Putin Caves: Calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine

I just called to say I'm sorry!


RIYADH (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine, the White House said.

Russian troops said to be hiding positions, creating supply lines near Ukraine border | Fox News

Russian troops said to be hiding positions, creating supply lines near Ukraine border

once, just once, please think before you start a doomed to fail thread.

just ONCE
So let me get this right. Kerry presented a proposal for a diplomatic solution earlier in the week and Putin responded to the suggestions.

But Putin is caving? Responding to a US proposal is caving? OMG you people are really jumping the shark here.


Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Yeah..you see that is how it works.

It's called diplomacy.

You give your opponent an "out" as opposed to bombing them to smithereens.

And given the fact that doing that would end all life on earth?

If this works out? It's a win.

Diplomacy? It's about it time. You haven't displayed any from Washington. Neither from Ottawa, nor London.

Sanctions won't work on Putin and Russia. The G7 couldn't even ban Russia. They had to suspend themselves.
I read the article perhaps someone can clarify exactly what Putin caved on Russian troops are still in Crimea there is still large numbers of troops on the Ukraine border and Crimea is still annexed as part of Russia.
So let me get this right. Kerry presented a proposal for a diplomatic solution earlier in the week and Putin responded to the suggestions.

But Putin is caving? Responding to a US proposal is caving? OMG you people are really jumping the shark here.


Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Why, yes it is caving. Obama was running all over the world being very presidential while Putin was talking to... India. Pootin doesn't like that.

India, China, Germany oh he's been an extraordinarily busy President. Not one golf game.


By the way, it's being reported that Merkel is saying economic sanctions won't work. I'm waiting till I read it in Der Speigel but it looks to be true.

Hence Kerry had to submit a diplomatic proposal to Russia. G7 is between a rock and a hardplace.

Putin didn't cave. Far from it. He's going to annex Transnastia next. The phone call might have been to warn obama to keep his cocaine filled nose out of Moldava.
Rather than characterizing it as "Putin caves" you could say "Putin throws Barry a bone". It depends on the spin.
So let me get this right. Kerry presented a proposal for a diplomatic solution earlier in the week and Putin responded to the suggestions.

But Putin is caving? Responding to a US proposal is caving? OMG you people are really jumping the shark here.


Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

I saw the same thing and was about to comment on the same paragraph. lol
Putin puts 40 , 000 on the border. obama sends MREs. And obama wins? In what alternate universe is this obama wins? obama has been begging. Putin might have called to tell obama to stop bothering him.

More than likely though, what Putin did say was that he is forced to take additional steps to protect the oil pipelines from sabotage.

Putin called Obama to say....

"Good morning Mr. President. Just calling to ask you to... Please stop humiliating me all over the world. Please, please, I'm begging you please".

"Thank you MR. PRESIDENT!"
So let me get this right. Kerry presented a proposal for a diplomatic solution earlier in the week and Putin responded to the suggestions.

But Putin is caving? Responding to a US proposal is caving? OMG you people are really jumping the shark here.


Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Yeah..you see that is how it works.

It's called diplomacy.

You give your opponent an "out" as opposed to bombing them to smithereens.

And given the fact that doing that would end all life on earth?

If this works out? It's a win.

Diplomacy? It's about it time. You haven't displayed any from Washington. Neither from Ottawa, nor London.

Sanctions won't work on Putin and Russia. The G7 couldn't even ban Russia. They had to suspend themselves.

A little early to be drinking, darling. Of course they would work, because they are working NOW! The only reason why Putin is calling President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is because he is getting heat from the money people, the billionaires and oligarchs. Their stock market has lost a lot of value, and these businessmen see only future losses ahead on this path.

Russia needs the world economy a helluva lot more than vice versa.

Obama is fucking brilliant!
So let me get this right. Kerry presented a proposal for a diplomatic solution earlier in the week and Putin responded to the suggestions.

But Putin is caving? Responding to a US proposal is caving? OMG you people are really jumping the shark here.


Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Yeah..you see that is how it works.

It's called diplomacy.

You give your opponent an "out" as opposed to bombing them to smithereens.

And given the fact that doing that would end all life on earth?

If this works out? It's a win.
Only in your world is this a win.

Leadership would have seen the crisis and made moves to have prevented it to begin with.

Now, Putin can afford to call Obama and talk diplomacy. He has Crimea and Ukraine properly shaken up.

Do you even understand how the world works? Obama has lost this round, and Putin hasn't agreed to anything. It was likely a phone call to gloat.
It didn't even amount to a bone.

Sanctions won't work. Putin effectively checkmate that by announcing an intention to turn Crimea into Monte Carlo by building hotels and casinos.

Putin is six steps ahead of obama every time.
So let me get this right. Kerry presented a proposal for a diplomatic solution earlier in the week and Putin responded to the suggestions.

But Putin is caving? Responding to a US proposal is caving? OMG you people are really jumping the shark here.


Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Yeah..you see that is how it works.

It's called diplomacy.

You give your opponent an "out" as opposed to bombing them to smithereens.

And given the fact that doing that would end all life on earth?

If this works out? It's a win.

Diplomacy? It's about it time. You haven't displayed any from Washington. Neither from Ottawa, nor London.

Sanctions won't work on Putin and Russia. The G7 couldn't even ban Russia. They had to suspend themselves.

I see your butt still hurts from Putin getting his ass kicked out of the G8 and now this. LOL... gee it must suck big time to be you.
Another Obama win!!!


But don't worry...the Pootin lovers will say he meant it all along.

Let me know when Russia gives back Crimea. You Obama maniacs are hysterical.


Here is NPR's take:

Russian President Vladimir Putin called President Obama to "discuss the U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis in Ukraine," the White House said on Friday.

Obama And Putin Talk About Diplomatic Solution To Ukraine Crisis : The Two-Way : NPR

So Putin could have said, Uh, no, I will not do that, and somehow this is positive?

Its strange how differently each side sees this.

Obama: 'Bordering' on Hypocrisy

The current paradigm is not one of two world powers vying for spheres of influence. America's current president, running out of "red line" stunts to bolster his image as a real leader, is desperate to characterize President Putin's actions as evidence of a new Russian imperialism akin to Soviet expansion. Blogs are aflurry with baby boomers who lived during the Cuban Missile Crisis likening Russian geopolitical moves to Communist subterfuge. This is false, and wholly at odds with the facts available. Russian actions in Ukraine and Crimea are about border security, and nothing else.

How hypocritical must it appear to the rest of the world for a nation -- which has taken dramatic actions against third world countries it considers dangerous -- to condemn defensive actions taken by the Russian government to protect its borders from a violent Islamic overthrow of a neighboring government?

Even more alarming, evidence has surfaced indicating that the alleged "revolution" watched on American TV involves the same money and same literature used to stir up Muslims in Egypt and elevate the Muslim Brotherhood to power - literature financed and supplied by American actors.

What business does America have in attempting to influence Ukrainian relations with Russia? First, US money backed the failed "Orange Revolution," and now, similar staged events appear to be risking a "hot" conflict with Russia.

Would America not send troops south of the border if Iranian terrorist organization Hezbollah was building encampments and remote sites from which they planned to attack the United States? One would think so, but Hezbollah is, in fact, building encampments on the US southern border, and President Obama has done nothing to stop them, even suing states that attempt to enforce federal immigration law. But then, this is the same individual who believes the Muslim call to prayer is the "prettiest sound on Earth" and who invited unindicted 1993 World Trade Center bomber Siraj Wihhaj to give the invocation at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Wihhaj once remarked, "It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the US Constitution with the Qur'an."

Obama: 'Bordering' on Hypocrisy - English pravda.ru

The Russian view, ( I am not saying its accurate but that is one view)
Yeah..you see that is how it works.

It's called diplomacy.

You give your opponent an "out" as opposed to bombing them to smithereens.

And given the fact that doing that would end all life on earth?

If this works out? It's a win.

Diplomacy? It's about it time. You haven't displayed any from Washington. Neither from Ottawa, nor London.

Sanctions won't work on Putin and Russia. The G7 couldn't even ban Russia. They had to suspend themselves.

A little early to be drinking, darling. Of course they would work, because they are working NOW! The only reason why Putin is calling President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is because he is getting heat from the money people, the billionaires and oligarchs. Their stock market has lost a lot of value, and these businessmen see only future losses ahead on this path.

Russia needs the world economy a helluva lot more than vice versa.

Obama is fucking brilliant!

You have to understand you are nothing to the Russian economy. You hold no sway whatsoever.

You really need to expand past your media outlets to see what is happening the real world.

Putin just had a meeting with a mega investor in Russia from Germany. Hehehehe. The gentleman has no intention of cutting ties.
Putin is going to demand....

1) He keeps Crimea
2) No Missile Defense in Europe
3) The Russian puppets gets put back into power in Kyiv

or else he invades Ukraine and kills millions.

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