Putin and Ron Paul tell truth.Assad not behind chemical attacks.US is.

I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.
I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.
But you believe it when the TV tells you Trumpet is president..
I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.

There is a very good reason you don't understand, but that is obvious to all.

BTW, "with all the proof or it"? I've yet to see any proof which is probative to your argument about TV News. Much of TV News is video, supplemented by commentary cited by a reporter, which can be fact checked elsewhere.

But stories on the Internet are rarely fact checked, if it is posted on the Internet it must be verified somewhere else; sadly, much of what is posted on the Internet is echoed by true believers who fail to be diligent in verifying what they believe as the truth. Willful ignorance and partisan posts go hand in hand and infect others.

Consider this, a Journalist has a code of ethics; a post or blog on the Internet is generally the biased opinion of the author - which can be thoughtful and thought provoking, or thoughtless and an echo of propaganda.

Then there are Idiot-Grams, which dominate the latter two.
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This was WHY Paul never had a chance to be elected was he would not go along with our governments lies they always invent so they can invade other countries such as Iraq and afgahinstan always starting wars with other countries such as syria now.

Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag | Zero Hedge
Although I said exactly the same thing the very day of the attack it does not make it a zero chance. The article say Paul says zero chance that it could have been Assad. Hardly saying there was zero chance Assad did do it.

IF Assad is the bad man that the Obama administration made him out to be, and if the US intelligence reported that it was Assad then I am thinking that although it looks to be stupid, he just might have done so.

I also heard that the gas was delivered by airplane. I seriously doubt that delivering the gas via airplane is an efficient delivery system.

Bottom line, we don't know, you, me or Paul.
Naivety can be dangerously stupid...

Trump is a puppet doll with string in the hands of his Neo-con masters... keep dreaming that he made 1 objective decision the last couple of weeks.

so very true.:thup: those words spoken above by someone awake.
This should be in the nutcase conspiracy section...... or the Rubber Room.......
I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.

the sheep like moonglow believe everything the LAMESTREAM media that they worship says,they think they can do no wrong and are always right,that if they say it happened that way,then its true,thats good enough for them.:rolleyes:
The thing is the Russians certainly have the tracking capability and as far as I know have not said the US was lying when the published the flight paths of the plane. Seems like an odd omission. In fact they backed away from Assad a bit and said they don't support him unilaterally.
This was WHY Paul never had a chance to be elected was he would not go along with our governments lies they always invent so they can invade other countries such as Iraq and afgahinstan always starting wars with other countries such as syria now.

Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag | Zero Hedge
Although I said exactly the same thing the very day of the attack it does not make it a zero chance. The article say Paul says zero chance that it could have been Assad. Hardly saying there was zero chance Assad did do it.

IF Assad is the bad man that the Obama administration made him out to be, and if the US intelligence reported that it was Assad then I am thinking that although it looks to be stupid, he just might have done so.

I also heard that the gas was delivered by airplane. I seriously doubt that delivering the gas via airplane is an efficient delivery system.

Bottom line, we don't know, you, me or Paul.

thats a good point HOWEVER,considering the lies of the lamestream media have told over the last several DECADES such as the JFK assassination,vietnam,waco,flight 800,,9/11,ect,ect,ect, and the fact they dont do any REAL investigating,that the BEST work on media reporting is from independent news sources such drudge,american free press, and the corbett report-a man who had to flee america to japan because he had death threats given to him and his family for exposing our governments corruption with news items like this one,dont know what he has said on this even but this is just an example of his reporting." ect,ect as a just a FEW examples,

considering the BEST media reporting is from people like them, and ron paul has come out and told the truth that he would not support Romney because he is the same as Obama,no different whatsoever,:clap2:

the fact ron paul has come out and said what very FEW politicians will ever say the TRUTH that we need to get rid of the CIA,the FBI,and the fed,because they are the reason the world is in the mess it is,I would believe ron paul any day of the year over the LAMESTREAM media and what THEY say.:rofl::lmao:
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I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.

There is a very good reason you don't understand, but that is obvious to all.

BTW, "with all the proof or it"? I've yet to see any proof which is probative to your argument about TV News. Much of TV News is video, supplemented by commentary cited by a reporter, which can be fact checked elsewhere.

But stories on the Internet are rarely fact checked, if it is posted on the Internet it must be verified somewhere else; sadly, much of what is posted on the Internet is echoed by true believers who fail to be diligent in verifying what they believe as the truth. Willful ignorance and partisan posts go hand in hand and infect others.

Consider this, a Journalist has a code of ethics; a post or blog on the Internet is generally the biased opinion of the author - which can be thoughtful and thought provoking, or thoughtless and an echo of propaganda.

Then there are Idiot-Grams, which dominate the latter two.

you mean like the MAGIC bullet reporting by the media back in the 60's that oswald was the lone assassin or dan rather saying JFK's head went FORWARD."THAT" lazy idiot gram reporting?:lmao::haha:
This was WHY Paul never had a chance to be elected was he would not go along with our governments lies they always invent so they can invade other countries such as Iraq and afgahinstan always starting wars with other countries such as syria now.

Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag | Zero Hedge
Although I said exactly the same thing the very day of the attack it does not make it a zero chance. The article say Paul says zero chance that it could have been Assad. Hardly saying there was zero chance Assad did do it.

IF Assad is the bad man that the Obama administration made him out to be, and if the US intelligence reported that it was Assad then I am thinking that although it looks to be stupid, he just might have done so.

I also heard that the gas was delivered by airplane. I seriously doubt that delivering the gas via airplane is an efficient delivery system.

Bottom line, we don't know, you, me or Paul.

thats a good point HOWEVER,considering the lies of the lamestream media have told over the last several DECADES such as the JFK assassination,vietnam,waco,flight 800,ect,ect,ect, and the fact they dont do any REAL investigating,that the BEST work on media reporting is from independent news sources such drudge,american free press, and the corbett report-a man who had to flee america to japan because he had death threats given to him and his family for exposing our governments corruption with news items like this one,dont know what he has said on this even but this is just an example of his reporting." ect,ect as a just a FEW examples,

considering the BEST media reporting is from people like them, and ron paul has come out and told the truth that he would not support Romney because he is the same as Obama,no different whatsoever,the fact ron paul has come out and said what very FEW politicians will ever say the TRUTH that we need to get rid of the CIA,the FBI,and the fed,because they are the reason the world is in the mess it is,I would believe ron paul any day of the year over the LAMESTREAM media and what THEY say.:rofl::lmao:
It appears to me that the media people believe is the media that prints what the person already believes.

Take your first example, JFK. The MSM has reported everything they can about his assignation. I doubt there is not a conspiracy theory out there that has not been reported. I just watched on the TV a theory that an SS agent actually fired, accidentally, the kill shot, from the car behind Kennedy. They produced a lot of evidence that they said supported their conclusion but in so doing they ignored a whole lot more. What I see is spin. Everyone spins things the way they want to see them, you, me and the rest of the subjective world. In or about 1970 I watched a movie about the assignation and at the end they listed those witnesses killed since the assignation and the odds against that happening by chance. I was all fired up. But then one has to realize, there were a whole lot of witnesses left that were not killed, so why kill just a select few that really didn't have any more to add to the story and leave some witnesses that really were telling some damning stories.

A true conspiracy theorist would say it is done just to muddy the waters so the truth will never be told. Meanwhile the only truth they would believe is the truth they already believe without proof. Crazy.

So yeah, I believe a little man with a crappy gun killed a president. Just like a deranged man shot Reagan.

So yeah, I think tall buildings will fall if planes hit them, I SAW IT happen.

Do I believe Assad ordered the use of gas? I think he would be very stupid to do so but maybe he is that stupid.
I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.

the sheep like moonglow believe everything the LAMESTREAM media that they worship says,they think they can do no wrong and are always right,that if they say it happened that way,then its true,thats good enough for them.:rolleyes:
Why thank you, can you and the Lamestream media let me know when it's time to take a dump?
I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.

the sheep like moonglow believe everything the LAMESTREAM media that they worship says,they think they can do no wrong and are always right,that if they say it happened that way,then its true,thats good enough for them.:rolleyes:
Why thank you, can you and the Lamestream media let me know when it's time to take a dump?
For you it's long been past time for that.
Ron Paul is a walking false flag. He is a kook as well as his followers. Any conspiracy theory and they will believe it. The fact that the Russians cannot even come up with a good story on how the gas was delivered shows that Assad is responsible.
I'll never understand, with all the liars and corruption that exists, and with all the proof of it, why anyone believes anything they see on TV or the internet.

the sheep like moonglow believe everything the LAMESTREAM media that they worship says,they think they can do no wrong and are always right,that if they say it happened that way,then its true,thats good enough for them.:rolleyes:
Why thank you, can you and the Lamestream media let me know when it's time to take a dump?
For you it's long been past time for that.

as always,the mods are so much afraid of the truth they consider facts as conspiracys listening to the trolls such as ringle.:D i figured this was coming.:D

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