
No one cares about the damn photos, moron. The discussion is about your claim that Trump gave out classified information. That claim is clearly a damn lie.

Israel was pissed that Trump gave out classified Israeli intelligence. Trump can betray his own 17 intelligence agencies, but israel wasn't going to let Trump get away with it.

But of course, Trump made a deal to pay off Israel.

Trump says he never told the Russians classified intelligence came from Israel

JERUSALEM — President Trump said Monday that he never told Russian diplomats during a May 10 Oval Office meeting that the classified information about the Islamic State he was sharing with them had come from Israel

But Trump has not been accused of explicitly telling the Russians that the intelligence concerning the Islamic State came through Israel. Rather, because he revealed specifically where the information had come from within Syria, Russian intelligence officials could determine the source nevertheless.

During the May 10 meeting, Trump relayed sensitive information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about the Islamic State in Syria that had beenprovided to the U.S. government by Israel through an intelligence partnership. Israel had not given Trump permission to share the material with Russia.
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‘President Donald Trump gave the sluggish scandal that still has no name an ass-slap of giddyap at the G-20 conference this week in Hamburg where he met the scandal’s purported auteur, Russian President Vladimir Putin. Shaking Putin’s hand, patting his back and pronouncing it an “honor” finally to meet his counterpart, Trump confirmed himself Russia’s most powerful supplicant.

Even Russia-scandal skeptics had to cringe at the servile mewling of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who spoke to the press after the two-hour-plus mini-summit, which included the principals, Tillerson, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov, and two translators. Tillerson said Trump raised the subject of Russian campaign meddling but that Putin had denied it and at that Trump agreed to move on.

Lavrov told the press that Trump accepted Putin’s assurances that his country did not interfere in the American election. “There was not a lot of relitigating of the past,” Tillerson agreed, which was a peculiar thing for him to say seeing as relitigation is Trump’s default posture. The president, who is a grudgemaster and accomplished Twitter duelist, imagines himself a tough negotiator. He’s made so many contentious and frivolous court appearances he could pass for a vexatious litigant.

If the mark of a great diplomat is the ability to speak craziness with a straight face, Tillerson earned admittance to the Dips Hall of Fame. A “framework” for cybersecurity cooperation would be set up between the two countries, he promised. This would be like going into the fencing business with the guy who burgled your house. Sounding more like a therapist than the secretary of state, Tillerson said, “We’re unhappy. They’re unhappy,” and explained that salvaging this “really important relationship” meant blotting out the recent unpleasantness. (Take a shot of amnesia and call me in the morning.)’

Week 7: Trump Shakes Hands and the Deep State Stirs

Trump, the willing rube, makes it too easy for Putin.
A “framework” for cybersecurity cooperation would be set up between the two countries, he promised. This would be like going into the fencing business with the guy who burgled your house.

I'm reminded of when I got an epiphany when trying to find out the top speed of a russian fighter jet. Everywhere I looked, it said the top speed was classified. So I thought, why would it be classified? Don't the russians already have the performance limits of their own aircraft? And then I realized, it wasn't classified because we didn't want the russians to know, but it was classified so the russians wouldn't know what we know.

As soon as you tell them what you think the specifications are, they know where the information was leaked from, and can plug the leak.

So telling the russians what we know about cybersecurity would only give away all our tools.
You think that hacking our elections is a way of saying how friendly we are. You are a fucking traitor to this country you Putin loving bastard. Why don't you move to Russia if you think Putin is so friendly. Get your traitorous ass out of this country you traitor.

Until the intelligence agencies actually examine the DNC servers and produce evidence of the hackers nationality we won't know who hacked the server.

Especially when we know the cia has a program to make it look like Russians are hacking. Which program was leaked to just about anyone who wants to use it
Enough of this republican sickness for the day Stew in your own BS

Why is the truth sick to you?

We know anyone who wants it has the tech to look like the Russians hacking

We know the DNC has not allowed any government agency to examine their servers.

We have multiple agency heads testify under oath that the Russians had no success impacting the election.

This is all on the record. Why shouldn't we believe it?
Occam's Razor. It's you people who are inventing complex scenarios to make Russia just as innocent as lambs here. Donald Trump and you hardcore disciples are really the only people in the world who think Russia didn't do shit. You keep asking for evidence. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence of collusion and obstruction that no one, not the republicans or even Donald Trump can shut down the investigations. Quit trying to act like there is nothing here. If they were not finding a Russian every time they turned over a rock it would probably already be over.

If there was evidence, even circumstantial evidence, you'd be producing it
One could conclude that you're an idiot, and unlike your theories, one would have a 100% chance of being correct.

I am soooo "hurt"........LOL

One would think you'd realize how ineffective people calling you an idiot is on you and you'd think, " hey this has no effect on me. So maybe me calling them idiots has no effect."

I know absolutely crazy to think you'd learn something
One could conclude that you're an idiot, and unlike your theories, one would have a 100% chance of being correct.

I am soooo "hurt"........LOL

One would think you'd realize how ineffective people calling you an idiot is on you and you'd think, " hey this has no effect on me. So maybe me calling them idiots has no effect."

I know absolutely crazy to think you'd learn something

He either doesn't know or doesn't care. But hey, he likes to channel his inner Trump and call people names and goad people on. Maybe it's something he can't help?
The White House's decision to let only a Russian photographer into Trump's Oval Office meeting has turned out ugly

And while American press was barred from attending, a photographer from Tass, Russia's state-run news agency, took photos of the event. Those photos, which later surfaced on Tass' website, were the only ones to emerge publicly from the meeting.

Though some of the images suggested Trump was clearly aware he was being photographed, the White House reportedly tried to blame the Russians for the photos, saying it did not anticipate the photos would be posted online.

Jim Acosta, tweeted that a White House official had said Russians "lie" and had "tricked" US officials.
Jim Acosta

Your Community Organizer didn't even do anything when he was first informed that Russia may be trying to influencer tamper with the Presidential Election when it was brought to his attaention in September

Listen fuck head......You may be a racist asshole BUT, at least, read a newspaper and you too could learn (by some miracle) what Obama did after finding out about the Russian hacking....Until then, wear turtle necks to hide that redness......

I'm racist for pointing out examples of how poor of a job Obama did regarding Russia and foreign policy? If you feel the need that you have to bring racism into this for not agreeing with a president and how he handles foreign policy, then that says a lot about a real ignorant dumbass who can't even defend his own position that he has to coward down and hide behind someone's skin color when he can't handle it.

I believe both President Obama and President Clinton did a shitty job at handling foreign policy, and I don't account that to skin color but their own personal choices. I'm not as shallow as you are.
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Who even knows the information Trump passed on to Putin. Remember, he did it before. After all, no one was there as a witness. What do you talk about for over two hours?

There is more cloud of suspicion that you can't explain away surrounding a private tarmac meeting between two individuals, Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch that resulted in a change of handling a spouse's investigation that followed, than you can find between those regarding Trump and Putin.
So Americans not dying in Syria is a bad thing now?

Not all arrangements are win-lose deals. In fact, we should avoid those when possible. Some are win-win. I don't mind Russians winning if we do too

All we really got regarding Syria.....is a continuation of the Assad crooked and deadly regime....AND, agreed to give Russia a foothold in that region.....THINK, moron.

Assad is better than ISIS, and if Putin wants to spend russian lives and money killing radical islamic assholes, I wish him well.

Actually considering the key military commander that gained all the territory in the beginning was Chechen and many military personnel with ISIS were jihadists from Chechnya, Putin has every reason to be fighting in Syria to defeat ISIS.

More so than any other foreign power.

If not for Nato expansion, Russia and the US could be great allies against Islamic Extremism.

Hell, NATO, Russia, even freaking China, we all have problems with these violent assholes.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?

And this kneeling to Putin by Trump has to be viewed in the long run. Just as with Kim Jong Un and George W Bush, not forcing harsh consequences on Putin will lead to far greater attacks on our elections and military computer networks. US intelligence agencies have already confirmed this. So Trump is making the future dealings with Putin on Russia's interference with elections in the West far more dangerous. We'll have to deal with perpetual escalations by the Russians in the future. Just as we have to now deal with North Korea because W Bush and Dickh Cheney simply ignored North Korea and allowed them to develop and test the first North Korea atomic bomb during Bush's time in office.

Republicans have no concept on how to conduct foreign policy. And with Trump's collusion with Russia to hack US elections he is giving them the greenlight to do this over and over and far more overtly in the future.

1. North Korea is outside of our control and thus not our responsibility.

2. Your red baiting in noted and dismissed. Hopefully the dems have learned an important lesson in security.

3. I do not want to see Seoul in ruins. Hundreds of thousands could die. Give peace a chance.
Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

No, we are bein set up for War and it would have happened no matter WHO "won" the election.

set up by who? Where does that crap come from?

Why history of course. Do you actually think it's a coincidence that we are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria? Do you think it's a coincidence that Russia and Iran are aligned against us in Syria? Do you think the NORKS are being this belligerent for no reason? Do you think we are essentially playing chicken with both China and Russia globally for no reason? You/we are watching a Global Chess Match, it's quite the dangerous game and it will end badly.

I understand all that. But you said "we are being set up". By who? Who, by name, wants a world war? Who would benefit? Who are the members of this imaginary global conspiracy?

I will not do your research for you, but I can point in the right direction if you wish. It goes further back than this but start with 1913 and work your way forward. Look at the significant global and regional developments from that time on. I will give you one hint, follow the money. I've learned that I cannot open ANYONES eyes, they must be willing and desirous of knowing the truth. So much so that they are compelled to do the research for themselves. You are quite free to "poo poo" all of this, it does not however change the truth. It's ALWAYS about the money. I said we are watching a Global Chess Match, indeed we are....the thing is that Chess IS a game of war and the game does not "play" itself. It always involves a guiding hand. Follow the money.

ok, simple question, if we follow the money, where does it lead? Who are these global conspirators who want to dominate the world thru wars?
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

All countries try to influence elections in other countries. The USA has been doing that for over 200 years. Do you want us to stop?

So you want us to control Russian activity? How exactly would that operate? War?

Trump is no one's stooge. The stooge was Obama. The stoogeette was Hillary.

I understand that you hate Trump. But you make yourself look like a complete fool with bullshit talking point posts like the one above.

Tell us where we have hacked into another country's voting systems. You are a typical Trump traitor. Reagan stood up to the Soviets and defeated them without firing a shot. He didn't do it by letting the Russians run wild.

No voting system was hacked. You are being lied to by your thought leaders who use "hacking" to describe the leaking of HIllary's information just before the election.

They do that because they consider you stupid enough to not be able to understand the distinction.

Every time they say "hacking" they are calling you stupid.
After all, you were there.

"... should have went ..."? :laugh:
Putin wants America to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian power?

Putin wants American to strongly resist every move Putin takes to increase Russian wealth?

PUtin wants America to ring Russia with strong forces and alliances to threaten RUssia?

Cause that's what a Cold War is, and only no reasonable person would think that PUtin wants that.

PUtin wants good relations with the US and there is no reason to not have them.

Give Peace a chance you warmonger.

Every time Russia comes up on this board it's almost like every conservative has totally forgotten who we are dealing with. We are being set up for a fall and Trump is just going to let it happen, when it does you people will still find some way to make it all Obama's fault.

bullshit. Trump is dealing with Russia the same way Reagan dealt with them. From strength and truth.

Bullys like Putin only understand and respect one thing, strength. Obama was weak and was not respected by any world power.

The fact is that Russia is at war with us and Trump seems to want to ignore it. You are pushing bullshit. Reagan was a adult, Trump is a petulant child as is his supporters.
Russia is at war with us?

Obama mocked Romney for saying Russia was an adversary and telling Putin he'd have more flexibility. Who's the Russian stooge again?
The Russia we faced in 2012 was not the Russia we now have to deal with. They had not yet invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea, increased the misery of the Syrian conflict or mounted an espionage operation against our electoral process. Seriously, quit worrying about what Obama did and start worrying about how your messiah is dealing with Putin right now. Putin has made a calculation that to make Russia a world power again he must push us aside and Trump is helping him with your full unquestioning support.

Right, because flipping the Crimea vastly changed the world Balance of Power.


I'm racist for pointing out examples of how poor of a job Obama did regarding Russia and foreign policy? If you feel the need that you have to bring racism into this for not agreeing with a president and how he handles foreign policy, then that says a lot about a real ignorant dumbass who can't even defend his own position that he has to coward down and hide behind someone's skin color when he can't handle it.

Well,I noticed that in the ABOVE post, you cleaned up your racist remarks to elicit from your fellow morons how "hurt" you are for being called.....well, a racist porcine; however, in your PREVIOUS posts, the redneck showed up brightly and bigly. LOL
I'm racist for pointing out examples of how poor of a job Obama did regarding Russia and foreign policy? If you feel the need that you have to bring racism into this for not agreeing with a president and how he handles foreign policy, then that says a lot about a real ignorant dumbass who can't even defend his own position that he has to coward down and hide behind someone's skin color when he can't handle it.

Well,I noticed that in the ABOVE post, you cleaned up your racist remarks to elicit from your fellow morons how "hurt" you are for being called.....well, a racist porcine; however, in your PREVIOUS posts, the redneck showed up brightly and bigly. LOL

I read his previous post, what "racist remark" did he make?

As you call him a "redneck", LOL!!!!
So, what exactly do you WANT from Russia?

For Russia to STOP the interference in the U.S. and European elections
For Russia to STOP the belligerence in trying to rebuild a Soviet empire...and
For Russia to STOP placing stooges like Trump in charge of her opponents.

All countries try to influence elections in other countries. The USA has been doing that for over 200 years. Do you want us to stop?

So you want us to control Russian activity? How exactly would that operate? War?

Trump is no one's stooge. The stooge was Obama. The stoogeette was Hillary.

I understand that you hate Trump. But you make yourself look like a complete fool with bullshit talking point posts like the one above.

Tell us where we have hacked into another country's voting systems. You are a typical Trump traitor. Reagan stood up to the Soviets and defeated them without firing a shot. He didn't do it by letting the Russians run wild.

No voting system was hacked. You are being lied to by your thought leaders who use "hacking" to describe the leaking of HIllary's information just before the election.

They do that because they consider you stupid enough to not be able to understand the distinction.

Every time they say "hacking" they are calling you stupid.

Remember when it was perfectly fine for information to be released regarding President Bush and waterboarding? Now that the tide has turned in attacking their party's President it's a conspiracy to undermine the credibility of an individual. In the end it's all a matter of excuses to explain away an unfavorable outcome, with childish tastings of "RESIST" when it's not their party in control. There is your truth.
From the much awaited Putin-Trump meeting, we can conclude that Putin got ALL that he wanted, and the first hint of what was to happen could be discerned from the lack of transparency regarding what the meeting really addressed.

Putin got what he wanted.......To have Russia, once again, be recognized as a world power in par with the U.S.

Regarding the Russian hacking, Trump has long "cleared" Putin of any wrong doings, as Putin clearly wanted..............Had this meeting yielded a thorough transcript of Trump .....as a "strong" leader........stating, "Look Putin, my intelligence agencies are very good and they tell me that you DID interfere in our elections and this MUST STOP or Russia will be subjected to additional sanctions and retaliatory actions against the Russian Government...."...........and had that exchange been recorded, Trump would have GAINED respect for both the left and the right in our country.......But, instead, Trump opted to be Putin's stooge and simply concluded that whatever the past may or may not be....."let's proceed as if nothing happened"...

The U.S. "lost" and Putin "won"........If anything, this meeting was strictly a business one, where Rex probably got a nod from the Russian to drill in the arctic, and conceded that Russia could be belligerent all that country may want regarding the Ukraine and other Russian bordering countries. (and, of course, installing any missile defense in Poland is just another "gift" to both our military complex spending AND a great tool for Putin to also claim to be the "defender" of Russian sovereignty along that border.)

Bottom line.........Putin comes off stronger, and the U.S. as compliant....Some "art of the deal", don't you think?
The mention of transparency by a liberal is hilariously hypocritical being that the previous Administration was translucent as mud. Let agree that no matter what the outcome of the meeting between the Presidents people like youself were still going to bitch and moan.
The mention of transparency by a liberal is hilariously hypocritical being that the previous Administration was translucent as mud. Let agree that no matter what the outcome of the meeting between the Presidents people like youself were still going to bitch and moan.

NO.....you're defending the indefensible.......There have ALWAYS been transcripts of what transpired at these types of meetings, except when these 4 thugs decided that what they "chatted" about should not be disclosed....and we should just take the word from these same thugs that "all is well".......
The mention of transparency by a liberal is hilariously hypocritical being that the previous Administration was translucent as mud. Let agree that no matter what the outcome of the meeting between the Presidents people like youself were still going to bitch and moan.

NO.....you're defending the indefensible.......There have ALWAYS been transcripts of what transpired at these types of meetings, except when these 4 thugs decided that what they "chatted" about should not be disclosed....and we should just take the word from these same thugs that "all is well".......
....and we should just take the word from these same thugs that "all is well".......
do you have proof otherwise?

Or just wish there was?
do you have proof otherwise?

Or just wish there was?

MORON.....how can there be proof of something that was obviously kept secret???

Probably Rex got a nod that his Exxon can drill once sanctions are lifted.
Donald got a nod that Russian oligarchs will keep loaning him money to launder.
Vlad got the OK to fuck up Russia's neighbors....

Do YOU have any "proof' that the above did NOT happen???

Please share....LOL

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