Pupil Power - The kids are allright

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

We get a story every week about some dictatorial headmaster trying to enforce a ridiculous uniform policy. Its a standard in UK newspapers.

This youngster has enough to worry about without feeling self-conscious.

What is heartening about this story is that her fellow pupils stood with her in support. Its quite inspiring in a small way. These kids are an example to all of us.

We get a story every week about some dictatorial headmaster trying to enforce a ridiculous uniform policy. Its a standard in UK newspapers.

This youngster has enough to worry about without feeling self-conscious.

What is heartening about this story is that her fellow pupils stood with her in support. Its quite inspiring in a small way. These kids are an example to all of us.

My favorite ones are always the ones where the boys start wearing skirts to school when it is scorching hot because skirts are allowed but shorts are not.

We get a story every week about some dictatorial headmaster trying to enforce a ridiculous uniform policy. Its a standard in UK newspapers.

This youngster has enough to worry about without feeling self-conscious.

What is heartening about this story is that her fellow pupils stood with her in support. Its quite inspiring in a small way. These kids are an example to all of us.

My favorite ones are always the ones where the boys start wearing skirts to school when it is scorching hot because skirts are allowed but shorts are not.
Yup, every time the sun shines. Usually its the blouse is too tight or the skirt is too short or the shoes are not made of leather.

We used to have to wear a uniform in big school but you would try and rebel against it any way you could. Different shade of jumper, drainpipe trousers or something like that. the girls were worse though, always taking an inch of their skirts or wearing heels.

This school is one of the new academies that have been set up . They are run for profit and the general ethos seems to be to ape the expensive private schools like Eton in things like Eton.

But wearing a collar and tie isnt why those schools do well. Its because the parents pay £30k a term for tuition. That buys the best teachers and facilities.

We get a story every week about some dictatorial headmaster trying to enforce a ridiculous uniform policy. Its a standard in UK newspapers.

This youngster has enough to worry about without feeling self-conscious.

What is heartening about this story is that her fellow pupils stood with her in support. Its quite inspiring in a small way. These kids are an example to all of us.
Allowing the girl to wear a hat in this case is the only right solution. Actually, it is strange that there arent exclusion regarding such matters in the school's statute.

About a school uniform per se, that is an interesting question. When I was in school, we weren't obliged to wear a uniform and such requirements seemed ridiculous to me in the past. But now I am not so sure about that.

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