Pure Chicago: Obama Campaign Violates Tradition by Crashing Romney Convention

I would like to see................

the media grow a pair and wake up to what this jag off really is and call this spade a spade - a simple act of desperation.

And then give full coverage to the convention while filling the occasional dead space with a few Bidenisms.

nope, no racism here at all.. Nothing to see here. Move along... move along.
I think it shows true desperation from the democrat party. They are scared shitless.
And if the Republicans reciprocate, the Dems will be crying foul.

Stupid is as stupid does..........Forest Gump.

Run Forest, run..........................:lol:
Pure Chicago: Obama Campaign Violates Tradition by Crashing Romney Convention - Guy Benson

Bucking protocol, President Obama and the Democrats are planning a full-scale assault on Republicans next week during their convention. Presidential candidates have traditionally kept a low profile during their opponent's nominating celebration, but Democrats are throwing those rules out the window in an attempt to spoil Mitt Romney’s coronation as the GOP nominee. President Obama, Vice President Biden and leading congressional Democrats have all scheduled high-profile events next week to counter-program the Republican gathering in Tampa, Fla. Even first lady Michelle Obama is in on the act, scheduling an appearance on the “David Letterman Show” smack in the middle of Romney's nominating bash ...While both parties have customarily set up messaging war rooms in their opponent's convention city, Democratic operatives say they're taking that effort to another level this year. "It's gonna be the strongest yet," a Democratic leadership aide said Wednesday.


I guess Obama said he would stop politics are usual.

He's made them worse.

If I were in Tampa, I'd riot in front of Joe Biden and given the chance, I'd be hurling a few pieces of fruit his way. Of course, I'd do that even if it were not the RN Convention.

Obama is a slimewad.
This Administration is really nothing but petulant children.
nope, no racism here at all.. Nothing to see here. Move along... move along.

Of course I expected someone like you...

to hurl a racism charge.

You need to look up the original definition of "calling a spade a spade" and then be aware that I have NO intention of being politically correct by avoiding the use of a very common, very old, non-racist expression used by a helluva lot of people a helluva lot older than YOU are.

So please STUFF your idiotic remark back from where you pulled it from.
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So Joe's gonna be a no show, he's afraid of the storm (I really don't think it's Isaac) Chicken!! :tongue:
Uninformed sources told me that Harry Reid is using his Mafia connections to stage an assassination attempt against Joe Biden in Tampa and blame in on the Tea Party. The extra benefit is that it gets Joe off the ticket after Hillary's big dis.
You slander a sitting President for 3 1/2 years then cry because he now hits back

Oh the irony . :eusa_boohoo:
nope, no racism here at all.. Nothing to see here. Move along... move along.

Of course I expected someone like you...

to hurl a racism charge.

You need to look up the original definition of "calling a spade a spade" and then be aware that I have NO intention of being politically correct by avoiding the use of a very common, very old, non-racist expression used by a helluva lot of people a helluva lot older than YOU are.

So please STUFF your idiotic remark back from where you pulled it from.
I have to laugh at a lame racism charge from a religious bigot.
You slander a sitting President for 3 1/2 years then cry because he now hits back

Oh the irony . :eusa_boohoo:

He shouldn't have done so much sitting.

I thought he was busy killing the country ? You cons have to make up your

Minds , then again that might be why mittens is your guy .

8.3 unemployment for 42 months.
16 trillion dollars in debt
No pipeline, no jobs
food up
gas sky high
health insurance premiums up by about 2000 per family
he robbed 716 billion dollars from the old people
food stamp recipients up by 15 million people

Yes. President Romney will be my guy.
Big deal. It's a mistake if you ask me. The Democrat Convention is after the GOP convention and the GOP could do the exact same thing to obama.
You slander a sitting President for 3 1/2 years then cry because he now hits back

Oh the irony . :eusa_boohoo:

He has slandered Romney.... accusing him of murder... which has since proved to be utter fiction. He's not 'hitting back', you imbecile, he started this bullshit... and that despite his (laughable) call for 'civil discourse' in the wake of the Giffords shooting - when, again, the left claimed it was a right winger responsible... turns out, Loughner was a Democrat.

Your side lies like a two bit hooker.
What else would you expect of a sleazy, Chicago mobster-politician like Barack Hussein Obama?

It is quite the norm for politicians that have absolutely no credible record to run on to try by whatever means are available to drown out the sounds of the competition.

Obama is a failure and he knows it. He's desperate for a chance to finish destroying the United States.
Big deal. It's a mistake if you ask me. The Democrat Convention is after the GOP convention and the GOP could do the exact same thing to obama.

The media would not have it. Obama will get all the cameras and coverage he snaps his fingers for. Chris Matthews will piss down his own legs all during the DNC circus. (He loves clowns like Obama!)

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