"Pussy Ass Cracker" shirts on sale in FL

I dare that monkey to wear that shirt out of the hood, especially around some illegals that look like the mugshot....he will be gator bait.
An Unfortunate T-Shirt Hits Florida Streets In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Killing | The Smoking Gun

"Expanding the definition of “cracker,” a t-shirt featuring the photo of the man who shot Trayvon Martin is now available for purchase.

As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida."
ARE Latino's "CRACKERS" now. ??????????????????????????

No the person who made that claim who happens to be black...is just an idiot.
Yes, he is black, but blacks have idiots too, like like all racists.

But the claim of being "RACIST" is just "GAY"

We have a lot of "STUPID PEOPLE" hiding behind their race.

I've got more race in me than anyone, and I say "Suckers are suckers" and the American people are sucking up more tricks than they understand.

ENOUGH, if any one me, I'm American Indian, and let me F you UP.

YOU BLACKIES AND YOU BEANERS get out of my town.

I'm PLAYING YOU!, and try to show you the tricks which you don't understand.

If the elites get us to be their bitches, guess what you family is going to do?
THEY ARE GOING DOWN, because most don't get the game.

Minorities, theses F'ers have raced based weapons...and they are planning to use them.

You might think you are fighting, but you have been sold.

The game of spirit is against mankind in all it colors.

STOP BEING GIRLS!!! Save your families, understand what you face!

GOD IS IN HEAVEN and He made all of us...

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An Unfortunate T-Shirt Hits Florida Streets In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Killing | The Smoking Gun

"Expanding the definition of “cracker,” a t-shirt featuring the photo of the man who shot Trayvon Martin is now available for purchase.

As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida."
ARE Latino's "CRACKERS" now. ??????????????????????????

No the person who made that claim who happens to be black...is just an idiot.
Yes, he is black, but blacks have idiots too, like like all racists.

But the claim of being "RACIST" is just "GAY"

We have a lot of "STUPID PEOPLE" hiding behind their race.

I've got more race in me than anyone, and I say "Suckers are suckers" and the American people are sucking up more tricks than they understand.

ENOUGH, if any one me, I'm American Indian, and let me F you UP.

YOU BLACKIES AND YOU BEANERS get out of my town.

I'm PLAYING YOU!, and try to show you the tricks which you don't understand.

If the elites get us to be their bitches, guess what you family is going to do?
THEY ARE GOING DOWN, because most don't get the game.

Minorities, theses F'ers have raced based weapons...and they are planning to use them.

You might think you are fighting, but you have been sold.

The game of spirit is against mankind in all it colors.

STOP BEING GIRLS!!! Save your families, understand what you face!

GOD IS IN HEAVEN and He made all of us...

Good post robodon.
An Unfortunate T-Shirt Hits Florida Streets In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Killing | The Smoking Gun

"Expanding the definition of “cracker,” a t-shirt featuring the photo of the man who shot Trayvon Martin is now available for purchase.

As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida."

Yeah, that's pretty STUPID for a variety of reasons.It's just some ASSHOLES making money off of a tragedy and an INJUSTICE. These idiots that wear that shirt and talk all of that shit BETTER NOT CRY if they are called on it by some cracker that's not a pussy.
When he has the IQ less than a monkey and acts like a monkey....he is a monkey.

I am equal opportunity insulter, I call every color under the rainbow names if they deserve it and that monkey needs to be told to his ugly ass face that he is a monkey.

He should learn having long hair in a fight isn't smart, his ass slung around like a ragdoll.

I dare that monkey to wear that shirt out of the hood, especially around some illegals that look like the mugshot....he will be gator bait.

Why does he have to be a monkey? Is that something they taught you at church?
aint capitalism great

So you support this? I thought you were an anti-racist?

Only if the racism is from the right.... she's very supportive of left wing racism.

This topic was one of the first I started a thread over when I started blogging back in 1999.

I call it legalized government supported racism.

It's celebrated during Black History Month.

Obama has attempted to use this often during his campaigns.

Seems Obama could only relate to Trayvan Martin because he looked like he was his son.

Obama wouldn't have a white son and if a white had been the victim Obama wouldn't have said one word about it.

That's why I started a thread stating he chose to be black instead of act like President of The United States.

Race relations in this country have gone back at least 20 years or more.

Personally I don't think whites will forgive Obama and other Democrats for starting this.......then leave the country.

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An Unfortunate T-Shirt Hits Florida Streets In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Killing | The Smoking Gun

"Expanding the definition of “cracker,” a t-shirt featuring the photo of the man who shot Trayvon Martin is now available for purchase.

As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida."

Yeah, that's pretty STUPID for a variety of reasons.It's just some ASSHOLES making money off of a tragedy and an INJUSTICE. These idiots that wear that shirt and talk all of that shit BETTER NOT CRY if they are called on it by some cracker that's not a pussy.

It'd be a hate crime if some cracker did, lol. Carousel Of Hypocrisy continues.
When he has the IQ less than a monkey and acts like a monkey....he is a monkey.

I am equal opportunity insulter, I call every color under the rainbow names if they deserve it and that monkey needs to be told to his ugly ass face that he is a monkey.

He should learn having long hair in a fight isn't smart, his ass slung around like a ragdoll.

I dare that monkey to wear that shirt out of the hood, especially around some illegals that look like the mugshot....he will be gator bait.

Why does he have to be a monkey? Is that something they taught you at church?
You're a real tough guy on the Internet. He isn't a monkey, he definitely knows how to make money off of a tragic incident. His iq can't be that low.

He's a piece of shit cock sucker. But a monkey? That's just the racist in you speaking.
Yeah like people who sell war based on lies to the American people after an incident like 911

Or, like the wacko rws who hate all Muslims. Doesn't matter if they're just law-abiding people. Like the Iranian woman who was beaten to death ...

If you're a Muslim-American or a Mexican-American or an African-American, rw's just know you're looking to rape their wimmin and kill the men.
Oh, calling him a cock sucker is ok but not a monkey. :cuckoo:

Go get a clue....

When he has the IQ less than a monkey and acts like a monkey....he is a monkey.

I am equal opportunity insulter, I call every color under the rainbow names if they deserve it and that monkey needs to be told to his ugly ass face that he is a monkey.

He should learn having long hair in a fight isn't smart, his ass slung around like a ragdoll.

Why does he have to be a monkey? Is that something they taught you at church?
You're a real tough guy on the Internet. He isn't a monkey, he definitely knows how to make money off of a tragic incident. His iq can't be that low.

He's a piece of shit cock sucker. But a monkey? That's just the racist in you speaking.
Yeah like people who sell war based on lies to the American people after an incident like 911

Or, like the wacko rws who hate all Muslims. Doesn't matter if they're just law-abiding people. Like the Iranian woman who was beaten to death ...

If you're a Muslim-American or a Mexican-American or an African-American, rw's just know you're looking to rape their wimmin and kill the men.

So explain black rw's like myself then please.
Yeah like people who sell war based on lies to the American people after an incident like 911

Or, like the wacko rws who hate all Muslims. Doesn't matter if they're just law-abiding people. Like the Iranian woman who was beaten to death ...

If you're a Muslim-American or a Mexican-American or an African-American, rw's just know you're looking to rape their wimmin and kill the men.

As opposed to all of the Jew haters at OWS or all of the folks trying to kill Zimmerman....a Hispanic.

I can tell you fuckers don't care about the truth because you keep intentionally ignoring the fact that he is Hispanic.
Oh, calling him a cock sucker is ok but not a monkey. :cuckoo:

Go get a clue....

When he has the IQ less than a monkey and acts like a monkey....he is a monkey.

I am equal opportunity insulter, I call every color under the rainbow names if they deserve it and that monkey needs to be told to his ugly ass face that he is a monkey.

He should learn having long hair in a fight isn't smart, his ass slung around like a ragdoll.
You're a real tough guy on the Internet. He isn't a monkey, he definitely knows how to make money off of a tragic incident. His iq can't be that low.

He's a piece of shit cock sucker. But a monkey? That's just the racist in you speaking.

Kiss my ass. You know why you chose the words you did.
The blatant racism on this forum is sickening.

Used to be, the KKK hid behind their bed linens. Now they hide behind the perceived anonymity of the internet.

Either way, its some some sick shit.
Yeah, he is a monkey.

If I went to the mall with him and paraded him around on a stage in his little t-shirt, most people would call him a monkey...not a cock sucker. Being a cock sucker isn't "down" with him.

Oh, calling him a cock sucker is ok but not a monkey. :cuckoo:

Go get a clue....

You're a real tough guy on the Internet. He isn't a monkey, he definitely knows how to make money off of a tragic incident. His iq can't be that low.

He's a piece of shit cock sucker. But a monkey? That's just the racist in you speaking.

Kiss my ass. You know why you chose the words you did.

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