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Putin appoints outstanding General to command Russian army in eastern Ukraine

The Tochka-U serial number that hit Kramatorsk was manufactured very close to where Richard Lugar visited the nulear rocket silo. Try to keep up: the current nazi POSPOTUS knows his boss, Obama, went with Lugar on one of the Russian inspections.
Putin offered the psycho Zelensky multiple opportunities to lay down his weapons and surrender.
But homo Zelensky refused and urged his people to keep fighting and dying in a war they couldn't win. While he hides out in his Fuhrer bunker in Kyiv living like a king.
When the war is over and Zelensky is captured.
He should be publicly hanged in the center of the city for crimes against the Ukrainian people..
I don't think Ukrainian President is a psycho for not playing dead when Russia came in with deadly killing equipment, and without knowing landmarks nor even caring, they hit civilian hospitals, which is against the Geneva convention, they murdered young and old civilians alike who were not part of the military, which is also against the Geneva Convention. They murdered thousands of civilians in Mauripol recently, and mass buried them in several areas, and dumped bodies of their kills into mass graves attended by backhoes and tractors, to save themselves from bacterial invasion that accompanies unburied bodies, and to hide them from prying eyes such as journalists trying to validate the sorry number of civilians killed.

Sovereign nations have a right to govern themselves, and these amazing people doubled down on their decision to follow their chosen President, Mr. V. Zelensky, who is a hero worldwide for standing up to people willing to divorce the Geneva convention from their practice. Russia will have to deal with people they were assaulting in every bad ways, some so sick I am not going to disgrace this thread with because it is so unthinkably heinous. I come from a military family, sir, and you can thumbs down me all you care to, but I am on the side of God the merciful and those who stand with laws established in our culture by descendants of Abraham, who is also the father of nations of brothers who aren't always very nice to each other. And I will stand for prayer for this insane and unnecessary war against people of Abrahamic descendants, even though they do not please others. Before he was a comedian, President Zelensky was a law scholar in his land, and he decided the people needed laughter more than hatred, so even when he was helping people get through hard times, he didn't let his country's enemies of a thousand years and counting get his people down.

Putin should live and let live. russia already got its pound of flesh from each Ukrainian family from 1930-1948, give or take a year or so, when Russia did a massive slaughter on the Ukraine while the Western World was trying to control Hitler, Russia went after working farmers and their families in a mass genocidal purge of the Ukrainian families who actually served as bread basketeers for many countries all their lives, including providing products of food for Russia in times of their starvation. The nicer the Ukrainian people were to help the Russians, they were paid back with arrogance, thefts of their farms, animals, and crops year after year after year.

I will stand up for those good people as they have cried out to the Lord God, and he answered them with a man who stood up to the Goliath Russian machine. I used to like Russia, too, because I'm an artist, and I visited the Hermitage and witnessed the care those Museum employees who protected their irreplacable artifacts with not allowing people with flash cameras unwittingly destroy colors on rare Da Vinci painting and sculpture, one of the world's only saver of precious treasures of unique artists who put their all into giving the world their best quality of work in their specialties. Even so, next to human beings, even the best artifact is not above God's creation, who is mankind. The world is being sickened by videos and photographs of soldiers doing deviant unkindness to little girls and women before they torture and kill them, and then try to get rid of their crimes by abusing the corpses and putting the parts into mass graves like they don't matter enough to give them and their family consolation of acceptable respect and burial for the bereaved survivors of entire families, neighborhoods, small towns, communities, and wherever the fickle finger of fate were soldiers doing as their leaders directed them to do that sickens the world that has seen the pics and videos picked up by celular phones of people who may have never dreamed they would ever be recording crimes against humanity that the Russians are dishing out.

I am personally sick of the party the Russian Army is having to kill and hide, sexually assault Ukrainian little girls, women, and elderly women, and then hiding and burying the evidence in the form of broken bodies grossly pushed into shallow hollows with tractors delivering and pushing dirt over the dead in the most unceremonious way possible, also against the Geneva convention. I pray for God himself to intervene and save what's left of the dear people of Ukraine who got no judicial hearing for their unfair assassinations.
May those who did untoward things to the women as information and celular photos clarify a few crimes that show some, but not the majority of inhumanities practiced by the Russian assassination blitzkreig of Ukraine.

"But homo Zelensky refused and urged his people..." I looked him up on several biography areas online, and he's married with children. I'm not buying your calumny.
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I don't think Ukrainian President is a psycho for not playing dead when Russia came in with deadly killing equipment, and without knowing landmarks nor even caring, they hit civilian hospitals, which is against the Geneva convention, they murdered young and old civilians alike who were not part of the military, which is also against the Geneva Convention. They murdered thousands of civilians in Mauripol recently, and mass buried them in several areas, and dumped bodies of their kills into mass graves attended by backhoes and tractors, to save themselves from bacterial invasion that accompanies unburied bodies, and to hide them from prying eyes such as journalists trying to validate the sorry number of civilians killed.

Sovereign nations have a right to govern themselves, and these amazing people doubled down on their decision to follow their chosen President, Mr. V. Zelensky, who is a hero worldwide for standing up to people willing to divorce the Geneva convention from their practice. Russia will have to deal with people they were assaulting in every bad ways, some so sick I am not going to disgrace this thread with because it is so unthinkably heinous. I come from a military family, sir, and you can thumbs down me all you care to, but I am on the side of God the merciful and those who stand with laws established in our culture by descendants of Abraham, who is also the father of nations of brothers who aren't always very nice to each other. And I will stand for prayer for this insane and unnecessary war against people of Abrahamic descendants, even though they do not please others. Before he was a comedian, President Zelensky was a law scholar in his land, and he decided the people needed laughter more than hatred, so even when he was helping people get through hard times, he didn't let his country's enemies of a thousand years and counting get his people down.

Putin should live and let live. russia already got its pound of flesh from each Ukrainian family from 1930-1948, give or take a year or so, when Russia did a massive slaughter on the Ukraine while the Western World was trying to control Hitler, Russia went after working farmers and their families in a mass genocidal purge of the Ukrainian families who actually served as bread basketeers for many countries all their lives, including providing products of food for Russia in times of their starvation. The nicer the Ukrainian people were to help the Russians, they were paid back with arrogance, thefts of their farms, animals, and crops year after year after year.

I will stand up for those good people as they have cried out to the Lord God, and he answered them with a man who stood up to the Goliath Russian machine. I used to like Russia, too, because I'm an artist, and I visited the Hermitage and witnessed the care those Museum employees who protected their irreplacable artifacts with not allowing people with flash cameras unwittingly destroy colors on rare Da Vinci painting and sculpture, one of the world's only saver of precious treasures of unique artists who put their all into giving the world their best quality of work in their specialties. Even so, next to human beings, even the best artifact is not above God's creation, who is mankind. The world is being sickened by videos and photographs of soldiers doing deviant unkindness to little girls and women before they torture and kill them, and then try to get rid of their crimes by abusing the corpses and putting the parts into mass graves like they don't matter enough to give them and their family consolation of acceptable respect and burial for the bereaved survivors of entire families, neighborhoods, small towns, communities, and wherever the fickle finger of fate were soldiers doing as their leaders directed them to do that sickens the world that has seen the pics and videos picked up by celular phones of people who may have never dreamed they would ever be recording crimes against humanity that the Russians are dishing out.

I am personally sick of the party the Russian Army is having to kill and hide, sexually assault Ukrainian little girls, women, and elderly women, and then hiding and burying the evidence in the form of broken bodies grossly pushed into shallow hollows with tractors delivering and pushing dirt over the dead in the most unceremonious way possible, also against the Geneva convention. I pray for God himself to intervene and save what's left of the dear people of Ukraine who got no judicial hearing for their unfair assassinations.
May those who did untoward things to the women as information and celular photos clarify a few crimes that show some, but not the majority of inhumanities practiced by the Russian assassination blitzkreig of Ukraine.
Zelensky is a con man and crook.
He is deep into drug dealing, sex trafficking of women, and money laundering.
Putin warn him several times to stop murdering thousands of ethnic
Russian people in the Donbas region of Ukraine.
And to quit seeking NATO membership.
But the criminal Zelensky refused to listen, and now is paying the price.
What he is saying is that the Tochka-U missiles that hit the Ukrainian train station, were owned the Ukraine, not Russia.
Russia has not had or used any Tochka-U missiles in decades.
He went on even further, about serial numbers, but that lost me.
Stop spreading Russian propaganda, you lying twat. Decades? Officially, the last Russian unit switched Tocka-U on 'more modern systems' only in 2019. How many such systems remained in storage, nobody knows.
The nuclear threat is obvious, NATO nukes on Russia's border.
There can be no defense against that.
It can never be allowed.
Just two of the articles at antiwar.com today on the threat of nuclear war:

First Priority – Avoid US War With Russia by Patrick J. Buchanan
If We Don't Want Nuclear War,
Why Are We Pushing for One?
by Ted Galen Carpenter

I think you must suspect the same objective of America as I. The hundreds of billions of dollars being sent to the Ukraine are intended on keeping this war going indefinitely, long after Russia has met it's objectives.

Russia fully understands that they are fighting America now, but how long can the pretending pretense be kept up?

Considering Russia's military strength compared to US/Nato, it can't end any other way than nuclear warheads being used by Russia.

The only way out now would be Zelensky's surrender but he's been eliminated from making the decision.

Can you imagine any other outcome?

China's involvement?

This just has to be WW3 already considering what's at stake.
This thread did not age well. The same general that Putin sent in to secure victory was injured in an attack and nearly got himself killed a week or so after he arrived. lol
Zelensky is a con man and crook.
He is deep into drug dealing, sex trafficking of women, and money laundering.
Putin warn him several times to stop murdering thousands of ethnic
Russian people in the Donbas region of Ukraine.
And to quit seeking NATO membership.
But the criminal Zelensky refused to listen, and now is paying the price.
With all due respect, Sunni Man, what the Russian communists did to the people of Ukraine was something they should have taken to NATO and/or the United Nations for a resolution. Because they neither asked for nor accepted international healp, they had no grounds for their maniacal genocide in the Ukraine nor anywhere else in the world. As a consequence, they got the impression they could get away with grand larceny and genocidal remedies to their differences with the people of Ukraine. This did not start with President Zelensky. It started many years before he was born. An alternative to war would have been to remove their alleged citizens back into the arms of Mother Russia. They didn't do it. They are now discussing among themselves how they're going to take Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the majority of Eastern Europe into their soul-killing universe. They're only using the Middle Eastern block because they too have committed atrocities against the Jewish community they welcomed to bring about fiscal security to themselves, and some countries become very jealous of these fiscally wise moneymakers, not realizing that the Jews pay a price for their wealth when they earn it the hard way. Many cultures have developed societies that are foolish and quickly ruined by unwise fiscal intelligence that requires a measure of scrimping by and putting savings to advantageous loans that get a return with interest on their investments. In other words, punishing people who use their heads and not their penises to shame women they rape for pleasure is a seriously bad idea. Without fiscal know-how, immoral societies seldom become resources of help to a brother in trouble. It's just that simple. I'm sorry to see Russia go down the path of genocide to bully small nations who could be their bread and butter had they employed the slightest amount of diplomacy geared toward mutual benefits. Instead of facing their own mistakes, Russia has bullied a small nation for the last time. And Putin should STFU about murdering people by poisoning the earth with nuclear wars they shall not win.
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This is a few days old but I haven't seen it mentioned here.

Dvornikov has apparently been relieved. He hadn't made any public appearances for a couple weeks.

"Also reportedly, Russia's command in the battle for Donbas has undergone another shakeup — the overall commander is now said to be Colonel General Gennady Zhidko. Like Dvornikov, he once commanded operations in Syria and also headed the Eastern Military District."

This is a few days old but I haven't seen it mentioned here.

Dvornikov has apparently been relieved. He hadn't made any public appearances for a couple weeks.

"Also reportedly, Russia's command in the battle for Donbas has undergone another shakeup — the overall commander is now said to be Colonel General Gennady Zhidko. Like Dvornikov, he once commanded operations in Syria and also headed the Eastern Military District."

Dvornikov may be gone, but I've read some queries as to whether Putin, who has been suffering a blood disease recently, has been represented by a look-alike in public for four days and is dead or not:

I found several other sources both here and abroad asking if Putin is still alive. I don't know the true answer, but there is sure a lot of speculation in the international press world.

Reuters Videos

Russia's Lavrov: Ukraine was invaded to stop nuclear threat​

March 1, 2022
STORY: "Ukraine still has Soviet technologies and the means of delivery of such weapons," Sergei Lavrov told the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament in a pre-recorded address. "We cannot fail to respond to this real danger."

He delivered the speech to a thin crowd since many diplomats including France and Britain staged a walk-out to protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

They stood in a circle outside the meeting for the duration of Lavrov's speech, holding a Ukrainian flag. Lavrov was supposed to attend the session in person but the visit was canceled, with Russia accusing unidentified EU states of blocking his flight path.

Ah, the olddd, you have weapons of mass destruction and that's why we are invading you excuse. *wink, wink* Where have we seen this playbook before, hmmm. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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