Purging the Voter Rolls - Democrat Baloney


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The Voter Purge Myth

In the run-up to the 2020 election, thousands of jurisdictions in the U.S. will be compelled by applicable law to purge the rolls of voters who have died, moved, failed to vote in a long time (as legally defined), registered someplace else, or who are ineligible to vote for some reason. These purges are logically necessary and in almost every case required by local law.

And the DEMOCRATS - exclusively - will use this phenomenon around the country to claim that Republicans are engaging, yet again, in a campaign of "voter suppression." Madam Pelosi started it ALREADY, with phony claims about Wisconsin. It's always the Democrats who make this claim, even though it occurs equally in jurisdictions where Democrats hold sway.

Why do you suppose that is? Are they pre-emptively laying claims to why they will lose the elections?

The Voter Purge Myth

In the run-up to the 2020 election, thousands of jurisdictions in the U.S. will be compelled by applicable law to purge the rolls of voters who have died, moved, failed to vote in a long time (as legally defined), registered someplace else, or who are ineligible to vote for some reason. These purges are logically necessary and in almost every case required by local law.

And the DEMOCRATS - exclusively - will use this phenomenon around the country to claim that Republicans are engaging, yet again, in a campaign of "voter suppression." Madam Pelosi started it ALREADY, with phony claims about Wisconsin. It's always the Democrats who make this claim, even though it occurs equally in jurisdictions where Democrats hold sway.

Why do you suppose that is? Are they pre-emptively laying claims to why they will lose the elections?

/---- Listen, Buster - dead people have the right to make their voices heard.
The Voter Purge Myth

In the run-up to the 2020 election, thousands of jurisdictions in the U.S. will be compelled by applicable law to purge the rolls of voters who have died, moved, failed to vote in a long time (as legally defined), registered someplace else, or who are ineligible to vote for some reason. These purges are logically necessary and in almost every case required by local law.

And the DEMOCRATS - exclusively - will use this phenomenon around the country to claim that Republicans are engaging, yet again, in a campaign of "voter suppression." Madam Pelosi started it ALREADY, with phony claims about Wisconsin. It's always the Democrats who make this claim, even though it occurs equally in jurisdictions where Democrats hold sway.

Why do you suppose that is? Are they pre-emptively laying claims to why they will lose the elections?

I don’t mind if it is done far enough ahead of the election to allow voters to respond. Warning letter should be clearly marked to be clear it is not junk mail.
You should receive a letter notifying you that you have been removed

If a voter on the purged list shows up, they should be given a provisional ballot.
The Voter Purge Myth

In the run-up to the 2020 election, thousands of jurisdictions in the U.S. will be compelled by applicable law to purge the rolls of voters who have died, moved, failed to vote in a long time (as legally defined), registered someplace else, or who are ineligible to vote for some reason. These purges are logically necessary and in almost every case required by local law.

And the DEMOCRATS - exclusively - will use this phenomenon around the country to claim that Republicans are engaging, yet again, in a campaign of "voter suppression." Madam Pelosi started it ALREADY, with phony claims about Wisconsin. It's always the Democrats who make this claim, even though it occurs equally in jurisdictions where Democrats hold sway.

Why do you suppose that is? Are they pre-emptively laying claims to why they will lose the elections?

I don’t mind if it is done far enough ahead of the election to allow voters to respond. Warning letter should be clearly marked to be clear it is not junk mail.
You should receive a letter notifying you that you have been removed

If a voter on the purged list shows up, they should be given a provisional ballot.
/----/ I was an inspector for the BOE for years. That already happens, at least in NY.
The Voter Purge Myth

In the run-up to the 2020 election, thousands of jurisdictions in the U.S. will be compelled by applicable law to purge the rolls of voters who have died, moved, failed to vote in a long time (as legally defined), registered someplace else, or who are ineligible to vote for some reason. These purges are logically necessary and in almost every case required by local law.

And the DEMOCRATS - exclusively - will use this phenomenon around the country to claim that Republicans are engaging, yet again, in a campaign of "voter suppression." Madam Pelosi started it ALREADY, with phony claims about Wisconsin. It's always the Democrats who make this claim, even though it occurs equally in jurisdictions where Democrats hold sway.

Why do you suppose that is? Are they pre-emptively laying claims to why they will lose the elections?

WISCONSIN: State elections commission held in contempt of court for not purging voter rolls.

PORT WASHINGTON (WKOW) -- An Ozaukee County judge held the Wisconsin Elections Commission in contempt of court Monday for not immediately removing 230,000 names from the state's voter rolls.

"I can not be any clearer on this," the judge said. "They need to follow my order."

They merely want to ensure that people who have moved are not able to vote from their old addresses.

Ozaukee County Circuit Judge Paul Malloy said in his ruling that “time is of the essence in this case”. He also seemed peeved that commissioners hadn’t already begun deactivating the voter registrations as he ordered back in December.

“I cannot be clearer on this. They need to follow the order,” Malloy said.

The state Justice Department asked Malloy to put his order of contempt on hold pending an appeal of his ruling, but the judge denied the request. Malloy held in contempt the commission itself and its three Democratic members because they had previously voted against moving ahead with the purge. Those three would each face a $250 fine for every day they don’t comply. The commission as a whole faces $50 fines every day the purge doesn’t happen. Three Republican commissioners who pushed for proceeding with deactivating the voters would face no penalties.
When you got caught doing voter suppression in the past and your party leadership were under a mandate then old habits are hard to give up

when RNC got their panties pulled down not a peep

Republican attempts to require photo identification to vote in North Carolina recently and judge has blocked it

a nice republican state that since 1980 solidly voted Republican except for the 1st Obama run and yeah the repubs lost but the following year they voted republican

So are they saying that they have a problem with people voting and now all the sudden you need a photo id

if your dead it is hard to vote but hey they should be removed from the rolls but somehow repubs believe that that they still vote.

The Heritage Foundation's Voter Fraud Database contained, as of December 2019, 19 cases since 1997 in which one or more individuals were found to have voted or attempted to vote in the name of a deceased voter.

My god its an epidemic 19 cases wow, its a huge problem

or maybe the problem is to huge to swallow

yeah there are a lot of people who are dead on the roll but it is a stretch that someone has found all those name and are using it to vote

In 2014, GAO agency that works for Congress," conducted a review of studies into in-person voter fraud. It examined about 200 questioned votes that were cast in the November 2010 election and ultimately determined that all but 5 of the questioned votes could be attributed to errors by state or local officials—including clerical errors, data matching errors, errors in scanning voter registration forms, and the issuance of absentee ballots in the wrong name—or to applications for absentee ballots by voters who died before the election. For the remaining 5 allegations, the study could not conclusively determine whether in-person voter fraud occurred
I guess one vote does count and make a different in a electoral college when winner takes all

focus on clerical and admin errors and that should solve most of the problem
The Voter Purge Myth

In the run-up to the 2020 election, thousands of jurisdictions in the U.S. will be compelled by applicable law to purge the rolls of voters who have died, moved, failed to vote in a long time (as legally defined), registered someplace else, or who are ineligible to vote for some reason. These purges are logically necessary and in almost every case required by local law.

And the DEMOCRATS - exclusively - will use this phenomenon around the country to claim that Republicans are engaging, yet again, in a campaign of "voter suppression." Madam Pelosi started it ALREADY, with phony claims about Wisconsin. It's always the Democrats who make this claim, even though it occurs equally in jurisdictions where Democrats hold sway.

Why do you suppose that is? Are they pre-emptively laying claims to why they will lose the elections?

I don’t mind if it is done far enough ahead of the election to allow voters to respond. Warning letter should be clearly marked to be clear it is not junk mail.
You should receive a letter notifying you that you have been removed

If a voter on the purged list shows up, they should be given a provisional ballot.
Bingo!!! If they moved within the jurisdiction, their address should be updated and their ballot counted. In the 21st century there is no excuse not to have same day registration everywhere.
I guess one vote does count and make a different in a electoral college when winner takes all

focus on clerical and admin errors and that should solve most of the problem
A stolen vote, steals a legal vote. If cleaning up the voter rolls prevents EVEN ONE STOLEN VOTE, it's well worth the effort.

Supreme Court Gives States the Green Light to Clean Up Voter Rolls

24 million voter registrations nationwide—one out of every eight—are inaccurate or outdated, and some 2.8 million voters are registered in two or more states.

The National Voter Registration Act sets out the requirements states must meet to remove a voter who is no longer eligible “by reason of a change in the residence."

A study of the voter registration records in just 21 states by the Government Accountability Institute showed that almost 8,500 individuals voted illegally in more than one state in the 2016 presidential election.

Under the National Voter Registration Act, in order to remove a voter for nonresidency, a state must either receive written notice from the voter attesting to the move, or the voter must fail to return a card affirming his residency and then fail to vote in the next two federal general elections.

That's perfectly reasonable.​

The Supreme Court has resolved the matter, handing down a victory for the integrity of American elections.

Alito’s opinion made swift work of the challengers’ claims.

The process—mailing a notice seeking confirmation of residency, followed by a waiting period encompassing two federal general elections—followed the process prescribed in the National Voter Registration Act “to the letter.” In fact, he wrote, “[n]ot only are states allowed to remove registrants who satisfy these requirements, but federal law makes this removal mandatory.”

This is exactly how Congress intended nonvoting to be used.

Alito pointed out that it is not for the “federal courts to go beyond the restrictions” in the law and “strike down any state law that does not meet” the justices’ arbitrary conceptions of “reasonableness.” Policy judgments like these are properly addressed not in court, but in Congress. And Congress determined when it passed the National Voter Registration Act that a failure to vote after receiving a written notice from the state is, in fact, a “reasonable method” for identifying voters who have moved out of state.
Supreme Court Gives States the Green Light to Clean Up Voter Rolls
These purges are logically necessary
Why? Since voter fraud is virtually non-existent why risk cancelling the registration of viable voters?

FFA Brief 12.16.19.pdf
It is REQUIRED by Federal State and LOCAL laws. The rolls must be purged of ineligible voters every 4 years or so. It removes the dead, the moved and the legally barred from being on said rolls and is needed to keep our Country from large scale fraud.
I guess one vote does count and make a different in a electoral college when winner takes all

focus on clerical and admin errors and that should solve most of the problem
A stolen vote, steals a legal vote. If cleaning up the voter rolls prevents EVEN ONE STOLEN VOTE, it's well worth the effort.

Supreme Court Gives States the Green Light to Clean Up Voter Rolls

24 million voter registrations nationwide—one out of every eight—are inaccurate or outdated, and some 2.8 million voters are registered in two or more states.

The National Voter Registration Act sets out the requirements states must meet to remove a voter who is no longer eligible “by reason of a change in the residence."

A study of the voter registration records in just 21 states by the Government Accountability Institute showed that almost 8,500 individuals voted illegally in more than one state in the 2016 presidential election.

Under the National Voter Registration Act, in order to remove a voter for nonresidency, a state must either receive written notice from the voter attesting to the move, or the voter must fail to return a card affirming his residency and then fail to vote in the next two federal general elections.

That's perfectly reasonable.​

The Supreme Court has resolved the matter, handing down a victory for the integrity of American elections.

Alito’s opinion made swift work of the challengers’ claims.

The process—mailing a notice seeking confirmation of residency, followed by a waiting period encompassing two federal general elections—followed the process prescribed in the National Voter Registration Act “to the letter.” In fact, he wrote, “[n]ot only are states allowed to remove registrants who satisfy these requirements, but federal law makes this removal mandatory.”

This is exactly how Congress intended nonvoting to be used.

Alito pointed out that it is not for the “federal courts to go beyond the restrictions” in the law and “strike down any state law that does not meet” the justices’ arbitrary conceptions of “reasonableness.” Policy judgments like these are properly addressed not in court, but in Congress. And Congress determined when it passed the National Voter Registration Act that a failure to vote after receiving a written notice from the state is, in fact, a “reasonable method” for identifying voters who have moved out of state.
Supreme Court Gives States the Green Light to Clean Up Voter Rolls

do not have a problem with cleaning up the voter records as that is clerical stuff that each state must do

Each state has access to death but why are they still on the ballot

clerical stuff

if you clean up clerical stuff then repubs do not have to worry about dead people voting

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