Pure hypothetical: let's pretend republicans have full control of the government

We'd have to follow the Obama Doctrine and have the IRS audit any and all Progressive groups, turn the NSA loose on any and all Progressives. That's what helped the economy, right?
That's not what I said, republican tax cuts are usually targeted at the "job creators" who then take their gifts from the government and not create jobs and somehow republicans do not feel cheated.
marxist doubletalk.
Nothing about that is Marxist. You just don't want to admit he's right.

...it is assuredly doubletalk...at least you didn't deny that.
LMAO......his imaginary, fantasy premise concocted out of thin air is "right".
You hyperpartisans are really getting desperate...comical...
Ok then explain what makes his premise fantasy. What are you waiting for?

the fact that he made it all up was my first clue.
Really? Why is Kansas' economy so shitty? Why was job growth under Bush so pathetic?
One party can not fix these problems when either party has total control they take the it's my why case closed mindset and push the other party aside. We saw Republicans do this during the Bush administration and the Democrats did it during the first two years of the Obama administration.
I think the first main issue would be civil war between Conservatives and the Tea Party.

I can see that being one long, bloody war with no clear winner and a lot of tradeoffs between the two sides.

I would expect to see:

- A major increase in military spending, and a possible military incursion into Syria or Iran.

- A cut in taxes for the wealthy, and probably a but in taxes on dividends and non-salary related earnings

- A major boost for the NRA and the slashing of gun control measures where possible

- A major cut in renewable energy, and expansion of oil pipelines, off-short drilling, fracking closer to cities and coal mining.

- The US moving further away from allies and generally taking a go-it-alone course right across the board from environmental policy to military intervention to economic policy.
Let's pretend republicans controlled both the White House and all of congress. Answer the following questions with SPECIFIC answers.

HOW would they fix the shrinking middle class issue?

HOW would they top the 10.3 million private jobs created under Obama?

HOW would they fix the problem of stagnant wages in the lower classes even though we already have record corporate profits right now?

HOW would they help the poor?

HOW would they help the middle class and strengthen it?

HOW would they decrease the national debt if they would inevitably cut taxes for the super wealthy and spending would only continue?

HOW would they create an adequate number of full time jobs?

Oh, and just in case you all forgot: trickle down economics is a lie. Tax cuts for the wealthy only help the wealthy. How do we know? Look at the pathetic job growth under Bush and the recent economic report in Kansas. then look at the job growth under obama. Demand side economics is what works.

I know some of you will inevitably dodge the topic by saying "what would dems do? derp derp derp"

Don't even bother. This is about republicans.

The democrats had control. Did they fix any of those problems? Did they all get worse in the last 6 years?

Those listed problems are all the direct result of liberal programs put in place by both parties. The problem is not party, the problem is liberalism.
I think the first main issue would be civil war between Conservatives and the Tea Party.

I can see that being one long, bloody war with no clear winner and a lot of tradeoffs between the two sides.

I would expect to see:

- A major increase in military spending, and a possible military incursion into Syria or Iran.

- A cut in taxes for the wealthy, and probably a but in taxes on dividends and non-salary related earnings

- A major boost for the NRA and the slashing of gun control measures where possible

- A major cut in renewable energy, and expansion of oil pipelines, off-short drilling, fracking closer to cities and coal mining.

- The US moving further away from allies and generally taking a go-it-alone course right across the board from environmental policy to military intervention to economic policy.

do you write for daily kos? everything you have said is :bsflag:
The democrats had control. Did they fix any of those problems? Did they all get worse in the last 6 years?

Those listed problems are all the direct result of liberal programs put in place by both parties. The problem is not party, the problem is liberalism.


Looking at that graph, I'd see the problem of unemployment is improving very steadily from the Bush-generated meltdown, wouldn't you?

btw, Please try not to spam good threads with childrens cartoons. Thanks!
Let's pretend republicans controlled both the White House and all of congress. Answer the following questions with SPECIFIC answers.

HOW would they fix the shrinking middle class issue?

HOW would they top the 10.3 million private jobs created under Obama?

HOW would they fix the problem of stagnant wages in the lower classes even though we already have record corporate profits right now?

HOW would they help the poor?

HOW would they help the middle class and strengthen it?

HOW would they decrease the national debt if they would inevitably cut taxes for the super wealthy and spending would only continue?

HOW would they create an adequate number of full time jobs?

Oh, and just in case you all forgot: trickle down economics is a lie. Tax cuts for the wealthy only help the wealthy. How do we know? Look at the pathetic job growth under Bush and the recent economic report in Kansas. then look at the job growth under obama. Demand side economics is what works.

I know some of you will inevitably dodge the topic by saying "what would dems do? derp derp derp"

Don't even bother. This is about republicans.

The democrats had control. Did they fix any of those problems? Did they all get worse in the last 6 years?

Those listed problems are all the direct result of liberal programs put in place by both parties. The problem is not party, the problem is liberalism.
Deflection mixed with bullshit...typical republican.
The democrats had control. Did they fix any of those problems? Did they all get worse in the last 6 years?

Those listed problems are all the direct result of liberal programs put in place by both parties. The problem is not party, the problem is liberalism.


Looking at that graph, I'd see the problem of unemployment is improving very steadily from the Bush-generated meltdown, wouldn't you?

btw, Please try not to spam good threads with childrens cartoons. Thanks!

your previous post was only worthy of a cartoon response, because it was total partisan bullshit.

The fact is that there are fewer americans working full time today than there were in 2008.
Let's pretend republicans controlled both the White House and all of congress. Answer the following questions with SPECIFIC answers.

HOW would they fix the shrinking middle class issue?

HOW would they top the 10.3 million private jobs created under Obama?

HOW would they fix the problem of stagnant wages in the lower classes even though we already have record corporate profits right now?

HOW would they help the poor?

HOW would they help the middle class and strengthen it?

HOW would they decrease the national debt if they would inevitably cut taxes for the super wealthy and spending would only continue?

HOW would they create an adequate number of full time jobs?

Oh, and just in case you all forgot: trickle down economics is a lie. Tax cuts for the wealthy only help the wealthy. How do we know? Look at the pathetic job growth under Bush and the recent economic report in Kansas. then look at the job growth under obama. Demand side economics is what works.

I know some of you will inevitably dodge the topic by saying "what would dems do? derp derp derp"

Don't even bother. This is about republicans.

The democrats had control. Did they fix any of those problems? Did they all get worse in the last 6 years?

Those listed problems are all the direct result of liberal programs put in place by both parties. The problem is not party, the problem is liberalism.
Deflection mixed with bullshit...typical republican.

nope, what I posted was non-partisan fact. Sorry, if the truth confuses you.
Here in lies the problem with Republicans. Even when given the opportunity to explain to people like me all the good things Republicans would propose IF they had full government control, they STILL can't say what it is that Republicans want to accomplish.

Except repeal Obamacare. And that might not go over to well for those that just got insured. But hey, it has been a long term goal of theirs.

So, what else?
1. Eliminate the Department of "Education", let the states and private industry figure it out. The DofE has been a total disaster

2. Install fool-proof national voter ID system for all federal elections

3. Across the board 5% budget cut for all departments except Social Security.
3a. Bond in Social Security "Trust" Fund will be backed by oil and gas deposits of Federal lands, and can be readily sold on the open market.
3b. In fact, give people the option of opting out of SS in favor of a Roth IRA or 401k. They get the balance of their account transferred to an account, the have no further clams on SS

4. Cancel Obamacare and replace it with Medical Saving Account and deregulate all insurance.

5. Approve Keystone.

6. Fast track every LNG port in the USA

7. Allow sale of US oil and gas overseas
1. Eliminate the Department of "Education", let the states and private industry figure it out. The DofE has been a total disaster

2. Install fool-proof national voter ID system for all federal elections

3. Across the board 5% budget cut for all departments except Social Security.
3a. Bond in Social Security "Trust" Fund will be backed by oil and gas deposits of Federal lands, and can be readily sold on the open market.
3b. In fact, give people the option of opting out of SS in favor of a Roth IRA or 401k. They get the balance of their account transferred to an account, the have no further clams on SS

4. Cancel Obamacare and replace it with Medical Saving Account and deregulate all insurance.

5. Approve Keystone.

6. Fast track every LNG port in the USA

7. Allow sale of US oil and gas overseas

8. simplify the tax code so that everyone pays a proportionate share

9. collect SS tax on all income, not just the first 106K

10. Require that the host country pay the entire cost of US bases in that country, or close them

11. Enforce our borders. Stop illegal immigration. Require illegals already in the country to apply for citizenship at the end of the existing line. If they do not file in 60 days, deport them.
Here in lies the problem with Republicans. Even when given the opportunity to explain to people like me all the good things Republicans would propose IF they had full government control, they STILL can't say what it is that Republicans want to accomplish.

Except repeal Obamacare. And that might not go over to well for those that just got insured. But hey, it has been a long term goal of theirs.

So, what else?

see posts 32 and 33.
Here in lies the problem with Republicans. Even when given the opportunity to explain to people like me all the good things Republicans would propose IF they had full government control, they STILL can't say what it is that Republicans want to accomplish.

Except repeal Obamacare. And that might not go over to well for those that just got insured. But hey, it has been a long term goal of theirs.

So, what else?
1. Eliminate the Department of "Education", let the states and private industry figure it out. The DofE has been a total disaster

2. Install fool-proof national voter ID system for all federal elections

3. Across the board 5% budget cut for all departments except Social Security.
3a. Bond in Social Security "Trust" Fund will be backed by oil and gas deposits of Federal lands, and can be readily sold on the open market.
3b. In fact, give people the option of opting out of SS in favor of a Roth IRA or 401k. They get the balance of their account transferred to an account, the have no further clams on SS

4. Cancel Obamacare and replace it with Medical Saving Account and deregulate all insurance.

5. Approve Keystone.

6. Fast track every LNG port in the USA

7. Allow sale of US oil and gas overseas
What is with you people in Keystone? At best it will create a couple thousand of TEMPORARY jobs. I don't care what republicans told you.
your previous post was only worthy of a cartoon response, because it was total partisan bullshit.

The fact is that there are fewer americans working full time today than there were in 2008.

And you don't think the total economic meltdown - largely caused by the Bush adminsitration - had anything to do with that?

Try looking at the graph again, and this time do so without the partisan nonsense. Really man, there is no one more partisan on this board than you, and also very few less honest about it.
Here in lies the problem with Republicans. Even when given the opportunity to explain to people like me all the good things Republicans would propose IF they had full government control, they STILL can't say what it is that Republicans want to accomplish.

Except repeal Obamacare. And that might not go over to well for those that just got insured. But hey, it has been a long term goal of theirs.

So, what else?
1. Eliminate the Department of "Education", let the states and private industry figure it out. The DofE has been a total disaster

2. Install fool-proof national voter ID system for all federal elections

3. Across the board 5% budget cut for all departments except Social Security.
3a. Bond in Social Security "Trust" Fund will be backed by oil and gas deposits of Federal lands, and can be readily sold on the open market.
3b. In fact, give people the option of opting out of SS in favor of a Roth IRA or 401k. They get the balance of their account transferred to an account, the have no further clams on SS

4. Cancel Obamacare and replace it with Medical Saving Account and deregulate all insurance.

5. Approve Keystone.

6. Fast track every LNG port in the USA

7. Allow sale of US oil and gas overseas
What is with you people in Keystone? At best it will create a couple thousand of TEMPORARY jobs. I don't care what republicans told you.

it would also create thousands of permanent jobs and lower energy costs in the USA, as well as make us less dependent on the mid east.
your previous post was only worthy of a cartoon response, because it was total partisan bullshit.

The fact is that there are fewer americans working full time today than there were in 2008.

And you don't think the total economic meltdown - largely caused by the Bush adminsitration - had anything to do with that?

Try looking at the graph again, and this time do so without the partisan nonsense. Really man, there is no one more partisan on this board than you, and also very few less honest about it.

How is it partisan when I accurately place the blame on liberal policies from both parties?

What I said is true. There are fewer full time employed in the US today than when obama took over. His policies have failed the lower and middle classes. Liberalism has failed the very people it claims to want to help. But obama's liberal policies have helped the very rich and the gap between rich and poor has grown under his failed liberal policies.
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Redfish -

Look at the graph again, and tell me what you see. This time try to remember the global economic meltdown.
hyperpartisan posts hyperpartisan thread denigrating other party....again...how unique.
Why don't you just address all or at least some of my questions? What are you waiting for? Make me look stupid.

There are no "answers"...you purposely pose biased questions and speculate on scenarios based on fantasies that you invent in your own mind.

It's the weak old "do you still beat your wife" trick... no matter how you answer, you "admit" you're a "wife beater".. young people think that tactic is "clever" and they've "won".

The whole reason for your post wasn't to get "answers" but to give you an opportunity to disparage the other party.
Spot on.

/End of line.

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