Punk white liberals try to flip off to provoke on video cop; Store clerks puts them in their place

This is Americas cop hating leftists folks haha. An officer is stopping at a gas station to get a soda. Two punk ass white loser liberals walk in with a camera and go flip him to try to get a provocation. They even consider a second pass.

Whats the cop do? Asks the store clerk if she wants them out of her store. She says yes...and wants them put on trespass notice. Which the cop does....and after he calmly speaks to them....they go on a juvenile immature uneducated typical cop hater rant.

The store clerk comes outside. Shes chews their asses. They get mad at her and say "why cuz he snitched on us"?

She says "because I cant tell anyone I want to stay out of my store...AND THESE COPS BEING HERE ARE THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME FROM BEING ROBBED".

The turds say they dont give a fuck about that. Of course they dont. Fuck the cops...and fuck the business they are protecting.

By the way...its hard to see clearly...but I believe its a Sunoco/Dunkin Donut store he is in getting a soda. Bravo to the for hiring good employees like her.

Try giving a finger to the judge.
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I love that the policeman made them wait there until he released them. Ha ha.
This will stop with this fag when he gets his ass kicked one day!! Hope THAT is caught on video. And it wont be a cop who kicks his ass either. Limpwristers always find a way to eventually get their faces beat in!!:2up: Would love to be there and get in this faggots face!!
The OP just knows those guys are liberals.

Aw, these RW clowns brand anyone who breaks the law a liberal. Like, "conservatives" don't ever break the law.
After all they are, ostensibly, all paragons of virtue and high morality...like...er...Bernie Madoff!
The OP just knows those guys are liberals.

Aw, these RW clowns brand anyone who breaks the law a liberal. Like, "conservatives" don't ever break the law.
After all they are, ostensibly, all paragons of virtue and high morality...like...er...Bernie Madoff!

Nah.....but lets face it......lefties have this penchant in doing this public ghey behavior. Feminine stuff...........what the fuck is that about? God these limpwristers...............
The OP just knows those guys are liberals.

Aw, these RW clowns brand anyone who breaks the law a liberal. Like, "conservatives" don't ever break the law.
After all they are, ostensibly, all paragons of virtue and high morality...like...er...Bernie Madoff!

Nah.....but lets face it......lefties have this penchant in doing this public ghey behavior. Feminine stuff...........what the fuck is that about? God these limpwristers...............

I guess you ought to ask one of the Ghey conservative groups like this one:

Log Cabin Republicans And GOProud Struggle For Future Of LGBT People In The GOP Party
For a couple semesters in college I worked the graveyard shift at a convenience store that was just off the highway. I was always very appreciative of the police officers that stopped in spent some of their shift at my store. I never charged them for fountain drinks, coffee, or those spinning hot dogs. I got to know a lot of the force as a result of yearlong employment and I was grateful for the extra layer of protection. Most of them were great, a couple were complete assholes, and I never had a major criminal incident occur during my shift, save the occasional shoplifter.
These are the type of low life punks the left adores. They obviously arent getting any women. Spending their nights out at gas stations with a camera trying to find cops to flip off.

Great future ahead for these clowns.

Well, they are getting women. Understand this. Every stupid slut liberal woman is too happy to bend over and spread their cheeks for anyone who is a good enough socialist and hates white republicans enough.

That goes for all of them, except for the ones that hate men. That, does not mean they are not dirty fucking sluts.

They are. They all are.

This cocksucker in the video is just an example of what the entertainment industry, the education (left wing) system, and mainstream media left wing agenda.

As a result we have liberals cities being lawless and falling apart. Our education system is a complete fucking joke, and a so called constitutional expert who sees America as a place that has rights and privileges rather than accountability and responsibility.

Our country has become a fucking left wing goddamn godless nightmare. Everything, and I mean everything is liberals fault.

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