish them when they had done nothing wrong.
Lynching was used to lynch white criminals as well; when few small towns and counties had money for law enforcement it was incumbent on local people to police themselves and shut down violent offenders. there is zero reason to assume all those lynched were innocent victims, in fact there is little reason to assume that. Most lynchings took place during depressions, like the one in the 1890's.

If it was all just about 'racism n stuff' then there would be far fewer whites lynched and a lot more Mexicans than white, but hardly any Mexicans were lynched compared to whites. Many lynchings were also 'mock lynchings' where nobody was actually killed.

Most black lynchings took place in the South because that is where most blacks lived. Duh. The Klan was stronger in California, the Midwest, and Long Island in the 1900's than in the South, and in case they had little to do with most lynchings.
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Was that really like that back then, or that is a movie only with hyped up drama? I mean I heard of lynchings by the KKK but I always thought it was for murder or rape, not for race mixing only?

Watch at 11.00 minute there is the lynching scene. They asked him "Are you the father of that abomination" and then they say the punishment for that is death penalty, but because he had a white friend, he got away with only his "tongue" being cut off, the white friend had to choose whether its his balls, his tongue or his eyes, and the white friend said tongue, and saved his life.

Horrible.... There is no question that this nation has played a major role historically in one of the most heinous periods of race persecution known to our human race. Why did the klansman cover their faces up?
The only conclusion I can reach is that they realized what they were doing in the deepest sense was morally wrong.

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Was that really like that back then, or that is a movie only with hyped up drama? I mean I heard of lynchings by the KKK but I always thought it was for murder or rape, not for race mixing only?

Watch at 11.00 minute there is the lynching scene. They asked him "Are you the father of that abomination" and then they say the punishment for that is death penalty, but because he had a white friend, he got away with only his "tongue" being cut off, the white friend had to choose whether its his balls, his tongue or his eyes, and the white friend said tongue, and saved his life.

Very few black people were lynched for "race mixing" because, race mixing was almost unheard of. People simply didnt mix races back then and of the very few who did, only a miniscule amount of them were caught, and an even smaller amount of those who were caught were caught by the actual KKK.
Horrible.... There is no question that this nation has played a major role historically in one of the most heinous periods of race persecution known to our human race. Why did the klansman cover their faces up?
The only conclusion I can reach is that they realized what they were doing in the deepest sense was morally wrong.


The Klan was never as popular as black racists need for it to have been either.
Ah, so you're admitting that those who lynched him thought he was 100% guilty, and not just running around lynching black people for no reason. Ok.

I don't think they spent a lot of time worrying about whether he was guilty.

But if they did, they murdered a boy for whistling at a woman? Whether they though he did it or not, I'd call that despicable.
I don't think they spent a lot of time worrying about whether he was guilty.

But if they did, they murdered a boy for whistling at a woman? Whether they though he did it or not, I'd call that despicable.

Black people were just as violent then as they are now. You've never called violent black hate crimes despicable, so nobody should care what left wingers think is despicable. George Floyd is most certainly despicable. Black people adore and worship him. Many communities liked making sure their wives and daughters were safe, and didn't care who didn't like it.
Black people were just as violent then as they are now. You've never called violent black hate crimes despicable, so nobody should care what left wingers think is despicable. George Floyd is most certainly despicable. Black people adore and worship him. Many communities liked making sure their wives and daughters were safe, and didn't care who didn't like it.

Since the topic was lynching of black people for race mixing, my comments were appropriate. I did not defend George Floyd. I did not address all forms of violence because this thread is not about that.

My comment still stands.
You are correct

It turns out he did not even wink
We cannot know what he did or didn't do. We couldn't even know if we had a time machine. Nobody can ever know the future, despite all the people eager to say they can, but it's worse than that: we can't know the past either, and frankly, the present is pretty opaque and confusing.

The Tulsa riot may have been caused by a black shoeshine boy raping a white elevator girl (in the elevator), or maybe he just stumbled and fell against her ------ now it's a big ol' whitewash, but I don't believe anyone can know much of anything.
We cannot know what he did or didn't do. We couldn't even know if we had a time machine. Nobody can ever know the future, despite all the people eager to say they can, but it's worse than that: we can't know the past either, and frankly, the present is pretty opaque and confusing.

The Tulsa riot may have been caused by a black shoeshine boy raping a white elevator girl (in the elevator), or maybe he just stumbled and fell against her ------ now it's a big ol' whitewash, but I don't believe anyone can know much of anything.

We do know that the woman recanted her story

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