"Pussy Ass Cracker" shirts on sale in FL

Yeah, you Jew hating Nazis are out in the open....

The blatant racism on this forum is sickening.

Used to be, the KKK hid behind their bed linens. Now they hide behind the perceived anonymity of the internet.

Either way, its some some sick shit.
Yeah, he is a monkey.

If I went to the mall with him and paraded him around on a stage in his little t-shirt, most people would call him a monkey...not a cock sucker. Being a cock sucker isn't "down" with him.

Oh, calling him a cock sucker is ok but not a monkey. :cuckoo:

Go get a clue....

Kiss my ass. You know why you chose the words you did.

Stormfront shut down for maintenance? That's be the only reason for you being here. I regret that you and I agree on anything politically.
I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

Yeah, he is a monkey.

If I went to the mall with him and paraded him around on a stage in his little t-shirt, most people would call him a monkey...not a cock sucker. Being a cock sucker isn't "down" with him.

Kiss my ass. You know why you chose the words you did.

Stormfront shut down for maintenance? That's be the only reason for you being here. I regret that you and I agree on anything politically.
Yeah, they're a bunch of hicks.....the other side of the stupid spectrum from the t-shirt asshole. Both of them are scum.

Yeah, you Jew hating Nazis are out in the open....

The blatant racism on this forum is sickening.

Used to be, the KKK hid behind their bed linens. Now they hide behind the perceived anonymity of the internet.

Either way, its some some sick shit.

KKK hated Jews and Catholics almost as much as they hated us black folks.
Since when have monkeys had gold teeth?
I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

Yeah, he is a monkey.

If I went to the mall with him and paraded him around on a stage in his little t-shirt, most people would call him a monkey...not a cock sucker. Being a cock sucker isn't "down" with him.

Stormfront shut down for maintenance? That's be the only reason for you being here. I regret that you and I agree on anything politically.
I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

And you want to pretend you're the 'man' to give it to him, you lying, racist pussy?
Only someone as dumb as a monkey would think gold teeth is "it." You seem to be creeping closer and closer to him with your defense of him.

Now, just shut up.

Since when have monkeys had gold teeth?
I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

Stormfront shut down for maintenance? That's be the only reason for you being here. I regret that you and I agree on anything politically.
His ass would regret making that t-shirt and you too.

I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

And you want to pretend you're the 'man' to give it to him, you lying, racist pussy?

I dare that monkey to wear that shirt out of the hood, especially around some illegals that look like the mugshot....he will be gator bait.

Dude WTF? Monkey? My God what in the hell is wrong with you?:cuckoo:

Look, I hate cultural Marxism aka political correctness as much as the next guy. A simple admission of a poor choice in words is all that's expected.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just crude as a person, so you don't care how people view your comments.

Can we get that at least? You've clearly demonstrated it.
His ass would regret making that t-shirt and you too.

I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

And you want to pretend you're the 'man' to give it to him, you lying, racist pussy?

Everyone who believes that, raise your hand.



You are kidding no one, you fucking keyboard warrior fraud.
I call stupid black people monkeys, I recall stupid white people hicks/rednecks/hillbillies, etc.

I will call someone a name based on their BEHAVIOR not their skin color. He acts like a monkey with his gold teeth, gangster look and his little t-shirt that is asking for an ass-whooping.

Yeah, he is a monkey.

If I went to the mall with him and paraded him around on a stage in his little t-shirt, most people would call him a monkey...not a cock sucker. Being a cock sucker isn't "down" with him.

Stormfront shut down for maintenance? That's be the only reason for you being here. I regret that you and I agree on anything politically.

How about you just call stupid people "stupid" and leave off the racial slurs? Nah, guess not; that would be too much like right.

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