
Hilarious how they even need to lie about not being leftists, their cult is so well known for being mentally deranged.

Its "true"......hell, America has THREE MORE MILLION leftist voters who are ALSO mentally deranged........thank goodness for morons like you.......LOL
Who gives a shit what the fags in San Franisco think? They are irrelivent, Trump doesn't need KKKalifornia.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier

File that under IRAQ WMD

The CIA and the UN both told Bush and Cheney there were no WMD's but Cheney was having none of it. He ordered them the find him evidence and not to come back without it.

Now you have another President who is denying what the CIA is telling him and insulting and denigrating the head of the FBI to the Russian Ambassador and saying he got rid of the pressure from the investigation.

I would say that the concessions shown the Russians by Trump this week, would cause investigators to double their efforts.
"Russia has invaded US & continues to try to undermine our democracy. DT refuses to protect us. Don't let a weak ignorant liar sell us out." - Crazy Rob "Meathead" Reiner
You are fake news you lying little weasel. We saw exactly what Trump thinks in the press conference. Press conferences show exactly what a individual thinks. Anyone can write a speech but responses in a press conference can't be scripted. Trump criticized our intelligence agencies and said we don't know who hacked our elections. He is more interested in his fantasies that he won the popular vote rather than the fact that Russia is trying to hack our state elections commissions.

By the way, you are aware of the fact that Obama placed sanctions on Russia. They may have been weak but for a pacifist like Obama, it was major. Trump is being taken to the cleaners by Putin and being left to the laundry bill. Putin is a adult and Trump is a petulant child.

Trump had no problem with bringing up the fantasy that Mexico is going to pay for the wall while he was meeting with the Mexican President. Trump ha no idea who are enemies are. Putin is laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
Again, you need to stop watching so much CNN.
The intelligence agencies do NOT know 100% who did it because the DNC has yet to turn their servers over to the FBI. All we have is Democrat operatives saying THEY have evidence it came from Russia, so Trump is absolutely correct that intelligence agencies do not know.
Everything else is CNN, NYT and the alphabet fake news hypothesizing and repeating "some say" "we have reason to believe" etc. etc.
Also, if it is true that it came from Russia, and it probably did, that does not prove that the Russian government was involved let alone that Trump colluded with them...which is absolutely nothing more than theory.
The Russian mafia for instance, does a LOT of hacking worldwide. It is reasonable to believe there is a possibility they did it. But we will never know unless the DNC releases the servers.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid and embarrassing yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself. Mike Pence is not a Democrat operative and he looked at the intelligence and concluded it was true as well. Whether Trump colluded or not is the issue. The Russians interfered in our elections and are continuing to do so.

Evidence of what? Russia may have hacked something, but do we know what it hacked? No, all we have are some claims that are supported only by super duper double top secret evidence that no one can see.
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier
You mock our intelligence agencies too?? You and dump should take a long walk off a short pier

File that under IRAQ WMD

The CIA and the UN both told Bush and Cheney there were no WMD's but Cheney was having none of it. He ordered them the find him evidence and not to come back without it.

Now you have another President who is denying what the CIA is telling him and insulting and denigrating the head of the FBI to the Russian Ambassador and saying he got rid of the pressure from the investigation.

I would say that the concessions shown the Russians by Trump this week, would cause investigators to double their efforts.
You need to stop reading Soros websites.

Start by watching the YouTube of Hillary insisting AQ was in Iraq and calling for invasion.
Occam's Razor. It's you people who are inventing complex scenarios to make Russia just as innocent as lambs here. Donald Trump and you hardcore disciples are really the only people in the world who think Russia didn't do shit. You keep asking for evidence. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence of collusion and obstruction that no one, not the republicans or even Donald Trump can shut down the investigations. Quit trying to act like there is nothing here. If they were not finding a Russian every time they turned over a rock it would probably already be over.
A Russian or a republican
Russians seem to have been connected with practically everyone in the Trump camp in one way or another. The fact that republicans seem to now trust Russia and Putin more than anyone in this country is alarming to say the least.

Anyone with international experience has had a connection with Russia. It only makes sense. Ditto all the business people involved in the campaign. Both sides.

AND what the hell is wrong with that? What is illegal about it? Tony Podesta was working for the state owned Russian bank and lobbying to get sanctions removed. Who freaking cares.

Foreign governments hire firms like the Podesta brothers all the time. ITS NOT A FUCKING CRIME. Do I want Tony Podesta arrested for working and lobbying for the Russian owned bank?

No. That would be insane.
Insane is thinking you can prove the Trump camp innocent by bringing up shit democrats allegedly did. They are not the ones kissing Putin ass Right Now. Even if all your bullshit was accurate it matters far less than how your man seems to be doing things that hurt our relations with our allies and yet benefit Putin. He is acting exactly like a blackmailed man working for Russia against American interests.
Russian hoax is dead. Just like the Democratic Party.
It's only dead under the rocks where where you get your news. The investigation is still ongoing and remarkably leak free compared with the Trump administration.
A Russian or a republican
Russians seem to have been connected with practically everyone in the Trump camp in one way or another. The fact that republicans seem to now trust Russia and Putin more than anyone in this country is alarming to say the least.

Anyone with international experience has had a connection with Russia. It only makes sense. Ditto all the business people involved in the campaign. Both sides.

AND what the hell is wrong with that? What is illegal about it? Tony Podesta was working for the state owned Russian bank and lobbying to get sanctions removed. Who freaking cares.

Foreign governments hire firms like the Podesta brothers all the time. ITS NOT A FUCKING CRIME. Do I want Tony Podesta arrested for working and lobbying for the Russian owned bank?

No. That would be insane.
Insane is thinking you can prove the Trump camp innocent by bringing up shit democrats allegedly did. They are not the ones kissing Putin ass Right Now. Even if all your bullshit was accurate it matters far less than how your man seems to be doing things that hurt our relations with our allies and yet benefit Putin. He is acting exactly like a blackmailed man working for Russia against American interests.
Russian hoax is dead. Just like the Democratic Party.
It's only dead under the rocks where where you get your news. The investigation is still ongoing and remarkably leak free compared with the Trump administration.
Will you move to Canada after?
Funniest post today. Shitforbrains links to a Soros website as his evidence.

that Soros really bothers you, doesn't he.......LOL (but hannity thanks you for your tenacity...and, of course, for being such a mindless idiot)
Especially when we know the cia has a program to make it look like Russians are hacking. Which program was leaked to just about anyone who wants to use it
Enough of this republican sickness for the day Stew in your own BS

Why is the truth sick to you?

We know anyone who wants it has the tech to look like the Russians hacking

We know the DNC has not allowed any government agency to examine their servers.

We have multiple agency heads testify under oath that the Russians had no success impacting the election.

This is all on the record. Why shouldn't we believe it?
Occam's Razor. It's you people who are inventing complex scenarios to make Russia just as innocent as lambs here. Donald Trump and you hardcore disciples are really the only people in the world who think Russia didn't do shit. You keep asking for evidence. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence of collusion and obstruction that no one, not the republicans or even Donald Trump can shut down the investigations. Quit trying to act like there is nothing here. If they were not finding a Russian every time they turned over a rock it would probably already be over.
A Russian or a republican
Russians seem to have been connected with practically everyone in the Trump camp in one way or another. The fact that republicans seem to now trust Russia and Putin more than anyone in this country is alarming to say the least.
By "connected" you mean shaking hands with one in front of 300 people? That term doesn't mean much coming from the mouth of a douche bag snowflake like you.
Especially when we know the cia has a program to make it look like Russians are hacking. Which program was leaked to just about anyone who wants to use it
Enough of this republican sickness for the day Stew in your own BS

Why is the truth sick to you?

We know anyone who wants it has the tech to look like the Russians hacking

We know the DNC has not allowed any government agency to examine their servers.

We have multiple agency heads testify under oath that the Russians had no success impacting the election.

This is all on the record. Why shouldn't we believe it?
Occam's Razor. It's you people who are inventing complex scenarios to make Russia just as innocent as lambs here. Donald Trump and you hardcore disciples are really the only people in the world who think Russia didn't do shit. You keep asking for evidence. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence of collusion and obstruction that no one, not the republicans or even Donald Trump can shut down the investigations. Quit trying to act like there is nothing here. If they were not finding a Russian every time they turned over a rock it would probably already be over.

List the circumstantial evidence. And trust me oh boy I want the investigations to continue. Because now we have Loretta Lynch by the you know what and acting Deputy FBI Director directly involved in being investigated.
Screw you comrade, I do not go hunting links for Russian sympathizers to dismiss out of hand. You and the rest of the Trumpbots wanted Hillary in front of a firing squad on far less credible evidence. If you actually paid attention to how things are going you would not be asking random people on the internet to rehash what you should already know.

So the people laughing at you are "Russian sympathizers" now?

Such a petulant little snowflake!
Enough of this republican sickness for the day Stew in your own BS

Why is the truth sick to you?

We know anyone who wants it has the tech to look like the Russians hacking

We know the DNC has not allowed any government agency to examine their servers.

We have multiple agency heads testify under oath that the Russians had no success impacting the election.

This is all on the record. Why shouldn't we believe it?
Occam's Razor. It's you people who are inventing complex scenarios to make Russia just as innocent as lambs here. Donald Trump and you hardcore disciples are really the only people in the world who think Russia didn't do shit. You keep asking for evidence. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence of collusion and obstruction that no one, not the republicans or even Donald Trump can shut down the investigations. Quit trying to act like there is nothing here. If they were not finding a Russian every time they turned over a rock it would probably already be over.
A Russian or a republican
Russians seem to have been connected with practically everyone in the Trump camp in one way or another. The fact that republicans seem to now trust Russia and Putin more than anyone in this country is alarming to say the least.

Anyone with international experience has had a connection with Russia. It only makes sense. Ditto all the business people involved in the campaign. Both sides.

AND what the hell is wrong with that? What is illegal about it? Tony Podesta was working for the state owned Russian bank and lobbying to get sanctions removed. Who freaking cares.

Foreign governments hire firms like the Podesta brothers all the time. ITS NOT A FUCKING CRIME. Do I want Tony Podesta arrested for working and lobbying for the Russian owned bank?

No. That would be insane.

Occupied has a list of 257 Republicans who have "connections" with Russians.
Especially when we know the cia has a program to make it look like Russians are hacking. Which program was leaked to just about anyone who wants to use it
Enough of this republican sickness for the day Stew in your own BS

Why is the truth sick to you?

We know anyone who wants it has the tech to look like the Russians hacking

We know the DNC has not allowed any government agency to examine their servers.

We have multiple agency heads testify under oath that the Russians had no success impacting the election.

This is all on the record. Why shouldn't we believe it?
Occam's Razor. It's you people who are inventing complex scenarios to make Russia just as innocent as lambs here. Donald Trump and you hardcore disciples are really the only people in the world who think Russia didn't do shit. You keep asking for evidence. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence of collusion and obstruction that no one, not the republicans or even Donald Trump can shut down the investigations. Quit trying to act like there is nothing here. If they were not finding a Russian every time they turned over a rock it would probably already be over.
A Russian or a republican
Russians seem to have been connected with practically everyone in the Trump camp in one way or another. The fact that republicans seem to now trust Russia and Putin more than anyone in this country is alarming to say the least.

It's rather evident you are alone in that opinion. In fact Democrat Senator Feinstein, Comey, the Senate Investigation Committee, the House Judiciary Committee, as well as Mueller himself found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians in an effort to jointly try to influence an election result. What we have is a group of liberal democrats and those in the media who are not mature enough to know how to handle a Hillary defeat gracefully. Instead we have endless CNN drama that was uncovered as being done strictly for the purpose of ratings, in fact CNN has lost credibility to accurately inform based on facts (not a wish list to restore the embarrassment of a losing campaign).
Obviously President Obama couldn't handle Putin. What has the community organizer done to show himself the stronger leader of the two powers?

Do you wish to see a LIST of the sanctions imposed on Putin by Obama since 2014??

Yes or No???

(actually have your mommy look it up for you....LOL)

Your Community Organizer didn't even do anything when he was first informed that Russia may be trying to influence or tamper with the Presidential Election when it was brought to his attention in September. He balked at his "Red Line" threat over Syrua's use of biological weapons on its people. A war that the Soviets showed their military influence, and now you want me to honestly believe you can show President Obama was effective as being the stronger leader in restricting Russia's actions.

Let me guess, your information is tied to a CNN or New York Times source, the very same ones that were oh so certain Trump was involved in collusion with the Russians. :lol: Please do me a favor and don't embarrass yourself with your delusions that President Obama pushed Putin to bow to HIS whims. Obviously you have your facts on the Russians confused.
Your Community Organizer didn't even do anything when he was first informed that Russia may be trying to influencer tamper with the Presidential Election when it was brought to his attaention in September

Listen fuck head......You may be a racist asshole BUT, at least, read a newspaper and you too could learn (by some miracle) what Obama did after finding out about the Russian hacking....Until then, wear turtle necks to hide that redness......
Who even knows the information Trump passed on to Putin. Remember, he did it before. After all, no one was there as a witness. What do you talk about for over two hours?
After all, no one was there as a witness. What do you talk about for over two hours?

Well, in "fairness" one would conclude that good ol' Rex wanted to see if the deal for Exxon is still on about drilling in the arctic.........AND, our beloved orange clown wanted to know if he can still have access to Russian oligarch's money laundering schemes.........Now, THAT takes some negotiating about whether to lift sanctions or not.
Who even knows the information Trump passed on to Putin. Remember, he did it before. After all, no one was there as a witness. What do you talk about for over two hours?
Who knows what information Hillary or Obama passed on to Russia? Speculating about things that you have absolutely no knowledge of can be used to tar anyone. It's just another typical irrational snowflake propaganda tactic.
After all, no one was there as a witness. What do you talk about for over two hours?

Well, in "fairness" one would conclude that good ol' Rex wanted to see if the deal for Exxon is still on about drilling in the arctic.........AND, our beloved orange clown wanted to know if he can still have access to Russian oligarch's money laundering schemes.........Now, THAT takes some negotiating about whether to lift sanctions or not.
One could conclude that you're an idiot, and unlike your theories, one would have a 100% chance of being correct.

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