Punk white liberals try to flip off to provoke on video cop; Store clerks puts them in their place


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

This is Americas cop hating leftists folks haha. An officer is stopping at a gas station to get a soda. Two punk ass white loser liberals walk in with a camera and go flip him to try to get a provocation. They even consider a second pass.

Whats the cop do? Asks the store clerk if she wants them out of her store. She says yes...and wants them put on trespass notice. Which the cop does....and after he calmly speaks to them....they go on a juvenile immature uneducated typical cop hater rant.

The store clerk comes outside. Shes chews their asses. They get mad at her and say "why cuz he snitched on us"?

She says "because I cant tell anyone I want to stay out of my store...AND THESE COPS BEING HERE ARE THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME FROM BEING ROBBED".

The turds say they dont give a fuck about that. Of course they dont. Fuck the cops...and fuck the business they are protecting.

By the way...its hard to see clearly...but I believe its a Sunoco/Dunkin Donut store he is in getting a soda. Bravo to them for hiring good employees like her.
These are the type of low life punks the left adores. They obviously arent getting any women. Spending their nights out at gas stations with a camera trying to find cops to flip off.

Great future ahead for these clowns.
Stupid fucks. They accuse him of bullying but they are the ones who flipped him off for no reason.

I don't know if they are true liberals though. They could be anarchists or possibly even libertarians. As a libertarian myself I've seen some of my fellows act in such an immature manner.
Stupid fucks. They accuse him of bullying but they are the ones who flipped him off for no reason.

I don't know if they are true liberals though. They could be anarchists or possibly even libertarians. As a libertarian myself I've seen some of my fellows act in such an immature manner.

Libertarians have a few anti cop types. Its mostly left wing libs and anarchists.

But...theres a BIG difference in left wing cop haters and libertarian ones.

Lefties truly hate cops and want to provoke them

Libertarians seem to just want to be left alone and dont necessarily hate the cop himself...but more hate the corrupt government he happens to work for....and thus dislike or distrust him as a result. But they dont seem hell bent on provoking cops as much outside of the open carry guys.

Plus libertarians are usually pretty educated. These clowns sounded like morons who kept repeating what they read on CopBlock. Typical lefty college dropouts.
Stupid fucks. They accuse him of bullying but they are the ones who flipped him off for no reason.

I don't know if they are true liberals though. They could be anarchists or possibly even libertarians. As a libertarian myself I've seen some of my fellows act in such an immature manner.

Libertarians have a few anti cop types. Its mostly left wing libs and anarchists.

But...theres a BIG difference in left wing cop haters and libertarian ones.

Lefties truly hate cops and want to provoke them

Libertarians seem to just want to be left alone and dont necessarily hate the cop himself...but more hate the corrupt government he happens to work for....and thus dislike or distrust him as a result. But they dont seem hell bent on provoking cops as much outside of the open carry guys.

As I said, I am a libertarian and I've known and know a few libertarians that would do something like this. It pains me to say it but it's true.

Personally, I think very few progressives have the balls to do it.
Stupid fucks. They accuse him of bullying but they are the ones who flipped him off for no reason.

I don't know if they are true liberals though. They could be anarchists or possibly even libertarians. As a libertarian myself I've seen some of my fellows act in such an immature manner.

Libertarians have a few anti cop types. Its mostly left wing libs and anarchists.

But...theres a BIG difference in left wing cop haters and libertarian ones.

Lefties truly hate cops and want to provoke them

Libertarians seem to just want to be left alone and dont necessarily hate the cop himself...but more hate the corrupt government he happens to work for....and thus dislike or distrust him as a result. But they dont seem hell bent on provoking cops as much outside of the open carry guys.

Plus libertarians are usually pretty educated. These clowns sounded like morons who kept repeating what they read on CopBlock. Typical lefty college dropouts.
Yes, we can see your peaceful post every day and how you love everyone and would never call anyone a name in a derogatory manner.....Hypocrite much?
Stupid fucks. They accuse him of bullying but they are the ones who flipped him off for no reason.

I don't know if they are true liberals though. They could be anarchists or possibly even libertarians. As a libertarian myself I've seen some of my fellows act in such an immature manner.

Libertarians have a few anti cop types. Its mostly left wing libs and anarchists.

But...theres a BIG difference in left wing cop haters and libertarian ones.

Lefties truly hate cops and want to provoke them

Libertarians seem to just want to be left alone and dont necessarily hate the cop himself...but more hate the corrupt government he happens to work for....and thus dislike or distrust him as a result. But they dont seem hell bent on provoking cops as much outside of the open carry guys.

Plus libertarians are usually pretty educated. These clowns sounded like morons who kept repeating what they read on CopBlock. Typical lefty college dropouts.
Yes, we can see your peaceful post every day and how you love everyone and would never call anyone a name in a derogatory manner.....Hypocrite much?

Oh i would. But only if they deserved it. What did this cop do to deserve it? Exist???
These are the type of low life punks the left adores. They obviously arent getting any women. Spending their nights out at gas stations with a camera trying to find cops to flip off.

Great future ahead for these clowns.
I have a fair idea of what it will be like:
These are the type of low life punks the left adores. They obviously arent getting any women. Spending their nights out at gas stations with a camera trying to find cops to flip off.

Great future ahead for these clowns.
I have a fair idea of what it will be like:

And those type of people who are whacked out of their minds....are the ones lefties say cops need to "reason with and deescalate".

No reasoning with psychos.
The beautiful thing is every police department in the country now has the info on these pajama-boys.
Some day one of them is going to need a cop and the cop will spark up the pajama-boy info.......then guess what?
GOLD STAR! The pussies are going experience something called Karma.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!

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